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Submission of Subsidy Claim under the SCLCSS for Quarter-3 of FY 2021-22


Submission of Subsidy Claim under the SCLCSS for Quarter-3 of FY 2021-22

Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise SME Section has announced the timeline for submission of subsidy claims under the Special Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (SCLCSS) for SC-ST MSEs vide a Notification dated 8th February 2022. Under this scheme, a 25% subsidy will be provided to SC/ST entrepreneurs for the procurement of Plant & Machinery. Micro/Small Enterprises of the manufacturing sector owned by the SC-ST entrepreneurs may submit their application to the concerned Prime lending Institution as per the prescribed timeline.

Special Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme

Special Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (SCLCSS) was introduced under National SC-ST Hub to promote the setting up of new enterprises by aspiring entrepreneurs and capacity building of existing MSEs for enhanced participation of SC/ST entrepreneurs in the public procurement.

As per the revised NSSH guidelines, the service sector has been included recently (i.e. 15.11.2021). All the SC-ST MSEs of manufacturing as well as the service sector shall be eligible for a 25% subsidy under the SCLCSS component of National SC/ST Hub (NSSH) for procurement of Plant & Machinery and equipment through institutional credit (maximum subsidy-Rs.25 Lakhs).

Important Announcement for SC/ST MSEs

With this Notification, MSME announced the timeline for submission of SCLCSS claims for Quarter-3 of FY 2021.22 by SC/ST MSEs of the manufacturing sector.

  • Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise announced that the SCLCSS/ CLCSS MIS portal is being modified for acceptance of SCLCSS claim applications in respect of Service Sector SC/ST MSEs.
  • The timelines for SCLCSS claims of service sector SC/ST MSEs shall be issued separately.
  • All the concerned nodal banks/agencies are hereby notified that fresh subsidy claims under SCLCSS for Quarter 3 of FY 2021.22 i.e. reference date from 1st October 2021 to 31st December 2021 are to be submitted through the existing Online Application and Tracking System of O/o DC-MSME i.e.
  • A window in the existing system (MIS) shall be operational zed during the state for the submission of applications under SCLCSS.  Ministry is informed that Login ID and Password will remain the same.
  • The claims under SCLCSS will be settled by NSIC with budgetary support available under NSSH.

Timelines for Submission of Subsidy claims under (SCLCSS)

Timelines for submission of subsidy claims under the Special Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (SCLCSS) for SC-ST MSEs of the manufacturing sector for Quarter-3 of FY 2021-2022 are given here.

Financial Year Reference Date Period of Submission ofc Period of Submission of Claims through Online System (Fresh claims at PLI level Timeline for submission of completed claims
PLI to Nodal Bank / Agency Nodal Bank / Agency to NSIC

01.10.2021 to 31.12.2021

(Q.1, Q.2, Q.3, and Q.4 of FY 2020-21)

10.02.2022 to 25.02.2022

From 26.02.2022 to 5.03.2022

During this period, Nodal Banks / Agency can also return the claims to PLIs for rectification, if any, and PLIs can also resubmit such claims to Nodal banks / Agency

Nodal Banks / Agency can also forward the claims to NSIC

No fresh claims will be accepted by PLIs during this period

 From 6.03.2022 to 11.03.2022


Only Nodal Banks / Agency can submit the claims to NSIC.

Application Procedure for submission of Subsidy claims

The procedure to submit the Subsidy claims for Special Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (SCLCSS) is as follows:

  • The completed application is being uploaded by the PLI through the Online Application and Tracking System to the attached Nodal Agency which, in turn, recommends the application online to the Office of DC (MSME) for release of subsidy.
  • All the concerned nodal banks/agencies are notified that fresh subsidy claims under SCLCSS for Quarter 3 of FY 2021.22 i.e. reference date from 1st October 2021 to 31st December 2021 are to be submitted through the existing Online Application and Tracking System of O/o DC-MSME
  • A window in the existing system (MIS) shall be operationalized during the prescribed timeline for the submission of applications under SCLCSS.  Ministry is informed that Login ID and Password will remain the same.
  • After processing of the application, The claims under SCLCSS will be settled by National Small Industries Corporation with budgetary support available under National SC-ST Hub (NSSH)
  • Funds are then transferred by the Nodal Agencies to the place where the account of the MSE is operated

Note: The nodal banks/ agencies would consider proposals only in respect of credit approved by their respective branches, whereas, for other Primary Lending Institutions (PLI), SIDBI and NABARD would be the nodal agencies for release of subsidy under this scheme.