Lean Manufacturing Competitive Scheme
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME’s) have been the catalyst of economic growth not only in India, but the world over. In India, MSME’s are one of the largest generators of employment, second only to agriculture. Given the innovative nature of our budding entrepreneurs, MSME’s in India have spread their wings in almost all the varied industrial sectors. Lean Manufacturing Competitive Scheme was introduced to make the manufacturing sector of the MSME’s more competitive by using various Lean Manufacturing (LM) Techniques. National Productivity Council and Quality Council of India have been chosen as National Monitoring and Implementing Units (NMU’s) for the scheme. The scheme strives to aid the MSME’s in reducing manufacturing costs through proper space management, efficient utilization of space, scientific inventory management, improved process flow and the likes of it.What is Lean?
Lean is a systematic approach that helps in identifying and eliminating waste, or in other words ‘non-value added activity’. Non-value added activity refers to those activities which are time-consuming, and drains a lot of resources and space, but does not add to the value of the product or service. The following are some of the benefits of lean:- Quality performance
- Fewer Machine and Product Breakdowns
- Reduced Inventory levels
- Greater levels of Stock Turnover
- Effective utilization of space
- Increased efficiency
- Improved delivery performance
- Greater Customer Satisfaction
- Improvement in the morale of the employees
- Improved supplier relations
- Higher profits
With respect to consultant fee for implementation of lean manufacturing systems, 80% of the cost of implementing lean tools and techniques are borne by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, while the remaining 20% is funded by the unit.Lean Manufacturing Consultants
Lean manufacturing consultants could be an individual or Ccnsultancy firm that has been registered with or certified by a reputed certifying agency in the field of manufacturing technology, quality control etc; would be considered an eligible entity to be an LMC. The following are the responsibilities of an LMC:- Access the existing system of each member unit of the concerned Mini Cluster (MC).
- Specify the procedures and schedules for the implementation of the LM techniques.
- Fix the targets to be achieved by each unit in quantified parameters.
- Co-ordinate with each of the units to access and then implement LM techniques.
- Respond to specific queries raised by SPV or NIMU on its performance.
Who can apply?
MSME units that satisfy the norms of MSME-Development Act, 2006 are considered eligible to be a part of the scheme, subject to the satisfaction of the following conditions:- The unit has MSME or Udyog Aadhaar registration.
- The units are required to form a mini-cluster of approximately 10 units by mutually signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
- The group must form a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), who can take the form of a trust, private limited company, Society according to the Societies Registration Act, 1860o or any other approved entity.
About the Author
Updated on: December 17th, 2019
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