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Digital Signature Vs Electronic Signature | Key Differences | Indiafilings Updated on: July 17th, 2023 11:13 AM

Difference between a Digital Signature and an Electronic Signature

Electronic Signature and Digital Signature certificates are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference between a Digital Signature and an Electronic Signature. Digital Signature is mainly used to secure documents. It is authorized by certification authorities, while an electronic Signature is often associated with a contract where the signer intends to do so. The present article briefs more details about the difference between a Digital Signature and an Electronic Signature.

Electronic Signature

A signature generally refers to the intention of acceptance of the information contained in a particular document. For the transactions that take place online, it is impossible to render the hand-written Signature. For the same purpose, a concept called electronic Signature has been invented in the digital world. The electronic signature signifies the consent and acceptance given by the signatory, thereby binding the customer. E-signatures reflect the authenticity of a transaction. Cryptographic digital data create the electronic Signature, and it is impossible to forge such e-signatures.

Electronic Signature under Indian Law

  • Electronic Signature has been brought into existence under Section 3A by the Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008.
  • Section 5 of the Information technology Act, 2000 considers the e-signature on par with physical signatures when they are done in the manner prescribed.
  • They are also admissible as evidence in the court of law as per Section 65-B of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872.
  • Section 67A of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 says that a signatory has to demonstrate that the electronic Signature belongs to him in case of any dispute related to e-signature on any document arises.
  • Section 66C of the Information Technology Act, 2000 renders punishment and penalty for identity theft, which also includes an electronic signature.

Digital Signature

A digital signature is a type of electronic signature that is encrypted and assures a signer’s identity. The Digital Signature is usually authorized because trusted authorities conduct verification of a digital signature. The best part about a digital signature is that it is more secure as compared to an electronic signature. Click here to get more details on Digital Signature Certificate

Difference between Electronic Signature and Digital Signature

Sl.No. Feature Electronic Signature Digital Signature
1. Purpose An electronic signature is utilized for verifying a document. A digital signature is used for securing a document.
2. Verification The verification of the electronic signature is not functioned by any trusted authorities. The verification of a digital signature is performed by authorities or trusted service providers. DSC can be easily validated
3. Security It is less secure as compared to the digital signature. The involvement of security features is minimal. It is more secure than electronic signatures. The involvement of security features is good.
4. Authorization This type of signature is generally not authorized. This type of signature is guaranteed authorized.
5. Usage Common types of electronic signatures are verbal, electronic ticks, or scanned signatures. Digital signatures are commonly based on Adobe and Microsoft.
6. Integration of coding It does not integrate any standards and coding. The digital signature includes encryption standards.
7. Advantages Easy to use but the degree of evidential value is lower Preferred over an electronic signature because of its higher level of authentication