Patent Search India
In India, performing a patent search is a crucial step for inventors, businesses, and researchers to ensure the originality and patentability of their inventions. The Indian Patent Office, under the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks (CGPDTM), provides an accessible online patent search tool to explore existing patents. Patent search India can be done to improve the chances of obtaining a patent registration or to find information about new inventions with patent protection. By searching the Indian Patent Database, users can check patent status, review detailed specifications, and examine the claims and abstracts of previously granted patents. In this article, you will find information on patent search, how to check patent status, Indian patent search by number and more. Easily conduct a patent search and register your invention with the expertise of IndiaFilings IP specialists! [shortcode_32]Importance of Patent Search India
Here are some of the points emphasising the importance of patent search India,- Ensures Patentability: A patent search India helps determine whether your invention is novel and meets the criteria for patentability, including novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability.
- Avoids Infringement: Conducting a Indian patent search by number ensures that your invention does not infringe on existing patents, helping you avoid future legal disputes or costly litigation.
- Saves Time and Resources: By identifying prior art early in the process, a patent search can save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on developing an invention that may not be patentable.
- Enhances Patent Filing Strategy: Indian patent search by number allows inventors and businesses to strategise their patent filings by identifying potential competitors, relevant technological areas, and gaps in existing patents.
- Strengthens Patent Applications: A comprehensive Indian patent search by number enables applicants to refine their patent claims, ensuring a stronger and more competitive application.
- Facilitates Market Research: A patent search India provides valuable insights into current trends, technological advancements, and competitors' innovations, helping you stay informed in your industry.
- Helps in Freedom to Operate (FTO) Analysis: It supports businesses by identifying whether they can commercially exploit their inventions without infringing on existing patents, aiding in effective business planning.
Details Used to Conduct Patent Search India:
Here is the list of details that the Indian Patent Advances Patent Search System (inPASS) used to perform a patent search,- Title
- Abstract
- Complete Specification
- Application Number
- Publication Number
- Patent Number
- Applicant Name
- Applicant Country
- Applicant Address
- Inventor Name
- Inventor Country
- Inventor Address
- Filing office
- International Patent Classification (IPC)
- PCT Application Number
- PCT Publication Number
How to Do a Patent Search India?
Here is the step-by-step process to do a patent search India,Step 1: Search Patent in India’s Patent Database
A patent search India can be done through India's patent database. Depending on the status of a patent application, a patent search can be done under two publication types: published or granted. The user can choose the desired publication type by clicking on the checkbox. The user can view many categories, as we mentioned. It allows you to search in a variety of ways, including Indian patent search by number. The entire category has a drop-down box from which the user can change the category. There is a search box next to every category where the user can enter the keyword of the patent that he wants to view. By entering a query in multiple boxes, the applicant can run precise patent searches. Once the required keywords are entered in the respective boxes, there is a captcha code the user has to clear.
Step 2: Check the Patent Information Thoroughly
Once the code is entered, a number of relevant patent results for the patent search query the user has entered are available. When selecting an application, the document opens with the application number, title, application date, and status. The user can get further details about the patent by clicking on the Application Number, Title, Application Date and Status. Through Indian patent search by application number, the applicant can find the following information about the patent:- Invention title
- Publication Number
- Publication Date
- Publication Type
- Application Number
- Application Filing Date
- Priority Number
- Priority Country
- Priority Date
- Field of Invention
- Classification
- Inventor Name, Address, Country, Nationality
- Applicant Name, Address, Country, Nationality
- Abstract
- Complete Specification

Step 3: Check the Patent Status
Below this, there is an Abstract column which has a summary of the patent application that the user can view. Under this, there is a complete specification that gives the details about the specification if the user has mentioned any. At the end of this, there is an option through which the user can view the application status. When this is opened, the user can get the application details.
How to check the Indian Patent Application Status?
Use the following steps to check the status of the patent application,- Step 1 - Visit the official Indian Patent website: Open your browser and go to the official Indian Patent website.
- Step 2 - Hover over the "GI”: On the homepage, hover over the "GI" (Geographical Indications) heading in the top menu. This will display a list of contents under it.
- Step 3 - Click "Quick Information": Click on the "Quick Information" link from the drop-down list.
- Step 4 - Select "Application Status": Under the Quick Information section, click the "Application Status" option.
- Step 5 - Redirect to the ‘Geographical Indications Registry’: You will be redirected to the external website of the Geographical Indications Registry.
- Step 6 - Search for the Patent Status: On the GI page, use the provided search options to check the Indian patent application status like the method of Indian patent search by application number.
What are the types of Indian Patent Application Status?
After conducted the patent search, you should be able to determine the meaning of different types of patent status. Below, we have given the list of patent status and its corresponding meaning,- Refused: The application is denied due to non-compliance with patent laws or failure to meet the required criteria during examination.
- Registered: The patent has been approved and successfully granted after meeting all the legal and procedural requirements.
- Withdrawn: The applicant voluntarily withdraws the application before the examination or grant process is completed.
- Abandoned: The application is deemed abandoned if the applicant fails to respond to examination reports, submit required documents, or comply with deadlines.
- Pending: The application is under review or examination, and the final decision has not yet been made.
About the Author
BENNISHA THURAI CPost By IndiaFilings.
Updated on: December 6th, 2024
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