Surakshit Matritva Aashwasan Yojana

Surakshit Matritva Aashwasan Yojana Surakshit Matritva Aashwasan Yojana is a Maternity Benefit Programme launched by the Ministry of Union Health and Family Welfare to provide quality healthcare to pregnant women and newborns. Under the scheme, zero expense access to identification…

Poshan Abhiyaan

Poshan Abhiyaan Addressing the problem of Malnutrition in the country, the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD), Government of India introduced a flagship program titled POSHAN Abhiyaan (The PM’s Overarching Scheme For Holistic Nourishment) or the National Nutrition Mission…

Amma Maternity Nutrition Kit Scheme

Amma Maternity Nutrition Kit Scheme The Government of Tamil Nadu has launched a scheme called “Amma Maternity Nutrition Kit Scheme” for the pregnant woman in the state. Under this Scheme, the Tamil Nadu State Government provides nutrition kit for maternity…