NAFED | Functions, Roles & Responsibilities - IndiaFilings


National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. (NAFED) was set up on October 2nd, 1958. The organisation is registered under the Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act. Its vision is to promote co-operative marketing of agricultural produce that benefits the farmers. Agricultural farmers are the chief members of the organisation, who are authorised for the formation of the General Body.


The objectives of NAFED is to organise, promote and develop marketing, horticultural and forest produce; processing and storage of agricultural produce; distribution of agricultural machinery, implements and other inputs; undertake inter-state import and export trade to assist with technical advice in agrarian production. Thereby, the organization promotes the working of its members, partners, associates and cooperative marketing, processing and supply societies in India.

Roles and Responsibilities

NAFED is obliged to consider the following responsibilities:
  • To facilitate, coordinate and improve the marketing and trading activities of partners, cooperative institutions, associates in agricultural/other commodities, articles and goods.
  • To undertake or promote its member institutions or the Government or Government Organizations, Inter-State and international trade and commerce and take up sale, purchase, import, export and distribution of agricultural commodities, horticultural and forest produce, other articles and articles and goods from various sources to pursue its business activities.
  • To undertake purchase, sale and supply of marketing, agricultural and processing requirements such as manure, fertiliser, seeds, agricultural implements and machinery, packing machinery, construction requirements, processing machinery for agricultural commodities, forest produce, dairy, wool and other animal products.
  • To serve as a warehouseman under the Warehousing Act and construct and own godowns and cold storages.
  • To act as agent of any cooperative institution or Government agency, for purchase of sale, storage and distribution of horticultural, agricultural, forest and animal husbandry produce, wool, agricultural requirements and other consumer goods.
  • To act as an insurance agent and to undertake similar job roles.
  • To organise consultancy work in various fields for the benefit of the cooperative institutions in general and its members.
  • To undertake manufacture of agricultural machinery and implements, processing, packing etc. and other production requisites and consumer articles by establishing manufacturing units directly or in partnership with other agencies, including import and distribution of spare parts and components for the up-keep of machinery/implements.
  • To construct storage units for storing various commodities and goods in India and abroad.
  • To maintain own transport units or in collaboration with other organisation in India or abroad for movements for goods on land, sea, air and operate freight station, container depot and undertake other incidental activities.
  • To collaborate with an international agency or a foreign body for the development of cooperative marketing, processing and other activities for manual advantage in India or abroad.
  • To promote marketing research and dissemination of market intelligence.
  • To subscribe share capital and undertake business collaboration with cooperative institutions, public, joint and private sector enterprises.
  • To arrange for training of employees of marketing/processing/supply cooperative societies.
  • To establish processing units to process horticultural, agricultural and forest produce, wool and allied products.
  • To undertake grading, packing, standardisation, scientific treatment and processing of agricultural produce and other activities.
  • To acquire, take on lease or hire buildings, lands, fixtures and vehicles and to sell and give on lease or hire for the business of NAFED.
  • To provide loans to its members and other cooperative institutions on the security of goods.
  • To guarantee loans and advances or give undertakings to any society or company with which the Federation has a shareholding or financial involvements as a promoter to be able to assist its expansion or development or for starting any industrial undertaking by such societies/companies.

Services Provided

Given below are the services provided by NAFED:
  • View Tenders of National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. (NAFED).
  • Procurement of Pulses - Farmers Grievance Redressal Cell, Purchase of Pulses in Rajasthan, Purchase of Pulses in MP.
  • Information of Brokers/Surveyors - Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Calicut, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cochin, Delhi, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur
  • View e-Bulletins - Personnel/training HRD section, Tie up Section, Seed Division, Procurement of Pulses, Public Relations, Write up of Oilseed
  • Annual Report
  • EDAK Login

Business Offered

NAFED comprises of the following business components:
  • Internal Trade
  • Government (PSSMIS)
  • International Trade
  • Industrial Activites
  • Consumer Marketing
  • Seed
  • Fertiliser
  • Organic Farming

Internal Trade

Internal Trade, also known as Domestic Trade, consists of outright business, joint venture business with member federations/societies, agency and consignment business and implementation of Price Support Scheme, PSF Scheme, and Market Intervention Scheme of the Government of India. Besides, the organisation supplies various essential items like onions, potatoes, eggs etc. when food supplies become scarce in the market or when the prices are hiked.

Government (PSSMIS)

NAFED extends its services through the following schemes, namely

International Trade

Humanitarian assistance for various food and household goods were announced when authorities of the Government of India visited several developing countries. To meet all the requirements, the Government of India supplied various agri-commodities/household items.

Industrial Activites

The industrial activities of NAFED are carried out in the following places:
  • NAFED Seed and Bio - Fertilizer Division, Indore
  • Cold Storage - Delhi
  • NAFED Warehousing and Processing Industries, Vashi
  • NAFED Pre-Cooling and Cold Storage, Pimpalgaon, Nasik
In total, NAFED owns 17 freehold and 25 leasehold properties in the form of office premises, godown, industrial units, plots, onion storage structure and cold storages. Moreover, to use these properties in office premises, industrial units, godowns etc. vacant properties have been leased/rented.

Consumer Marketing

NAFED has progressed into Consumer Marketing to enhance the diversification of its activities and make available necessary items for regular use at low prices.
  • NAFED brand offers pulses, spices, tea and other products to consumers. The blending and packaging of tea are made in its own located tea producing region in Guwahati.
  • NAFED also supplies grocery and other items to institutions in the country, besides hospitals, public sector undertakings, schools, hostels, ministries, IITs etc.
In addition to direct retailing, NAFED provides Online Retail Marketing and has partnered with e-commerce platforms like Grofers and Amazon.


NAFED undertakes production and distribution of certified seeds, and this has led to the nomination of NAFED as one of the Central Seed Production Agencies by the Department of Agriculture Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.

Organic Farming

The National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. aspires to promote organic farming by providing the requisite market linkages to ensure a better price recovery for organic cultivators. Author: BENNISHA THURAI C
Post By IndiaFilings.
Updated on: July 20th, 2021