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Post by: Renu Suresh in Patents
What is Patent: Meaning, Search, and Registration Procedure Patents safeguard intellectual property rights for newly developed products, services, and processes. To establish and enforce these rights in India, patents must be registered following the Indian Patent Act of 1970. The…
Post by: Renu Suresh in Patents
Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2021 Ministry of Commerce and Industry has further amended the Patents Rules, 2003 in a notification dated September 23, 2021, to be called Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2021. The Amendment is brought under Rule 7 which prescribes the…
Post by: IndiaFilings in Patents
Patent Filing Procedure Patent laws in India are governed by the Indian Patent Act, 1970, which deals with the registration, renewal, transfer and protection of patent rights in India. For an invention to be patent-able, it must be novel, have an…
Post by: IndiaFilings in Patents Trademark
Inventions Not Patentable in India For an invention to be patentable in India, the invention must be a new product or process, involving an inventive step and capable of being made or used in an industry. Further, the invention must also meet…
Post by: IndiaFilings in Trademark
Patent vs Copyright vs Trademark Patent, copyright and trademark are all types of intellectual property rights that provide the creator an exclusive right over the use of his/her creation of mind for a limited amount of time. Entrepreneurs who are…