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Revised Guidelines of National SC & ST Hub scheme (NSSH)-IndiaFilings Updated on: February 14th, 2022 8:53 AM

Revised Guidelines of National SC & ST Hub scheme (NSSH)

Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises vide a Notification dated 15th November 2021 has issued the Revised Guidelines of National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Hub scheme, (NSSH). The key objective of the NSSH scheme is to enhance the SC/ST entrepreneurs and to promote entrepreneurship culture amongst the SC / ST population. The Scheme authorizes the SC/ST entrepreneurs to participate in the public procurement process and fulfill the mandated target of 4% procurement from SC/ST enterprises under the Public Procurement Policy. The present article briefs the Revised Guidelines of the National SC & ST Hub scheme, (NSSH). For more details on National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Hub, click here

Synopsis of MSME Notification

Following the Budget Speech 2016-17, National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Hub (NSSH) scheme were formally launched by the Hon'ble Prime Minister in October 2016. Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises  through its notification Dated 15 November 2021 announced that the Standing Finance Committee (SFC) in its meeting held on 11.10.2021 has approved the proposal for the continuation of the National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Hub (NSSH) during 15thFinancial Cycle i.e. from 2021-22 to 2025- 26
  • The scheme is applicable from the date of sanction till 31.03.2026.
  • The total plan outlay of NSSH for the period from FY 2021-22 to FY 2025-26 would be Rs. 438 crore
Know more about Venture Capital Funds for Scheduled Caste

Definition of SC-ST MSEs

Ministry of MSME vides its memorandum dated 20th February 2014 clarifies the definition of SC/ST Enterprises as under:
  • In the case of proprietary MSE, the proprietor shall be SC/ST
  • In case of partnership MSE, the SC/ST partners shall be held at least 51% shares in unit c)
  • In the case of private limited companies, at least 51% shares shall be held by SC/ST promoters

Functions of National SC & ST Hub

The function of the National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Hub is listed as follows:
  • One of the key functions of the National SC & ST Hub is to encourage SC/ST owned MSE to achieve their share of at least 4% of total procurement being made by Central/State Governments, CPSEs, and other government agencies.
  • To prepare a strategy to sensitize, encourage and enable the SC/ST owned units to participate in Public Procurement Process
  • To collect, collate, and disseminate information of SC/ST enterprises and entrepreneurs
  • To Facilitate SC/ST Entrepreneurs to be part of vendor development programs and mentoring support by specific CPSE matching the products/services of such entrepreneurs
  • Organizing skill development programs for Capacity building of existing and prospective SC/ST entrepreneurs
  • To provide handholding and mentoring support to the SC/ST Entrepreneurs and to facilitate credit linkages for SC/ST entrepreneurs
  • Sharing of SC/ST MSEs data with CPSEs to enhance the procurement from SC/ST entrepreneurs
  • National SC & ST Hub will undertake outreach activities for the promotion of the scheme among the SC/ST population

Components under NSSH under NSSH

Various components/interventions have been introduced under NSSH to cater to the needs of SC/ST MSEs to provide a conducive ecosystem. The focus areas of the scheme are finance, technology, market linkages, capacity building
  • Special Credit Linked Capital Subsidy for technology enablement
  • Capacity building of existing & aspiring SC/ST
  • Support for enhancing competitiveness through various reimbursement sub-schemes/interventions
  • Special Marketing Assistance Scheme (SMAS) for SC/ST entrepreneurs
Note: The components under the National SC/ST Hub (NSSH) scheme shall remain co-terminus with the NSSH scheme.

NSSH Hub Structure

The Hub operates out of the National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) headquartered in Delhi, supported by a special cell created for this purpose. The following three communities aid in the functioning of the Hub:

High Powered Monitoring Committee (HPMC)-

This committee would be chaired by the Minister of MSME and supported by Minister/s of State (MSME s. It is primarily vested with the responsibility of monitoring the overall activity of the Hub at the highest level. High Powered Monitoring Committee will have the power to decide about any addition of new activities/ functions for the Hub.

Advisory Committee

Advisory Committee would be chaired by a representative of Industry Associations. It is primarily vested with the responsibility of advising the NSSH regarding the new interventions which can be incorporated for providing entrepreneurial support to SC/ST entrepreneurs. This committee will help in better implementation of the scheme by providing industry point of view to the hub.

Project Screening Committee (PSC)

This committee would be chaired by the Secretary (SME/NSSH) and supported by representatives from IFW, 0/o DC(MSME), KVIC, Coir Board, NSIC, and NSSH Cell.


This NSSH Cell is created by National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) which has introduced the National SC-ST Hub (NSSH) scheme and this cell will be chaired Senior GM level officer. The main function of the cell is to perform day to day operations related to the execution of the NSSH scheme The NSSH cell is reporting to Functional Director-NSIC, who is, in turn, reporting to CMD-NSIC.