Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY)
Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY)
Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) is an initiative of the Indian Government, implemented for the growth and development of rural infrastructures. The program emphasizes the reduction of poverty and improvement in the lives of the rural inhabitants which is an important component of social and economic development in the country. SAGY seeks to create technical support for rural area development projects and other activities. Let us look in detail about the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) in this article.
Objectives of SAGY
Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana has the following objectives:
- To trigger processes that lead to the holistic development of the identified Gram Panchayats
- To provide the people with improved basic amenities, higher productivity and enhanced human development.
- To improvise the delivery of health care services through standardizing and upgrading health quality.
- To substantially improve the social mobilization and reduced disparities.
- To provide access to the rights and entitlements that leads to better livelihood opportunities.
- To improvise the personal, human, social, environmental and economic development of the villages.
- To promote healthy lifestyles among the rural community.
- To create models of local level development and effective local governance that can motivate and inspire neighbouring Gram Panchayats to learn and adapt
- To sustain the identified Adarsh Grams as schools of local development to train other Gram Panchayats.
Benefits of the Scheme
The following are the fundamental benefits of the SAGY:
- The main emphasis of this mission was on services addressing children’s and women’s health universal immunization, etc.
- The programme strives to improve the overall health system through the concerted policy actions in every sector and expand preventive, curative, palliative and rehabilitative services offered throughout the Public It holds every sector with an ultimate view on the quality services.
- It creates improved management through capacity building.
- Involvement of community
- The monitoring progress against the specific standards.
- Flexible financing process for the optimum fund utilization under the scheme.
The below following are the basic amenities and services provided:
- Pucca houses for all poor people living in kutcha houses
- Facilitates with the drinking water, preferably treated piped water with the household taps
- Internal all-weather roads with the covered drains
- All-weather roadway connectivity to the main road network
- Provides electricity connection to all families and street-lights including from alternative sources of energy, especially solar
- Pucca infrastructure for the public institutions- Anganwadis, schools, health institutions, libraries and Gram Panchayat Office
- Civic infrastructure like community halls, buildings for the Self Help Groups (SHG) federations, playgrounds and burial grounds/crematoria
- Village markets
- Providing infrastructure for the PDS outlets
- Micro mini banks/post offices/ATMs
- Broadband connectivity and Common Service Centres
- Telecom connectivity
- CCTVs in public places
Activities under Adarsh Gram
Adarsh Gram entrusted with the following activities:
Personal Development
The activities that are taken up under Personal Development are as follows:
- Teaching clean behaviour and practices.
- Fostering healthy habits that include daily exercise and games
- Reducing risk behaviour such as alcoholism, smoking, substance abuse, etc.
Human Development
The activities that are taken up under Human Development are as follows:
- Under the scheme, the universal access to the basic health facilities consisting of health care and medical examination is conducted.
- Total immunization and also balancing the sex-ratio
- 100% institutional delivery
- The scheme improves the nutrition status for all the rural population, with a special focus on children, adolescent girls, women, and lactating mothers.
- The scheme has a strong focus on the special needs of the Persons with Disability (PWD), especially the children and women.
- Universal access to education frames up to Class X and retention
- The conversion process of schools into ‘smart schools’. The smart schools will have the IT-enabled classrooms, web-based teaching and e-libraries will make all students e-literate needed for providing quality education
- Adult literacy and E-literacy
- Village libraries including e-libraries
Social Development
The activities that are taken up under the Social Development are as follows:
- Activities for the promotion of voluntarism such as Bharat Nirman Volunteers.
- Building the capacity of the individuals to fully participate and contribute to the local area development.
- Activities for honouring village chiefs, local role models like women, freedom fighters and martyrs
- Activities for crime and violence-free villages such as:
- Setting up Citizen Committees
- Sensitization, especially of youth
- Village sports and folk arts festivals
- Proactive steps for the inclusion and integration of ethically excluded groups, especially Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
Economic Development
The activities that are taken up under the Economic Development are as follows:
- Promoting diversified agricultural and allied livelihoods that also includes livestock and horticulture, through Organic farming.
- Soil health cards
- Crop intensification like SRI
- Setting up of seed banks
- Collection and value addition to Non-Timber Forest Produce, Livestock development including Gobar Bank, cattle hostel
- Livestock development including Gobar Bank, cattle hostel
- Micro-irrigation
- Agro-service centres
- Rural industrialization includes the Post-harvest technology application, Micro-enterprises, Dairy development and processing, Food processing and Traditional Industries
- Skill Development of all qualified youth for the self-employment and placement
- Village Tourism and eco-tourism
- All the above activities that focus particularly on lifting households out of poverty, for which organising and federating women Self Help Groups (SHGs), providing employment to all the workers, and bringing about the financial inclusion are very important.
Environmental Development
The activities that are taken up under the Environmental Development are as follows:
- Accommodating toilets in every house and in all public institutions and ensuring their proper use
- Appropriate liquid and solid waste management
- Roadside plantations
- Tree plantation with respect to the local preferences in homesteads, schools and public institutions that also includes the green walkways
- Social forestry
- Watershed management facility especially renovation and revival of traditional water bodies
- Rainwater harvesting-rooftop as well as others
- Reducing the local pollution of air, water and land.
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