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KIRAN-Women Scientist Scheme-B (WOS-B)

KIRAN-Women Scientist Scheme-B

KIRAN-Women Scientist Scheme-B (WOS-B)

To foster Women Empowerment in the field of Science and Technology, Government of India (GoI) provides fellowship programs like KIRAN (Knowledge Involvement in Research Advancement through Nurturing) Scheme. Women Scientist Scheme–B (WOS-B) is one among the scheme which focuses on the interventions of Science and Technology (S&T) for societal benefit.


Women Scientist Scheme (WOS) was launched to address the critical issues of “career-break”, identify neglected well-qualified women in the field of S & T and to provide opportunities to women scientists. The WOS-B scheme falls under the category of Knowledge Involvement in Research Advancement through Nurturing (KIRAN) established by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MST).

To encourage women to continue the research in S&T, MST provides Fellowships through the following categories:

  • Women Scientist Scheme-A (WOS-A) – Research in Basic/Applied Science
  • Women Scientist Scheme-B (WOS-B) – S&T interventions for Societal Benefit
  • Women Scientist Scheme-C (WOS-C) – Internship in Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) for the Self-Employment

To avail grants for WOS-B scheme, the applicant should provide a project proposal that would address the challenges in the society, offer possible solutions through the S&T platform and meet the norms of this scheme.

Objectives of WOS-B Scheme

  • To address the challenges faced by society and provide applicable solutions and developments to resolve the issues
  • Provide financial support to uplift and revive the career for women scientists
  • Provide a platform to conduct high-level research that would yield productive results
  • Identify qualified women scientists to re-enter in the scientific profession
  • Promote gender equality in S&T research, practice and innovations
  • Address the issues in adopting S&T for women

The Principle Investigator can provide research proposals on the following research areas

  • Agriculture and Allied Sciences (AAS)
  • Health, Food and Nutrition (HFN)
  • Engineering and Technology Development (ETD)
KIRAN-WOS-B_Details of Projects
KIRAN-WOS-B_Details of Projects

Duration of the Project

The duration of the project for WOS-B scheme is 3 years. However, the duration can be extended if the committee approves the first sanction order.

Sanction Order by DST

Sanction Order: The sanction order will be granted by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) upon approval of the project, total expenditure related to quotations, and relevant documents.

First Sanction Order: The First Sanction Order must provide the following Breakup of funds

  • Equipment cost
  • Details of Fellowship
  • Details of consumables
  • Travel expenses and
  • Other expenses
KIRAN-WOS-B_Funding Requirements
KIRAN-WOS-B_Funding Requirements


Note: In the case of discrepancy with DST, the applicant shall approach the concerned official quoting the sanction order number and date.

Change of Implementing Institution

  • If the PI shifts to another institution, the project can be transferred to the new institution upon mutual consent and by providing ‘No Objection Certificate’.
  • Any unclaimed amount shall be returned to DST
  • If the PI had to leave the institution, the grant should be returned to DST by providing Utilisation Certificate (UC) and Statement of Expenditure (SE)

Evaluation and Monitoring the Project

The project will be evaluated and monitored by the implementing institution. The Implementing institution shall assign a scientist or an expert panel to review the progress of the project. The progress of the project will also be monitored when PIs present the project in workshops, seminars or at review meetings arranged by DST.

Upon completion of the project, the PI should send the following details to DST for the final settlement of accounts

  • Project completion Report (3 copies)
  • Statement of Expenditure and Utilization Certificates audited and consolidated by a CA
  • List of all equipment and assets acquired for the project
  • If there are any unspent balances, the amount shall be sent to DST in favour of ‘Drawing and Disbursing Officer’ by DD or cheque

Guidelines for Registering IPR

  • PI can register on patents, registered designs, trademarks, copyrights and layout designs of integrated circuits (IC)
  • To collaborate for Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) with international sources, the PI should seek approval from DST
  • If the IPR created is funded by academic institutions, Government departments, and publicly funded Research and Development Institutions, the cost of filing the IPR should be from their own expenses and not from the grant. This form of IPR can be used for innovation and commercialisation.
  • All the details of IPR should be sent to DST

Funding Pattern for WOS-B Scheme

  • The grant for WOS-B Scheme is released annually by DST based on requirements and technical progress
  • The first instalment for the project will be based on First Sanction Order
  • The second and third instalment for the project will be based on expenditure pattern in the previous year and the requirement of expenditure for the next year
  • Grants for reallocation, re-appropriation and need for equipment should be approved by DST in advance to avoid cancellation or increase in expenditure

Eligibility Criteria to apply for WOS-B Scheme

  • The Principal Investigator (PI) should be in the age group of 27-57 years
  • Should be able to provide solutions through viable technology or technique, lab-to-land technology transfer and its methodology, process and adaption
  • PI should have completed the degree in the following degrees

S. No

Required Degree


Ph.D in Basic or Applied Sciences








M.VSc or equivalent qualifications






B.Sc in Basic or Applied Sciences
  • The research proposal should deliver solutions on the greatest challenges in society

Note: Full-time employees cannot avail this scheme.

Details of Grant provided for WOS-B Scheme

S. No.

Degree Grant allotted per month

Total Cost of the Project (excluding HRA and overhead)


Ph.D or equivalent


Rs.30 Lakhs


M.Phil or M.Tech or equivalent


Rs.25 Lakhs


M.Sc. or equivalent


Rs.20 Lakhs

The grant is provided to the PI for travel, consumables, contingencies and acquiring minor equipment.

Availing Second and Third Instalments of WOS-B Scheme

  • The original hardcopy of Utilisation Certificate (UC) and Statement of Expenditure (SE) must be sent to DST
  • PI can avail for the grant during the mid-financial year by getting approval through writing a formal letter to DST along with UC, SE and technical annual progress report
  • To seek the grant for the next year, PI should send year-wise UC to DST within a period of 3 months close to the date of the current financial year
  • To carry over funds from the previous year to next year, PI should obtain approval from DST
  • Any quantum of interest acquired through the project or grant must be deposited in the Consolidated Fund of India.

Process of Applying for WOS-B Scheme

To apply for WOS-B scheme, the applicant should register with DST. Click here for DST link

Step 1: Prepare a project proposal as per the norms of DST and enrol or collaborate with an Implementing Institution

Step 2: Furnish the requirements of the project such as the financial requirement to acquire equipment, collecting data and lab results with the Implementing Institution

Step 3: After furnishing all the details register with DST

Step 4: Open the DST website and Click on New PI Registration


Step 5: Fill all the details with valid credentials on the landing page and click submit


Step 6: After successful registration, an email will be generated to create a password

Step 7: Click the link on the email and create a password for logging into DST website

Step 8: After creating the password ‘Sign In’ to DST website to upload the project proposal along with the required documents as per the norms of DST

Step 9: Send two hard copies of the project proposal to DST

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