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Establishment of Brood Banks

Brood Banks

Establishment of Brood Banks

The growth and development of the aquaculture industry depend upon the quality of its feed materials. The Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying has launched the Establishment of Brood Banks programme to improve the growth and development of aquaculture by setting up several brood banks in all States/UTs across the country. The programme targets for enhancing the quality of brood fish by producing quality Fish Seeds of the Improved Varieties and supplying it to both Government and Private Fish Seed Farms. The Brood Seeds are then distributed to fish farmers for fish production by the government and private fish seed hatcheries. The major expenses spent for the implementation of scientific and technical manpower, record keeping, management of growth and health of the fish stocks, etc., are monitored and controlled under this program.

Objective of the Programme

The target goals of the Establishment of Fish Brood Banks programme are as follows:

  • Building multispecies brood banks to the source, select, increase and preserve Quality Brood Fish in the States and UTs.
  • To produce improved varieties of Fish Seeds through Selective Breeding/Genetic Improvement Programmes.
  • Producing and supplying improved varieties of breeder seeds to a chain of Registered Seed Multiplication Centres in specific States/UTs.
  • Encouraging the centres to the rear and handle the Brood Stocks.
  • Delivering the superior quality Breeder Seeds to the Government and Private Fish Seed Farms.
  • Tracking Government fish seed farms in all the States/UTs and develop it into Fish Brood Banks.
  • Conducting Selective Breeding/Genetic Improvement Programmes in the chosen Government Fish Seed Farms.

Brood Banks Established under the Programme

Under the initiation of the programme, several Brood Banks were established to enhance the production of healthy fingerlings with a strong hereditary base, increase their fertility and improve brood fish management. Some of them are as follows:

  • Freshwater Fish Brood Bank (IMC)
  • Marine Fin Fish Brood Bank
  • Mahseer Fish Brood Bank
  • Rainbow Trout Fish Brood Bank

Freshwater Fish Brood Bank

The success of the induced breeding of Indian Major Carps (IMC) depends mainly on the production of healthy and mature broodstock. Indian major Carp (IMC) Brood Banks with adequate infrastructure facilities are established to ensure the production of brood fish seed/stock size fishes/genetically improved broodstocks and distribute the improved stock breeds to the government/private hatcheries. The preference is given to enhance the domestic aquaculture industry and maintain the level of IMC production.

A total area of 5-hectare land is the establishment of IMC Brood Banks out of which 3-hectare property is taken up for the construction. The infrastructure facilities arranged under the programme are as follows:

  • Brood fish stock pond
  • Spawning pool
  • Incubation pool
  • Spawn lifting cistern (Brickwork)
  • Nursery tanks (RCC)
  • Rearing tanks (Earthern)
  • Brood stock-raising ponds
  • Quarantine tanks
  • Wild Brood Stock pond to segregate broods based on their genders.
  • Overhead tank to regulate water supply to the hatcheries
  • Office/Laboratory and storeroom
  • Construction of 11 kV sub-station to generate electricity
    • Power backroom
  • Security walls with bio-security features
  • Borewell & Pumping System, pipeline and sump facility to hold about 50,000 litres of freshwater.
  • Water purification system and drainage facility.

Funding Pattern

A sum of Rs.5 Crores is allocated under the programme to establish the mentioned infrastructures.

  • For the beneficiaries of the general states, the release of funds is shared between the Central, State Government and beneficiaries in the ratio of 24:16:60. The ratio varies for the backward and minority communities as 36:24:40.
  • For the beneficiaries from the North-Eastern States, the fund is shared between the Central, State Government and beneficiaries in the ratio of 36:4:60. The ratio varies for the backward and minority communities as 54:6:40.
  • The Central Government and beneficiaries share the assistance released to the Union Territories with the ratio of 40:60. The ratio varies for the backward and minority people as 60:40.

Marine Fin Fish Brood Bank

The increasing mariculture activities have triggered a high demand for the finfish seed requirement in the industry. Finfish, Cobia and Silver, are the most in-demand species due to its fast growth, demand in the domestic markets and economical farm gate price. The rules to improve the captive breeding, larva generation and cage farming of Cobia and Silver finfish is laid out effectively by the Mandapam Regional Centre of CMFRI.

