Trademark Application Forms
Trademark Application Forms
Trademark registration application must be made on the proper trademark application form to avoid objection by an Examiner. Based on the nature of trademark filing, the type of trademark application form differs. In this article, we look at the different types of trademark application forms and its use cases.
Trademark Form TM-1
Application for registration of trademark for goods or services included in any one class.
Trademark Form TM-2
Application for registration of trademark for goods or services included in any one class and with priority claim under Section 154.
Trademark Form TM-3
Application for registration of Collective mark for goods or services included in any one class.
Trademark Form TM-4
Application for registration of Certification mark for goods or services included in any one class.
Trademark Form TM-8
An application to register a series trademarks under for a specification of goods or services included in a class or classes.
Trademark Form TM-37
An application to register a series trademarks for a specification of goods or services included in a class or classes, with priority claim under Section 154.
Trademark Form TM-51
A single application for registration of trademark for different classes of goods or services.
Trademark Form TM-52
A single application for registration of trademark for different classes of goods or services and with priority claim under Section 154.
Trademark Form TM-64
Application for registration of collective mark for goods or services included in any one class with priority claim under Section 154.
Trademark Form TM-65
Application for registration of Certification mark for goods or services included in any one class with priority claim under Section 154.
Trademark Form TM-66
A single application for registration of Collective mark for different classes of goods or services.
Trademark Form TM-67
A single application for registration of Collective mark for different classes of goods or services with priority claim under Section 154.
Trademark Form TM-68
A single application for registration of Certification mark for different classes of goods or services.
Trademark Form TM-69
A single application for registration of Certification mark for different classes of goods or services with priority claim under Section 154.
Improper Filing of Trademark Application
In case a trademark application is made in an improper form, then an objection as following could be raised by the trademark Examiner:
“The application is made on form TM-1, for certification mark in respect of goods or services falling in a class, the form of the application should be corrected as TM-4 by filing a request on form TM-16.”
Any such objection can be responded by filing trademark Form-16, requesting a correction. However, such process does take time and effort leading to longer trademark registration processing time. Hence, it is best to take help from a Trademark Attorney through IndiaFilings, prior to filing any trademark registration application forms.