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Post by: Arnold Thomas in Government Initiatives
Sericulture Information Linkage Knowledge System (SILKS) The diversified climatic conditions in India supports the larger production of the silk across the nation. Thus, the Sericulture Sector plays a very significant role in the rural development of India. Ever since the Central Silk…
Post by: Arnold Thomas in Government Initiatives
Catalytic Development Program on Sericulture (CDP) Catalytic Development Program is the principal scheme of the Central Silk Board (CSB), Ministry of Textiles, to uphold the overall development of the silk sector in the country. The scheme was implemented during the IX…
Post by: Arnold Thomas in Banking
Silk Samagra The scheme “Silk Samagra” is initiated by The Central Silk Board. The Central Silk Board carries out the commercial seed production, extension and technology, Quality Certification systems, capacity building. Also facilitates in implementation of developmental programs through its…