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Punjab Society Registration - Eligibility & Requirements - IndiaFilings

Punjab Society Registration

Society or association is a group of people with an aim and objective for the specified purpose which results in a non-profitable service. According to the provision of Punjab Societies Registration Act, 1860, a society registration can be done through the office of the Registrar in which district the society is intended to be established. In this article, we look at the requirements and eligibility for Punjab Society Registration in detail.

Purpose of Society Registration

As per the provision of Societies Registration ( Punjab) Act, 1860, society is as a group of individuals united together by agreement to deliberate, determine and cooperate for the following reasons:
  • Promotion of education, science, the literature of fine arts.
  • For maintaining the library or reading room for common use among the members or upon to the public.
  • Promotion of Khadi and Village industry and social welfare.
  • Instruction or diffusion of useful knowledge or political education.
  • Works of art, the collection of natural history
  • Military orphan funds
  • Instruction or diffusion of useful knowledge or political education
  • Foundation or maintenance or libraries.
  • Mechanical and philosophical inventions, instruments or designs
  • Public museums and galleries of paintings.
  • Establishment and maintenance of galleries of paintings and other works of art.
  • Establishment and maintenance of public museums.
  • Works of art, the collection of natural history.

Acceptability of Names for Society

Place or societies should not have the same names as per the provisions of Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, 1950. If the name is registered or prohibited by State or Central Government then such names are also not allowed for a Society. Besides, Government emblems and names, the name of the Indian Institute or University are also cannot be permitted.

Bye-Laws of Society

Bye-Laws serves for the following specific purposes and also act as evidence of Society Registration in Punjab.
  • For identifying society's name and address.
  • Information related to activities of the society.
  • Details of the manner of meetings to be held, quorum, function and responsibilities.
  • Society membership details include admission, eligibility, withdrawal and termination of members.
  • Details of office bearers and their appointment, removal, recall and election.
  • Data’s related to internal matters of the settlement of civil disputes and dissolution of the society.
  • Finances related data’s such as types of funds and liability of members for the discharge of debts.

Memorandum of Association (MOA)

Memorandum of Association of Society is also as NGO registration form in which MOA contains the following details as below:
  • Society Registration
  • Name of the Society.
  • Location of Registered Office.
  • Objects and aims of the Society.
  • Name, occupation and designation and address of governing body should be given according to the Rules & Regulation of the Society.
  • The Memorandum of Association along with the signature of at least seven members of the society.
  • A person other than the signatories should witness the signature of the subscribers to the memorandum of Association.
  • The witness details.
  • Copy of Resolution of the first meeting.
  • Two separate documents under section 1 and 2 of the Act.
  • Association and Copies of Rules and Regulations.
  • A sum of Rs. 500 (Rs. Five hundred) towards the registration fee under the head Societies Registration Act. 1860, and original the receipt will be sent to this office as a token of payments.
  • Self-attested photographs, name, address/Telephone Number, occupation, designation and signature of members of Governing Body.
  • Witness (Advocate or Gazetted Officer or Notary)
  • ID Proof of residence of all members of Governing Body.
  • Covering letter application for the registration of society to Deputy Registrar of the concerned district from the Secretary/President of the Society

Required Documents

The following documents are essential while applying for the society registration in Punjab:
  • Four copies of bye-laws of the society
  • A certificate from the bank, which should state the credit balance in favour of the proposed society.
  • A list of persons who share the capital amount and the entrance fee.
  • A copy of the scheme should include the details explaining the society's economic growth and sustainability and where the plan envisages the holding of immovable property by the society, the description of an immovable asset proposed to be purchased, transferred or acquired to the society.
  • A copy of the file resolution passed at the promoter's meeting while appointing the Chief Promoter, which should be duly signed by the promoters.

Application Procedure for Punjab Society Registration

The State Government of Punjab approves the Society Registration through Assistant  Registrar under whose jurisdiction the applicant society comes. Step 1: To register a Society Registration in Punjab, the applicant should prepare the application, required documents and the affidavit in a prescribed format. Step 2:  Draft a Memorandum of Association and By-Laws of the society. Also, the Memorandum and By-Laws are strictly to be as per the guidelines in Society Registration Act and must be used only for the charitable purpose. Step 3: Then take the address proof of all the members of the society and one of the registered address of the society. Draft a Board Resolution where all the members had desired to form a society together with the approval of the name of the society. Step 4: Finally, the applicant should submit all the documents to the office of Additional Registrar-Cum- General Manager, District Industries Center of the respective District.

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Post By IndiaFilings.

Updated on: March 7th, 2020