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AGMARKNET – Agricultural Marketing Information Network


Agricultural Marketing Information Network (AGMARKNET)

Ministry of Agriculture has launched the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) based Central Sector Scheme of Agricultural Marketing Information Network (AGMARKNET) to link important agricultural produce markets located across the country and State Agriculture Marketing Boards and Directorates. The portal has also been linked with Online Commodity Exchange of India Limited, providing prices in advance based on oilseeds, crops etc. The project is executed with the technical support of National Informatics Centre (NIC). AGMARKNET has also been developed to strengthen the interface with farmers and other beneficiaries and provide international price trends of various agricultural commodities.


  • To set up a nationwide information network for speedy dissemination and collection of market information and data for its efficient and timely utilization.
  • To sensitize and orient farmers to respond to new challenges in agricultural marketing by using ICT as a vehicle of extension.
  • To improve efficiency in agricultural marketing through regular training and extension to reach region-specific farmers in their desired language.
  • To assist in marketing research to generate marketing information for its dissemination to farmers and other marketing functionaries at a basic level to create a culture of good marketing practises in the country.
  • The information regarding schemes that are implemented by Government Departments and central agencies like Commerce, Food and Public Distribution, Consumer Affairs, Health and CCI, JCI, NCDC, NAFED, NTGF, TRIFED, NCCF, NDDB, NHB, APEDA and MPEDA would be disseminated in a user-friendly manner. Once the farm produce is standardized, labelled and given quality certification, it can be directly offered for sale on Spot Exchange website in national and international markets.

Implementation Plan

  • The agencies involved in the execution of the sub-scheme are Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI), National Informatics Centre (NIC), State Governments through State Agriculture Marketing Boards (SAMBs)/Directorates, other National and State level institutions and individual market committees/authorities that are applicable in the country.
  • Efforts would be made to involve private sectors to collect data and maintain the database. PPP options would be explored to bring expertise and value addition to this activity.
  • Supply of computers, including installation, would be implemented by IT Division of DAC and other sources such as NIC, APMC and State Departments/agencies.
  • AGMARKNET team is strengthened frequently by outsourcing professionals to monitor and update the portal according to GFR provisions with prior approval of IFD.
  • The State Implementing Agencies provide DMI with the list of remaining markets that have to be covered for connectivity and replacement of old computers under the sub-scheme.
  • Market node collects and transmits relevant information to the State level and AGMARKNET portal. The SAMB/Department nominates a nodal officer to coordinate the functioning of the nodes. The State level nodal officer ensures that market-level officials perform their functions regularly to keep the nodes operational.
  • The data reporting officials at the nodes and the State level nodal officer would be motivated to provide regular market data.
  • The instrument/device used for data uploading and other official purposes would be kept under the safe custody of the marketing personnel, who is assigned the responsibility for breakage/damage or any malfunctioning due to mishandling.
  • A new version of GIS-based Atlas would be enabled by NIC for content enrichment, and the system would be put in place for regular data updates to make the portal more user-friendly.
  • Electronic Display Boards/Price Ticker would be provided at every networked market for the display of minimum and maximum price of important commodities.
  • Strategic alliances would be developed with corporate, telecom players and private users to strengthen marketing intelligence services through sharing of AGMARKNET data and their dissemination to the farmers through SMS/voice mail/apps through mobile phones etc.
  • Facilities would be developed on the farmers portal to register for daily information on prices in nearby markets of their choice.
  • Data collected are shared with these agencies without any charges.

Requisites of an Implementing Agency

The implementing agency has to furnish an undertaking, in order to maintain and operate in an on-going basis, to regularly upload market-related information on the website and to disseminate the information that is available on the portal to farmers for improved marketing.

Assistance Provided

The State Agricultural Marketing Boards/Directories/NIC provides funds under the sub-scheme from grant-in-aid.

  • Supply of computer, peripherals and installation is implemented through the vendors empanelled by IT division of DAC or other sources like NIC/APMC, State Departments/agencies of specific market nodes according to the pricing norms stipulated by the IT Division of DAC/NIC or at DGS&D rates.
  • Supply/procurement of electronic instruments like mobile phones and other required software to all selected markets would be carried out according to the decision of the sanctioning committee and in conformity with GFR norms.
  • Training of market personnel in handling hardware and software and refresher training would be undertaken by NIC or other service providers. Supplementary training needs for technical aspects of data collection would be addressed by NIAM.
  • Monetary incentive to encourage marketing personnel to upload data on the portal for more than 20 days in a month would be paid Rs.1000 and an incentive of Rs.1000 every month would also be provided to the State level monitoring officials.
  • Incentives for data reporting would be applicable for mobile-based reporting at the same rate of Rs.1000 per month for more than 20 days in a month.
  • Nodes reporting data for more than 20 days in a month would be ascertained from the website’s Performance Monitoring System and on certification by NIC. Incentives are offered based on a quarterly basis.

Assistance for Market-led Extension and Research

Assistance under marketing Research and Information Network (MRIN) would be provided to State Agricultural Marketing Boards/Directorates and Market Committees and National and State level institutions/SAU/other institutes for the following purposes.

  • For State and market-level publications in Hindi, English and local languages, to help them in the dissemination of agri-market related information to farmers, State level nodal agencies and market commodities and authorities.
  • Preparation of material about accepted standards of grading, packaging and quality certification, sanitary and phytosanitary aspects, good agricultural practises success stories in contract farming, group marketing, good marketing practises in regulated markets, farmers’ duties, responsibilities and rights in regulated markets and other marketing-related issues.
  • Preparation of national-level atlas, commodity profiles, CDs in Hindi, English and regional languages to facilitate market-led extension. Atlas provides information based on the commodity of production, movement and storage and of the market and consuming centres etc. It facilitates public and private sectors on planning and development of appropriate marketing strategy in the agricultural sector.
  • Preparation of training and educational modules in the areas of market-driven production, marketing finance, post-harvest management, information on facilities for quality assurance and standards, grading, packaging, storage, transportation, contract farming, direct marketing, alternative markets including forward and future markets, commodity exchanges, online market information system etc. for researching the target farmers and marketing functionaries in Hindi, English and regional languages.
  • Undertake marketing research studies/other useful studies and training programmes that are beneficial to the farmers through outsourcing to professional/experts on agri marketing related issues.
  • Conducting farmer awareness programmes at market/village level to disseminate market-related information from the website and agri marketing practises to farmers and other market functionaries in local languages.
  • The assistance provided under MRIN would be approved by the sanctioning committee. For extension activity norms, Extension Division of DAC would be adopted. For research publications, the assistance would be provided on a shared basis, along with the sponsoring organisation.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The implementing agencies in the State monitor the progress of MRIN every month by constituting a State Level Committee of officers comprising DMI, NIC and State Nodal Agency and send the progress/minutes of the meeting to DMI Head Office. Evaluation of the sub-scheme would be taken up by the selected agency in the terminal year of the plan.