IPINDIA Trademark Status – IRDI Number & Application
IPINDIA Trademark Status – IRDI Number & Application
Trademark registration can help an Entrepreneur protect a brand from being copied. The first step in trademark registration, is filing of trademark application. After filing a trademark application, the Trademark Registrar Office will process the application over a period of 6 – 12 months. Throughout this period, an Entrepreneur must keep visiting the Trademark Registrar website to check on the status of the application. In case of objection or opposition, the Entrepreneur would be required to respond to the application within the time provided to ensure that the application does not become abandoned. In this article, we look at the procedure of IPIndia trademark search and trademark status check. You can also check trade mark status on IndiaFilings using the Trademark Search tool. In addition, you can refer to this article to understand the meaning of trademark status.
Procedure for Trademark Status Check
Here is the step-by-step process for the IPIndia trademark search to check the trademark registration status,
Step 1: Access IPINDIA Website
The most recent and up-to-date information on trademark applications can be found on the IPINDIA website. Go to the IPINDIA Trade mark Status page to begin your IPIndia trademark search
The user is directed to the E-register main page with four options.
- Trademark Application/Registration Mark
- Trademark Indexes
- Receipt/Acknowledgement for Postal Application
- Track Legal Certificate Requests
Click on the Trademark Application / Registered Mark button on the left-hand side.
Step 2: Select National/IRDI Number
Select National/IRDI Number radio button to continue the trademark registration status check.
Step 3: Provide Trademark Application Number
Provide the trademark application number and complete the CAPTCHA to continue with the trademark application status-checking process.
Step 4: View Trademark Application Information
On completing the captcha code, the system will return the most up to date trademark application status along with list of all documents filed with the trademark application.
After you get the result from your trademark registration status check, you need to understand the meaning of the shown status to give a prompt response.
To know about the meaning of each trademark application status, read – Understanding Trademark Status in India