Jharkhand Factory Registration
Jharkhand factory registration is mandated by the Factories Act, 1948 to ensure that a factory complies with the stipulated rules and safety guidelines. Upon registering a factory, the Government of Jharkhand issues a factory license. This license is a document of authorisation for granting permission to regulate and carry out manufacturing pursuits from a particular locality. In this article, we look at the procedure for obtaining Jharkhand factory registration in detail.Factories Act, 1948
According to the Factories Act, any person who wants to construct, reconstruct, or extend any Building as the factory in Jharkhand has to get prior permission from the respective authority before the commencement of the manufacturing process. The Factories Act was established to ensure the installation of adequate safety measures and promote the health and welfare of the workers employed in the factories. Also, it strives to curtail the hazardous growth of factories. To complete the Jharkhand Factory Registration and to obtain a factory license, you need to follow three steps:- Obtain Consent for Establishment – Approval of Plan and Permission to Construct, Re-construct or extending any building as a factory
- Obtain Consent for Operation – Registration of Factory and Get license under the Factories Act, 1948
Eligibility Criteria
Factories in which ten or more workers are employed with power being used in the manufacturing process and factories engaging twenty or more workers without using power in the manufacturing process need to be registered in Jharkhand under the Factories Act, 1948. Any entrepreneur who wishes to construct, reconstruct, or extend any building as a factory in Jharkhand needs to get plan approval and permission to build, extend, or use any structure as a factory. After construction, the factory owner has to register the factory under the Jharkhand Factories Act, 1948.When to Apply?
Application for Factory Plan Approval
Before starting construction/reconstruction of a factory or in case of expansion of the factory, the entrepreneur needs to apply for approval of the factory plan and to obtain permission.Application Factory License
If the request for approval of the factory plan and permission to construct or extend a building as the factory has been successfully accepted before the commencement of manufacturing operation, you can register the factory in Jharkhand and apply for a factory license.Licensing Authority
Department of Labour, Employment & Training, Government of Jharkhand, facilitates the process of Jharkhand Factory Registration. The prescribed authority for Jharkhand Factory Registration is tabulated here:S.No | Workers in Factory | Prescribed Authority |
1 | More than 50 workers | Chief Inspector of Factories |
2 | 50 or fewer workers | Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories |
Validity of License
The permission and plan approval granted under the Jharkhand factories act to construct or extend or using any building as a factory is valid for a lifetime from the date of issue. The Jharkhand Factory license issued will be valid for a year.Renewal of Jharkhand Factory License
The factory licensee needs to renew every year. Every licensee should pay an annual license fee before the commencement of any calendar year.Processing Time
The timeline to complete Jharkhand Factory registration and to get a factory license is listed below:- The plans to construct a factory in Jharkhand will be approved within thirty days of the application's submission.
- Jharkhand factory license and Fees will be issued within ninety days from the time of application.
- Factory License (Renewal) will be completed within 30 days from the date of application.
Applicable Fee
For Jharkhand factory registration, the applicant must pay a prescribed fee per the proposed schedule. The price for factory registration is based on the Total rated capacity (Power) of the Machinery and Plants installed and the Maximum number of persons to be employed on one day during the year for which the license is to be taken. You can get the fee schedule online through the official website Shramadhan, Government of Jharkhand.

Calculate Fee Online
The procedure to calculate fees online in Jharkhand is explained in detail below: Visit the homepage of the Department of Labour, Employment & Training. From the home page service option and click on factories act. By clicking on calculate fee option, the link will redirect to new page.
- Year of the start of Manufacturing Process
- Maximum Number of Person Proposed to be Employed
- Total rated capacity (Maximum) of Machinery (H.P.)
- Electricity Power (Maximum) by Generating Station (K.W.)
- Electricity Power (Maximum) by Transforming Station (K.W.)

Documents Required
Documents Required for Jharkhand factory registration is explained in detail below: Documents for Plan Approval- Address Proof
- PAN Car
- A flowchart of the manufacturing process augmented by a brief explanation of the process in its various stages
- List of Plant and Machinery
- Project Report
- Land Paper Proof - A copy of the registered sale deed, lease deed, and rent agreement.
- In case of lease deed or rent agreement consent of the owner of the land.
- In the case of rental agreements, address proof of the owner is to be furnished.
- Factory plan in .dwg format drawn to scale to be uploaded. The plan should contain the following information:
- Site Plan - The site of the factory and immediate surroundings, including adjacent buildings and other structures, roads, and drains.
- Plan elevation and cross-section - The plan elevation and necessary cross-sections of various buildings indicating all relevant details related to natural lighting, ventilation and means of escape in case of fire. The plans will also clearly indicate the position of the plant machinery, aisles and passageway
Document for Factory Registration
- Treasury Challan or Online Payment gateway
- Land Paper Proof - A copy of the registered sale deed, lease deed, rent agreement.
- In case of a rental agreement or lease deed- consent of the owner of the land. In case of rent agreement, address proofs of the owner are to be furnished.
- ID and Address proof of occupier
- ID and Address proof of factory manager
- In case of a public limited company: List of Board of Directors, Memorandum of Article of Association, Resolution of the Board of the director regarding the occupier of the factory
- In case of Proprietary Firm – No extra document
- In case of Partnership firm – Partnership deed with a list of partners
- In case of a factory owned or controlled by the central government or State Government or any local authority, name and address of the person appointed to manage the affairs of the factory
- CTE/CEO issued by Pollution board
Jharkhand Factory Registration Application Procedure – Manufacturing
The procedure to completed Jharkhand factory registration in Chhattisgarh is explained in step by step procedure here:Application Procedure for Approval of plan and permission to construct Factory
Step 1: Visit the home page of Single Window Clearance System From the main page, click on the sign-up/Login option, the link will redirect to the new page.
User Registration
Step 2: In this new page, you can see the option new registration, Click on the link to open the Registration form.

