DGFT Helpdesk for Russia-Ukraine related International Trade Issues
DGFT Helpdesk for Russia-Ukraine Related International Trade Issues
Because of the difficulties faced by stakeholders on Russia/Ukraine trade-related issues, the DGFT has operationalized a Helpdesk to support and seek resolutions to problems related to India’s International Trade. According to Trade Notice No. 36/2021-2022, dated: 25th February 2022, issued by the DPIIT, The stakeholders may submit the details of their issues on the DGFT official website. Alternative methods to reach the helpdesk, such as email, toll-free number, etc., have also been provided. Trade Community is requested to make use of the given Helpdesk facility suitably.
Know more about the COVID-19 Helpdesk for International Trade
India and Russia/ Ukraine Trade
India’s main imports from Russia include fuels, mineral oils, pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery, mechanical appliances, electrical machinery, equipment, and fertilizers.
The main items of Indian imports from Ukraine are agriculture products, metallurgical products, plastics, polymers, etc. In contrast, pharmaceuticals, machinery, chemicals, food products, etc., are the principal Indian exports to Ukraine.
Submit details of the Trade issues on the DGFT Website
Department of Commerce/DGFT has operationalized a helpdesk to support and seek suitable resolutions to the matters related to India’s international trade in this regard with immediate effect:
The issue’s status can be tracked using the status tracker under the DGFT helpdesk services.
- Export-import communities can submit details of their issues on the DGFT website, on which support is required.
- The importer/exporter needs to access the official website of the DGFT Website. From the homepage, click on the Services option and select the DGFT Helpdesk Service option from the drop-down menu.
- The link will redirect to the page, by clicking on the ‘Create New Request,’ the importer /exporter can submit the details. The stakeholders are requested to select the Category as ‘Russia-Ukraine.’
Alternative methods to reach the DGFT helpdesk
As mentioned above, with this trade notice, DGFT has also been provided the Alternative methods to reach the helpdesk, such as email, toll-free number, etc. therein.
Email ID
The exporter/importer may send the issues directly over email to: [email protected] with the subject header: ‘Russia-Ukraine Trade Helpdesk,’
Toll–Free Number
The exporter/importer may call the Toll-Free No at 1800-111-550 to submit the trade-related issues.
The status may be tracked using the Status tracker under the DGFT Helpdesk Services. Email and SMS would be generated for immediate intimation as and when the quality of these tickets is updated.
Video Conference
DGFT also announced that a weekly meeting with concerned exporters/importers/other trade stakeholders would also be held by the DGFT & FT(CIS) division of the Department of Commerce every Monday at 03:00 pm IST via Video Conference.
Concerned stakeholders may consider joining the said virtual meeting to flag specific issues. The web link for the proposed Video Conference is as follows:
https://directorategeneralofforeigntrade.my.webex.com/directorategeneralofforeigntrade. my/j.php?MTID=m8aa668976ac27713b881875b9be0d085 Meeting Password: 1234