Distribution of liquidated assets under Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code
The fundamental principles that underline the legislative nature of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as “The Code”), are in three parts;- To reach a resolution on default incurred by the corporate debtor;
- To maximize the asset reconstruction and operations of the corporate debtor; and
- To promote credit availability, enterprising in businesses and preserving interests of stakeholders, corporate debtor included.
Before the legislation was passed, creditors could file an application for liquidation against the corporate debtors as sanctioned by the Companies Act, 2013. However, since 2016, the creditors do not have a right to directly apply for liquidation, they first have to apply for Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP). If the CIRP unsuccessful, then the adjudicating authority passes an order to initiate liquidation proceeding against the corporate debtor. The adjudicating authority then appoints the liquidator, which in most cases is the person who was appointed as the Resolution Professional in CIRP. The liquidator then executes its functions and role in the liquidation process and creates a report that is submitted before the adjudicating authority. The report contains the list of stakeholders. The list is submitted within forty-five days of the claims from creditors last received by the liquidator. The list of stakeholders is segregated on the following account;- The admitted claims amounts;
- Secured and unsecured debts or dues;
- Specifics of the stakeholders; and
- Written reasons of the claims admitted and rejected.
Secured Creditor
A secured creditor is holds priority over other stakeholders with reference to repayment of debts. Section 52 of the Code, empowers the secured creditor to choose its mode of repayment. As per Section 52(1), a secured creditor can either;- Waive off its security interest that lies in the liquidation estate and agree to receiving proceeds from the waterfall mechanism described u/s 53; or
- Acquire security interest as per the present provision.
- Presenting records confirming maintenance by an information utility; or
- Other means as verified and specified by the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI).
- Account of any amount received in excess of its debt; and
- Quote the surplus amount received from the security interests.
Waterfall Mechanism
Section 53 of The Code defines the order of priority of payment of debts in a liquidation proceeding from the proceeds received. The manner and period of the distribution is specified by the Code. The order of priority is as follows;- Costs arising out of the liquidation and insolvency proceeding have to be covered in full at priority.
- Secured creditors, who relinquish their security assets, and workmen are treated equally in this category. The period of workmen considered is twenty-four months preceding the commencement date of liquidation.An explanation to the provision in the Code states that the definition of workmen’s dues will be the same as mentioned u/s 326 of the Companies Act, 2013.
- Pending employee wages and dues fall next in line. Workmen do not fall under this category. The period of employment considered is twelve months preceding the commencement date of liquidation.
- Fourth in list of priority is the unsecured creditors to whom the corporate debtor owes a financial debt. Section 8 of the Code defines financial debt.
- Fifth in list of priority are two stakeholders, treated equally. The stakeholders in this category are as follows;
- Payments due to the government (Central or State). This includes the amount that is due to both Consolidated funds of India and State. The period of the same is two years preceding the commencement date of liquidation.; and
- Any unpaid amount to the secured creditors who have enforced their security interest u/s 52.
About the Author
IndiaFilingsPost By IndiaFilings.
Updated on: May 27th, 2020
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