Capital Contribution by Partners to LLP

Capital Contribution by Partners to LLP The Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a business entity that provides limited liability to its partners. The partners are allowed to make a capital contribution to the entity, which determines their ownership level in…

Addition and Removal of Partners

Addition and Removal of Partners Any slight changes made in the relationship between partners in a partnership firm would result in the reconstitution of the firm itself. Thus, whenever a new partner is introduced or when an existing partner is…

LLP Registration: Changes and Process

LLP Registration: Changes and Process The second half of 2018 saw the successful initiation of Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) reforms that changed the game by introducing simplified and integrated procedures such as the SPICe (Simplified Proforma for Incorporating Company electronically)…

Dissolution of Partnership Firm

Dissolution of Partnership Firm One of the disadvantages of a partnership firm, when compared to a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), relates to business continuity. An LLP is considered a separate legal entity and will continue to exist even in case…