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Karnataka Legal Heir Certificate - Online Application - IndiaFilings Updated on: February 29th, 2020 12:00 AM

Karnataka Legal Heir Certificate

Legal heir certificate or surviving member certificate is an important document which is issued by the Revenue Mandal Officer to the surviving member of the deceased person. Legal heir certificate is used to establish the relationship between the heirs and deceased for claims related to pension, assets, provident fund or other benefits from State and Central Government. In this article, we look at the guidelines for obtaining the legal heir certificate in Karnataka.

Obtaining Legal Heir Certificate

Legal heir certificate is often required for transferring of a deceased person's property. The surviving members of a deceased person's family can claim for the settlements of property using a legal heir certificate.

Eligibility Criteria

The following persons are eligible to apply for legal heir certificate in Karnataka:
  • Wife of the deceased person.
  • Son or daughter of the deceased person.
  • Father or mother of the deceased person.
  • Sibling of the deceased person.

Government Charges

The applicant can apply for a legal heir certificate by remitting a fee of Rs.15. The legal heir certificate will be issued within 7 working days from the date of application.

Documents Required

At the time of submitting the application form, furnish the following documents:

Online Application Procedure

To register for legal heir certificate, follow the steps specified here. Step 1: The applicant has to visit the official website of the Karnataka Government. Step 2: Click on "Apply Online" option which is visible on the homepage. [caption id="attachment_54713" align="aligncenter" width="535"]Karnataka-Legal-Heir-Certificate-Home-Page Karnataka-Legal-Heir-Certificate-Home-Page Step 3: The login page will appear and enter the registered mobile number. Step 4: Click on "Proceed" button to enter into the Nadakacheri home page. [caption id="attachment_54714" align="aligncenter" width="608"]Karnataka-Legal-Heir-Certificate-Apply-Online Karnataka-Legal-Heir-Certificate-Apply-Online Step 5: Select the "New Request" option in the menu bar and click on the "Surviving Family Member". [caption id="attachment_54715" align="aligncenter" width="714"]Karnataka-Legal-Heir-Certificate-Surviving-Family-Member Karnataka-Legal-Heir-Certificate-Surviving-Family-Member Step 6: On the next page the application form will appear on the screen. Step 7: Fill up the form with the required details and upload the scanned documents. [caption id="attachment_54716" align="aligncenter" width="719"]Karnataka-Legal-Heir-Certificate-Upload-Documents Karnataka-Legal-Heir-Certificate-Upload-Documents Step 8: Click on "Save" button to submit the application successfully. Step 9: Now click on "Online Payment" to pay the application fees. Step 10: Finally the certificate can be downloaded from the Nadakacheri after successful payment. Note: The applicant will receive an acknowledgement number to the registered mobile number to check the application status online.

Track Application Status

Step 11: Click on "Get Status" option from the menu. Step 12: Enter the acknowledgement number and click the "Find" button to view the status of the application. [caption id="attachment_54717" align="aligncenter" width="718"]Karnataka-Legal-Heir-Certificate-Track-Application Karnataka-Legal-Heir-Certificate-Track-Application

Download Certificate

Step 13: Click on "Print" button which is next to the get status option. Step 14: Enter the acknowledgement number and click the "Search" option. [caption id="attachment_54718" align="aligncenter" width="719"]Karnataka-Legal-Heir-Certificate-Download Karnataka-Legal-Heir-Certificate-Download Step 15: Then the legal heir certificate will appear on the screen. Step 16: Click on "Download Certificate" option.

Validity of Legal Heir Certificate

The legal heir certificate is valid for the entire lifetime, and hence there is no need for renewal.