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Andhra Pradesh Encumbrance Certificate - IndiaFilings Updated on: June 5th, 2024 12:00 AM

Andhra Pradesh Encumbrance Certificate

The encumbrance certificate is an important legal document that assures that a property is free from any monetary and legal liabilities. Encumbrance certificate (EC) is evidence that a property can be sold with a clear title, and the ownership can be transferred without any litigation. This certificate usually contains all the financial and legal transactions for a specified period that has been made concerning a property. In Andhra Pradesh, the Registration and Stamp Department issues the encumbrance certificate Andhra Pradesh. In this article, we look at the procedure for obtaining the Andhra Pradesh encumbrance certificate. Know more about Andhra Pradesh Property Registration and Pahani or Adangal – Andhra Pradesh

Importance of Encumbrance Certificate

The following are the importance of an encumbrance certificate Andhra Pradesh:
  • An encumbrance certificate must be furnished to get a property loan from financial institutions and banks to ensure that the land is not already mortgaged
  • This document of evidence of ownership title will be necessary for transferring property
  • In case of property tax is not paid for more than 3 years, encumbrance certificate needs to be produced with Village or Panchayat Officer for updating the land tax records
  • This certificate is mandatory to withdraw PF for property purchase and house construction

Details in Andhra PrEncumbrance Certificate

The below-given details relating to the property will be provided in the encumbrance certificate Andhra Pradesh:
  • Encumbrance Certificate will contain the name of the property owner
  • EC also includes details of a property  
  • This document will provide the complete property description as recorded in the Sale Deeds
  • Transactions related to a property will be mentioned in EC. The transactions details will be listed in chronological order
  • If the land is bought by loan then online EC Andhra Pradesh will contain details about a mortgage
  • For gifted deeds, details on gift settlement will be given in EC
  • Release Deed details will also be available in case of one of the partner released his share from the mutually purchased property

Applicable Fee for EC

Fee for conducting search and issue of Encumbrance certificates in Andhra Pradesh is below for reference:




Up to 30 years Rs.200
2 More than  30 years


Processing Time

The AP encumbrance certificate can be obtained within a day.

Encumbrance Search or Statement

The applicant can search encumbrance online through Andhra Pradesh Registration Department online portal. Note: Online eEC is available for transaction post 01-01-1983 only. Hence if anyone requires EC before 01-01-1983, they should approach SRO office concern. Search for eEC can be made by Document Number or Memo Number. For making online EC Andhra Pradesh search visit AP IGRS page and click on the encumbrance (EC) option. Homepage-Andhra-Pradesh-Encumbrance-Certificate Click on submit in the next page after reading guidelines. Encumbrance-statement-Andhra-Pradesh-Encumbrance-Certificate

Search eEC using the Document number

Select document number from the drop-down menu, Select year of registration and enter registered SRO. Enter captcha shown and click on submit. Search-criteria-Andhra-Pradesh-Encumbrance-Certificate Details of a particular property will appear.

Search eEC using Memo number

Select Memo number from the drop-down menu, Select year of registration and enter registered SRO. Enter captcha shown and click on submit. Details of a particular property will appear.

Search eEC using Nne option

If the applicant is selecting none option, the page will be redirected to the new page. Provide the following details to get EC.
  • District
  • Name
  • Details of building
  • Details of the site or agriculture land
  • Boundary details
  • SRO
Land-details-Andhra-Pradesh-Encumbrance-Certificate After providing details, enter captcha code and click on submit. eEC statement will be displayed. To obtain an encumbrance certificate for the property, follow the guidelines given below.

Applying Encumbrance Certificate through MeeSeva Franchise

The following are the procedure for applying the encumbrance certificate Andhra Pradesh through the MeeSeva franchise: Step 1: The applicant needs to visit the nearest MeeSeva Franchise.

Submit an Application

Step 2:  The applicant needs to submit an application in the prescribed format for the encumbrance certificate at MeeSeva Centre. Provide details of the document, registration year and SRO name. Note: Mention the mode of delivery of EC.

Fee Payment

Step 3: Pay the applicable fee to MeeSeva operator for processing encumbrance application.

EC Processing

Step 4: The request for encumbrance certificate will be processed online through AP Registration Department. The applicant will receive the updates of the EC application status through SMS. Step 5: The concerned authority, i.e., SRO, will process the encumbrance certificate Andhra Pradesh online and after successful verification, Sub Registrar officer will approve the encumbrance certificate request. Once the Encumbrance certificate request is accepted, an SMS will be sent to the registered mobile number as the application has been approved

Get Encumbrance Certificate

Once SRO approves the request, then Encumbrance Certificate will be dispatched through courier from franchisee to the address if Delivery Type is Speed Post Local or Non-Local. If delivery type is Manual, then the applicant can collect the Encumbrance Certificate from MeeSeva franchisee where they have applied for the certificate.

Applying for Encumbrance through IGRS – Online

The following are the procedure for downloading EC online through AP IGRS web portals: Step 1: Go to Andhra Pradesh Registration and Stamp Department official webpage. Step 2: Select Online EC option from the homepage. The page will redirect to next page. Homepage-Andhra-Pradesh-Encumbrance-Certificate Step 3: If the applicant is not a member of IGRS, they have to register in the portal for downloading EC. By clicking on the 'Click here' option, they can register. Public-online-service-Andhra-Pradesh-Encumbrance-Certificate Step 4: In the new page, the applicant has to enter the following details. After entering the details, click on submit button further to click here option. Citizen-Registration-Andhra-Pradesh-Encumbrance-Certificate
  • Name
  • Password
  • Mobile number
  • Aadhaar Number
  • User ID
  • E-mail
  • Address
Step 5:  The applicant will receive the user credential through SMS to the registered mobile number. Enter the user name and password. The applicant will get an OTP to registered mobile, enter OTP and Captcha. Click on submit Step 6: Once the applicant login to the page, from public online services, select the encumbrance certificate. Public-online-services-Andhra-Pradesh-Encumbrance-Certificate Step 7: In the new page, enter the following details to get encumbrance and click on submit.
  • Document number
  • Registration year
  • SRO name or code
Step 8: Details of the property will appear, in that click on next button. Signed or Unsigned EC options will appear on the next page. Step 9: Select unsigned certificate option from this page, the link will redirect to next page. Step 10: The applicant can see an option ‘select all’ on the left side of the page, click on that. All details related to property will be details. Click on Print to download the Encumbrance Certificate. Note:  If the applicant is choosing the signed certificate option, skip steps 9 to 10. After selecting the signed certificate option, the applicant will receive an OTP to the registered mobile number. Provide that and download the signed encumbrance certificate.

Andhra Pradesh Encumbrance Certificate FAQ

How can I apply for an encumbrance certificate from MeeSeva?
The applicant has to first visit the nearest MeeSeva franchise. An application is to be submitted to obtain an encumbrance certificate by providing the document details, registration year, and SRO name and pay the applicable fees.
What is an encumbrance certificate?
How can I check the Andhra Pradesh encumbrance certificate online?
Why encumbrance certificate is required?
What is the application fee for obtaining an Encumbrance Certificate?