Marine Fin Fish Brood Banks are set up with Re-circulatory Aquaculture Systems (RAS) to increase the seed production under biosecure conditions and enhance the employment opportunities of the mariculture fish farmers and entrepreneurs.

A sum of Rs.7.5 Crores is shared between the Central, State Government and beneficiaries to set up brood banks in the total land area of 1.2 hectares.

Funding Pattern

The funds allocated for the establishment of Marine Fin Fish Brood Bank are shared between the Central, State Government and beneficiaries as follows:

  • For the general community from the general states, the fund is shared in the ratio of 24:16:60, respectively. The ratio differs from 36:24:40 for the backward and minority community people.
  • For the North-Eastern states, the fund is shared in the ratio of 36:4:60 for the general category. The ratio varies to 54:6:40 for the backward and minority communities.
  • Funds allocated to the Union Territories are shared between the Central Government and beneficiaries with the ratio of 40:60 for the general communities, and it varies to 60:40 for the backward and minority communities.

Mahseer Fish Brood Bank

Mahseer fish, also known as ‘Tiger in Waters’, are predominantly found in the streams, rivers and lakes of ‘The Great Indian Himalayas’. The species is at the point of extinction due to climatic changes, illegal fishing and coexistence of good quality breeders. The Mahseer Brood Banks are established to produce superior quality Mahseer broodstock, distribute to the commercial hatcheries and address the issue of inbreeding depression.

A total assistance of Rs.4 Crores is spent on 2 Hectare land to build the following infrastructures:

  • Brood fish stock pond
  • Hatchery complex with packing unit
  • Nursery tanks
  • Rearing tanks
  • Brood stock-raising pond
  • Quarantine Facility and Hospital Tanks
  • Wild Brood Stock pond
  • Overhead tank
  • Office/Laboratory, Storeroom, Vehicle parking area, servant quarters, Generator room, security walls with biodiversity features

Funding Pattern

The funds allocated under the program are shared between the Central, State Government and beneficiaries as follows,

  • For the general community from the general states, the fund is shared in the ratio of 24:16:60, respectively. The ratio differs from 36:24:40 for the backward and minority community people.
  • For the North-Eastern states, the fund is shared in the ratio of 36:4:60 for the general category. The ratio varies to 54:6:40 for the backward and minority communities.
  • Funds allocated to the Union Territories are shared between the Central Government and beneficiaries with the ratio of 40:60 for the general communities and 60:40 for the backward and minority communities.

Rainbow Trout Fish Brood Bank

Rainbow Trout fish is the native breed of Pacific drainages and has a greater scope of expansion in cold water aquaculture. It is cultured largely in the Northern, North-Eastern and Southern States of India. The Rainbow Trout Fish Brood Banks are established under the program to produce superior quality rainbow trout eyed ova and seeds and healthy broodstocks for breeding.

A total area of 5-hectare land is utilised for the establishment of the brood banks out of which 3 hectares land is used for the construction of the building. The infrastructure facilities that are established under the programme are

  • Brood Rearing Raceway units
  • Nursery Rearing Raceway units
  • Grow out Raceway unit
  • Civil works for the water supply in the hatchery
  • Trough hatchery to incubate and hatch trout eggs
  • Feeding Trough, Hatching Tray, Filtration Tank
  • Stand for Trough, Tray & Indoor fitting & shed
  • Electrification & electric motor 5 Hp
  • Laboratory cum Feed store
  • Quarantine tanks
  • Office/Laboratory, Storeroom, Vehicle parking area, servant quarters, Generator room, security walls with biodiversity features

Funding Pattern

A total amount of Rs.3 Crores is utilised for the establishment of the Trout brood banks which is shared between the Central, State Government and beneficiaries as follows,

  • The sharing ratio of the fund for the general states is 24:16:60. The ratio varies to 36:24:40 for the backward and minority community of the general states.
  • For the north-Eastern states, the amount is shared in the ratio of 36:4:60. The ratio differs from 54:6:40 for the backward and minority communities of the North-Eastern states.
  • Funds allocated to the Union Territories are shared between the Central Government and beneficiaries with the ratio of 40:60 for the general communities, and the ratio varies to 60:40 for the backward and minority communities.

For more details, the fish farmers can approach below address:

National Fisheries Development Board

Department of Fisheries

Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt of India

“Fish Building” Pillar No:235, PVNR Expressway

SVPNPA Post, Hyderabad-500052.



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