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Legal Heir Certificate Manipur - Application Process - IndiaFilings

Legal Heir Certificate Manipur

A legal heir certificate is issued to the succeeding heir of a deceased person. The certificate is issued to transfer benefits such as a family pension, provident fund, gratuity, and the likes of it to the legitimate heirs. Legal heir certificate comprises of the name of the heirs, their age, relationship with the deceased, and the marital status of the surviving family members. The certificate is obtained by furnishing the death certificate, which is provided by the Major Panchayat, Municipality or RO of the particular Mandal where the demise occurred.

Legal Heir Certificate vs Succession Certificate

Albeit the similarities in its literary meaning, the nature of the document differs from each other. While a legal heir certificate is used to avail pension, gratuity, insurance and provident fund of the deceased; a succession certificate is meant for claiming the ownership of the property of the deceased, as well as to remit the debts or security on behalf of the deceased, or for that matter collect the same on behalf of the deceased. Moreover, a legal heir certificate is obtained from the Tahsildar, whereas a succession certificate is obtained from the civil court or in rare cases, the Supreme Court.


The wife, child, parents or siblings of the deceased can avail the legal heir certificate.

Required Information

The applicant claiming that the document must provide the following information:
  • Name of the deceased.
  • Name of the family members and their relationship with the deceased.
  • Signature of the applicant.
  • Date of application.
  • Residential address.

Required Documents

Furnish the following documents, to obtain the legal heir certificate.
  • Death certificate of the deceased
  • Death certificate of the appointed legal heir (if any)
  • Service certificate (if the deceased was a serving employee)
  • Pensioner payment slips (if the deceased was a pensioner)
  • An affidavit of self-undertaking
  • Proof of identity
  • Proof of residence
  • Proof of Date of Birth of the legal heirs
  • Ration card
  • Aadhaar Card


The following procedures will assist you in availing this vital document: Step 1:- Visit the Respective Offices To start with, visit the nearest Taluk/Tahsildar. Step 2:- Obtain the Application Form Obtain the application form from the Taluk office. Step 3:- Enter the Details                  Enter the essential details as demanded in the form. Step 4:- Affix a court-fee stamp Affix a court fee stamp of Rs.2 on the application (not required for SC/ST applicants). Step 5:- Submit the form Submit the form to the respective Taluk office. The applicant will be provided with two token numbers. Step 6:- Meet the concerned VAO/RI Meet the concerned VAO/RI and submit your details along with a list of ten references for additional verification, and obtain the VAO’s signature and seal. Step 7:- Furnishing of form to the Revenue Inspector Furnish the form signed and sealed by the VAO to the Revenue Inspector for verification. Step 8:- Submission to the Tahsildar Submit the above form to the office of the Tahsildar. The applicant will again be provided with a token number. The application procedure has now drawn to closure. The Tahsildar will issue the certificate within 16 days from the date of submitting the form.

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Post By IndiaFilings.

Updated on: March 5th, 2020