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Himachal Pradesh Occupancy Certificate - Application Procedure - IndiaFilings

Himachal Pradesh Occupancy Certificate

In the state of Himachal Pradesh, an occupancy certificate is a legal document officially certifying that the construction of a building complies with the approved plans. The Department of Town and Country Planning which is regulated under the Government of Himachal Pradesh issues occupancy certificate only if the constructed building is in an appropriate condition for residency. In this article, we view the procedure for obtaining a Himachal Pradesh occupancy certificate in detail.

Himachal Pradesh Building Bye-Laws

 As per the provisions under the Himachal Pradesh Building Bye-Laws, a notice of completion has to be submitted after constructing the building to grant for the occupancy certificate. The sanctioning officer after examining the premises may issue or reject the occupancy within sixty days from the day of receiving of the application.

Uses of Occupancy Certificate

There are various reasons for obtaining occupancy certificate, as explained below:
  • Occupancy certificate helps as legal identification for utilising a property in the state.
  • Occupancy certificate assists in requiring income-tax benefits on house loans, in addition to the provision of house loan statement.
  • Occupancy certificate serves to obtain a power supply connection or water connection/sanitary connection.
  • Occupancy certificate aids a person in getting a certified copy of the deed.
  • Occupancy certificate is expected at the time of purchasing or selling a property.

Occupancy Certificate and Completion Certificate

Completion Certificate: Upon construction of the building, the developer or the landowner of the premises has to request for a completion certificate through the local municipal officials. If the building developed suits as per the stated norms, the qualified officer would grant a certified copy of the completion certificate. Occupancy Certificate: Once the person receives the Completion Certificate, you have to further request for an occupation certificate from the local municipal authority. Occupancy certificate confirms that the building has complied with all the necessary building rules and regulations. This certificate is provided by the local municipal corporation officer or by the department of urban local bodies that distribute no objection to the buildings as per the prescribed laws. An Occupancy Certificate is granted only if the construction has been completed in all phases.

Eligibility Criteria

The person applying for the occupancy certificate should have already completed the building construction under the regulations or provisions of the Development plan in the state of Himachal Pradesh.

Documents Required

The required documents are to be furnished while applying for occupancy certificate.
  • Location Plan is representing the land in question, main approach roads, physical features of the locality/area, public buildings like Hospital, Schools, Cinema, Petrol Pump etc. and surrounding ownership.
  • Site Plan is representing the proposed site, approach road, adjoining buildings, the existing drainage and sewerage displayed the built up and open area. The site must tally with the shape and dimensions of the plot presented in the tatima.
  • Building plan, representing elevation and the architectural drawings duly signed by the licensed and registered Architect/ Planner/ Engineer/ Draftsman along with his/her address and Registration number.
  • Copy of Treasury Challan Form vide which mandatory fee has been deposited.
  • Latest original Tatima was showing Khasra number of land in question, adjoining Khasra numbers from all sides of the plot and approach path with dimensions.
  • Ownership documents, i.e. latest original Jamabandi. (viii) In the Site Plan, the distance of the electricity line, from the development as per Indian Electricity Rules, in case any electricity line is passing over the proposed site as displayed.
  • A certificate from the Nagar Panchayat or Gram Panchayat or Local Authority Development Authority or Local Authority has to be enclosed in support of taking over the land surrendered for development of road or path and designating it as Public Street should be submitted. The land surrendered for construction of road can be registered either by the Revenue Authority to be as Public Street or the applicant should give an undertaking that the land surrendered for the path which can be used for public purpose.

Application Process for Occupancy Certificate

To apply for occupancy certificate in Himachal Pradesh, follow the steps mentioned below: Step 1: The applicant can apply by himself or through architect intimates online for issuing the occupancy certificate after completion of the building. Step 2: The application will be forwarded to the concerned authority, and then the concerned field office begins the inspection as scheduled through the online system allocation system. Step 3: The inspection will be conducted on the scheduled date by the inspection checklist available on the portal. Step 4: The inspection report will be updated on the portal within two days of the inspection. Step 5: After inspection, if the application is approved then the approved certificate is made available for download through the online portal.

Site Inspection

  • The applicant may select the appropriate architect from a list of empanelled Architect or Civil Engineer or Registered Technical Personel who is available from the official portal, where applicant or professional can apply after completion of the building for obtaining Permanent NOC.
  • The Draughtsman/JE/Junior Draughtsman of the concerned field office receives the online intimation and forwards the application further to next level Authority (Planning Officer/ ATP).
  • The Planning Officer (PO) or ATP may provide comments/ observations and directs the concerned Authority (Draughtsman/JE/Junior Draughtsman) to conducts the inspection on such date as provided through the portal.
  • The concerned authority at Field Office inspects the scheduled date as per checklist and submits the inspection report within two days through the online portal.
  • The inspection report along with remarks of the concerned officials is displayed to the applicant, and the final approval is also intimated through SMS/ E-mail is displayed on the dashboard. The certificate of occupancy/completion certificate (Permanent NOC) will be available for download from the portal.

Refusal of Occupancy Certificate

In a case where the occupancy certificate is refused, the Board of Councilors will communicate the applicant with reasons in the form of notice will be forwarded within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the application received. Then the applicant can request the chief officer regarding the refusal, the chief officer after verification if satisfied by him then issues the occupancy certificate within fifteen days from the date of the request made.

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Post By IndiaFilings.

Updated on: January 28th, 2019