OTP Request
Step 4: By clicking on submit, an OTP will be sent to the registered mobile number. The system will prompt a window to enter the OTP sent to the mobile number. Provided the same for verificationEmail Confirmation
Step 5: An email will be sent to the registered mail ID, click on the link for activating the account. Step 6: Once the email and mobile number are verified, you can log in to the portal using the login id and password.Login to Portal
Step 7: After login to the portal, the services of a single window portal will be displayed. You can apply for Jharkhand factory plan approval by clicking on CAF and select Apply for Factory Plan Approval under Factories Act.Provide Details
Applicant has to start filling the form and provide the following details:- Online Form I Details Factory Basic Details
- Applicant Details
- Factory Address Details
Application Verification
Step 10: After checking the application form, the concerned Inspector of Factories will conduct a field level inspection. After verifying the factory premises, the IF forwards online recommendations to Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories (DCIF). Step 11: Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories will also visit the site for further verification. DCIF will send a recommendation to Chief Inspector of Factories (CIF) after receipt of a recommendation from IF if a number of employees are 50 or more. When a number of employees are less than 50, DCIF approves/rejects Factory Plan Approval application. Step 12: When a number of employees are 50 or more, Factory Plan Approval is issued with conditions by CIF with intimation to IF and DCI.Status of Application
The online system will send SMS to the applicant at each stage of progression of application.The issue of Factory Plan Approval
If the application found satisfactory, the component authority will approve the application, and the Factory Plan Approval certificate will be made available at the applicant dashboard in SDP portal. By login, to the Single Window Clearance System portal, you can download the digitally signed factory approval certificate.Application Procedure for Jharkhand Factory Registration
The Application Procedure for Jharkhand Factory Registration is explained below:Login to Portal
Step 1: After login to the portal, the services of a single window portal will be displayed. You can apply for Jharkhand factory registration and license by clicking on Labour and select Registration and License for Factory under Factories ActProvide Details
Applicant has to start filling the form and provide the following details:- Name and Address of factory
- Number of workers
- Procedure for Registration and License under Factories Act, 1950
- Total Power installed
- Brief of the manufacturing process
- Generator capacity
- Transformer capacity
- Land Details
- Map approval letter number and date
- Details of Factory Manager: Name and address, Fathers name, Email id and Phone
- number Address proof, Id proof
- Occupier Details: Name, Father’s Name, Address, Email id, Age, Phone Number
- Land, Building Owner details: Name, Father’s name, Id proof and Address proof
Application Verification
Step 5: After checking the application form, the concerned Inspector of Factories will conduct a field level inspection. After verifying the factory premises, the IF forwards online recommendations to Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories (DCIF). Step 6: DCIF will send a recommendation to Chief Inspector of Factories (CIF) within eight days of receipt of a recommendation from Inspector of Factories. Step 7: The allotment of registration number and license will be issued within ten days from the date of application.Status of Application
The online system will send SMS to the applicant at each stage of progression of application.Download Factory License
By login, to the Single Window Clearance System portal, you can download the digitally signed factory license.Renewal of Jharkhand Factory License
The procedure for renewing Jharkhand Factory License is explained in detail below: Step 1: You need to login to FBIS portal, after login to the portal, select services-factories and Click on Renewal of license. Step 2: The application forms for renewal of license will be displayed, fill all necessary fields for Renewal. Step 3: Upload document and make payment or upload challan already generated. Step 4: After uploading a document, you can submit the application form. Once the application is submitted, a unique case number will be generated. Upon verification by the authorities, License will be renewed.About the Author
RENU SURESHRenu Suresh is a proficient writer with a knack for turning intricate legal concepts into clear, actionable advice. Her articles empower entrepreneurs by providing the knowledge they need to navigate the complexities of business laws, ensuring they can start and manage their businesses effectively.
Updated on: May 24th, 2024
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