India Design Mark - Application Procedure - IndiaFilings

India Design Mark

India Design Mark is the design recognition from the Indian Government through India Design Council. Through India Design Council, any global enterprise, MSME or cottage industry can apply for India Design Mark for their products. In this article, we look at the application procedure for obtaining India Design Mark in detail.

Objectives of India Design Mark

The objectives of the India Design Mark are:
  • To recognise good design by following a transparent evaluation process of recognition.
  • To augment the competitiveness of industrial output for export markets and domestic consumption.
  • To act as a reference for purchase decision as it indicates good design in terms of product quality, functionality and usability.
  • To promote the value of design in the industry by promoting India design.
  • To undertake awareness programs in Intellectual Property Rights and provide a workshop on intellectual property management.

Benefits of India Design Mark

The benefits of the India Design Mark are listed below:
  • India Design Mark provides quality and excellence of the product through an independent and third-party assessment
  • India Design Mark provides a reputation for the company in both trust and assurance.
  • India Design Mark provides businesses with strong differentiation from their competitors.
  • India Design Mark signifies excellence in form, function, quality, safety, sustainability and innovation and communicates that the product is usable, durable, aesthetically appealing and socially responsible.
  • India Design Mark provides international export worthiness of the product.
  • India Design Mark is excellent for new products launched in the market.

Eligibility Criteria for the Product

The following are the conditions to be satisfied by the product opting for India Design Mark:
  • The product should satisfy any two of the three requirements like Made in India, Designed in India or Sold in India.
  • The product should be in the market at the time of application.
  • The product must be a complete product.
  • The product should have been introduced as the new product in the market during the course of 1st January 2017 and 16th July 2019.

Ineligible Entries

  • Any entries in the prototyping stage.
  • Any entries under the litigation for violation of patent, trademarks, design mark or any intellectual property related provisions.
  • Any entries that are copies of other products available in foreign or Indian markets.

Other Conditions

  • An application can be made by the manufacturer or brand owner of the company or by the designer.
  • An applicant is allowed to submit any number of entries in any category.
  • The India Design Mark will be issued in the name of the brand owner company along with the design credit.
  • In case of product family where many product elements from single product offering or product with same basic design attributes but with minor changes in such case single application are entertained.

Categories of Entry

  • Lifestyle Products
  • Home and Office Appliances
  • Industrial Equipment
  • Furniture and Equipment
  • Automotive and Transportation
  • Software and Digital Products

Application Procedure for India Design Mark

To apply for India Design Mark, follow the steps given below: Visit India Design Council portal Step 1: The applicant needs to register an online account using the India Design Council portal. [caption id="attachment_99159" align="aligncenter" width="909"]India Design Mark-Image 1 India Design Mark-Image 1 Step 2: Upon registration, a confirmation mail will be received on the registered email address. Step 3: Now, by clicking on the link in the confirmation mail, you can access the online account throughout the application process. Complete the Application Step 4: Complete the application process by start filing the application form. Step 5: Choose the appropriate entry to review categories and sub-categories of the entries that are essential for the evaluation process. Upload Entry Images Step 6: After filling the application form, upload the six different images of the respective entry. Step 7: Then, the final submission has to be made on or before the specified date. Final Submission of Application Step 8: Before making the final submission, the application can be edited to make any changes in the application form. Step 9: The application should be submitted any at the time prior to the last date of the application. Payment of Fee Step 10: On final submission of the application, an invoice for payment of application fee will be generated. Step 11: Provide the payment towards the application fee, and the payment once made is not refundable under any circumstances. Note: If your entry is qualified at the end of stage-1, the physical product can be sent the stage-2 assessment by remitting the payment for stage-2 assessment fee for declaration of result.

Application Fee

The application fee for the India Design Mark is scheduled below: Stage-1
S.No Category 1st Stage Assessment fees early-bird entry 1st stage Assessment Fees
1. Cottage industry Rs.3000 Rs.5000
2. Micro, small and medium enterprises Rs.8000 Rs.10000
3. Medium and large industry Rs.12000 Rs.15000
Note: Apart from the above-scheduled fee, GST at the rate of 18% is included additionally.
S.No Category 2nd Stage Assessment fees Exhibition Fees
1. Cottage industry Rs.10,000 Rs.3,000
2. Micro, small and medium enterprises Rs.20,000 Rs.3,000
3. Medium and large industry Rs.30,000 Rs.3,000
Note: Apart from the above-scheduled fee, GST at the rate of 18% is included additionally. India Design Mark Annual Usage Fee
S.No Retail price of the Product India Design Mark usage fee
1. Less than Rs.10,000 Rs.10,000
2. From Rs.10,000 to Rs.1,00,000 Rs.50,000
3. From Rs.1,00,000 or above Rs.1,00,000
  Author: KARTHIGA A
Post By IndiaFilings.
Updated on: January 9th, 2020