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Cane and Bamboo Technology Centre - IndiaFilings

Cane and Bamboo Technology Centre

The Cane and Bamboo Technology Centre (CBTC) came into existence with a coordinated effort led by North Eastern Development Finance Corporation (NEDFi) with the Government of India (GoI), Department of Science and Technology, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO). It provides support to the North Eastern communities to the possibility of a healthy future. CBTC aims to offer livelihood opportunities that stem from the rich harvest of bamboos. It works as a matchmaker of bamboo, human resources and technology.

The idea behind CBTC was to tap into the bamboo sector of North-Eastern India and allow the residents an opportunity to generate money and earn a livelihood. CBTC is an implementation agency which works on projects and programs in the bamboo sector. It is an outreach program that strives to give North East a new direction. 

Objectives of CBTC

CBTC aims to promote the development of the bamboo sector by providing a platform for skill upgradation and awareness to artisans, entrepreneurs, trainers, technicians and others. It also aims to promote employment and income generation activities in the sector.

Activities of CBTC

  • Establish projects and programs in the bamboo sector under the North Eastern Council
  • Engage in talent scouting, technology sourcing, training and market linkage
  • To prioritise and promote the traditional presentational aesthetics of bamboo products
  • To transform the North-Eastern region to enhance production, value creation and value addition to the present bamboo resources. 
  • Provide training to craftsperson on new methods, processes and technology
  • Offer guidance and turnkey solutions for grounding initiatives based on bamboo and cane
  • Increase the promotion of products among consumers by creating market sensibilities and trend analysis
  • Undertake various bamboo-based construction projects in different locations for government departments, individuals and organisations
  • Impart training in bamboo-based construction to generate employment opportunities
  • Development of new products and designs with a focus on portable furniture
  • Development of packaging materials using bamboo

Services of CBTC


CBTC has an extensive training schedule to ensure that the latest developments in the sector reach the right individuals. The trainers are updated regularly about the new technology, processes and methods. To create content for the training, CBTC conducts research and evaluation to enhance the training.

Product Promotion

CBTC offers services to consumers for the utility of bamboo and cane products. To meet the challenges of promoting the bamboo products, CBTC updates itself with creativity, analysing the trend, increasing the market creation and promotion services. As creating the market is an important aspect to increase the economic environment, CBTC leans on increasing domestic and international market for product promotion and developing business. 


CBTC offers complete guidance for a bamboo and cane venture towards success and prosperity. The consultancy services include sourcing of technology, feasibility studies for turnkey solutions, and providing right guidance and initiatives on cane and bamboo. It also offers various modules of services, namely, project appraisal and viability endorsement, technology identification and sourcing of machinery and equipment.

Product Development

The cane and bamboo technology centre has a product development program with the National Institute of Design (NID). In this program, various designs on portable furniture are developed. As the demand for bamboo furniture has increased, training is conducted for individuals to create a sustainable living. CBTC introduced the Jig concept for artisans to produce with accuracy, increase production and interchangeability. Additionally, the centre is now developing and promoting packaging materials in bamboo in collaboration with IIT Guwahati.

Bamboo Construction

The demand for bamboo has increased consistently, resulting in the idea of bamboo-based housing. CBTC takes various bamboo-based construction projects. The cost is comparatively lower than the traditional buildings, and it is eco-friendly. Bamboo based construction is carried out for organisations and the Government. It can be designed according to the quality desired. In addition, the centre imparts training in construction for those looking for full-time employment in the industry.

Application process for approval of a scheme with CBTC

Step 1: Provide general details to the executive committee. The details include the name of the organisation with address, an activity engaged in, registration number and date for a private organisation, NGO or SHG, audited income and expenditure details for last three years, concept, details of infrastructure with the applicant and source of financial assistance.

Step 2: Provide technical details about the project. The details include the project area, current stock species in case of a nursery, species proposed to be raised in a nursery, the justification for the procurement of machinery, reason for holding workshops or exhibitions, the justification for the establishment of godowns and other relevant information.

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Post By IndiaFilings.

Updated on: September 29th, 2019