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Maharashtra Legal Heir Certificate


Maharashtra Legal Heir Certificate

In the event of the sudden demise of the head of a particular family, the next direct legal heir of the deceased is responsible for cherishing the family’s existing legacy. In this article, we look at the eligibility and application procedure to apply for a Maharashtra legal heir certificate in detail.

Uses of the Document

Legal heir certificate will come in handy when there is a requirement to transfer an electricity connection, house tax, telephone connection, patta transfer, bank account, etc. When a government employee is deceased, the certificate is used to sanction family pension and to get a permit for compassion grounds. In addition to this, this document can state the relationship between the legal heir and the deceased which would be required to claim for insurance, pension, retirement benefits, service benefits or other central and state government schemes.

Documents Required

To obtain a legal heir certificate in Maharashtra, submit the following documents along with the application.

  • An application form that is duly filled.
  • Death certificate
  • Identity card
  • Ration card
  • Death certificate

Necessary Information

The following information has to be known about the deceased to apply for a legal heir.

  • Name of the deceased
  • Details of the family members of the deceased
  • Applicant’s Signature
  • Date of Application
  • Residential Address

Eligible Nominees

The following family members of the deceased are eligible to apply for Legal Heir certificate. However, the applicant has to carry the death certificate of the deceased to apply for the certificate.

  • Wife of the deceased
  • Husband of the deceased
  • Son of the deceased
  • Daughter of the deceased
  • Mother of the deceased

Maharashtra Legal Heir Certificate Application Procedure

The following steps have to be followed to apply for a Legal Heir Certificate in Maharashtra.

Step 1: Approach the Taluk Office

The applicant has to visit the Tahasildar or Taluk office. An alternate option to apply for the same is when the applicant can approach a lawyer from the District Civil Court.

Step 2: Receive the application form

The applicant has to obtain the application form from the concerned Tahasildar officer.

Step 3: Enter the details

The applicant has to enter all the required information in the application form.

Step 4: Attach the documents

Upon entering the details, the applicant has to attach all the mandatory documents to the application form.

Step 5: Affixing Stamp

The applicant has to affix a stamp of Rs. 2 in the application form.

Step 6: Submit the application

The applicant has to submit the application form to the authorised officer in the Tahasildar office.

Step 7: Verification Process

The application is verified by the Village Administrative Officer and Revenue Inspector.

Step 8: Issuing the Certificate

After completing all the verification process, the certificate will be issued by the concerned authority mentioning all the legal heirs of the deceased.

Fee Structure

The applicant has to affix a court fee stamp of Rs. 2 on the application.

Processing Time

The time taken to process the certificate is 15 days from the date of applying.

Contact Address

Concerned Window,

Mumbai City Collectorate,

Old Customs House, Ground floor,

Fort Mumbai-01.