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Post by: Sreeram Viswanath in News
ESI Contribution Reduced - 2019 Proposal The Labour and Employment wing of the Government of India had recently sought an amendment of the Draft Rules concerning ESI contribution. The Gazette Notification dated 15/2/2019 proposes a reduction in both the employees’…
Post by: Renu Suresh in HR Regulations Insurance
ESIC Online Payment The Employees' State Insurance (ESIC) Scheme aims to provide hassle-free services to both employers and employees through its information and services portal. As part of this effort, all filing and payments are done through an online portal.…
Post by: IndiaFilings in HR Regulations
ESIC Challan Employees State Insurance Scheme of India is a multifaceted Social Welfare Scheme, attuned to bestow Socio-economic providence for the 'employees' in an organisation against cases of illness, maternity, disablement and death due to employment injury. ESI schemes provide…