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GSTR 9 - Latest GSTR 9 Form, Penalties & Due Dates | Indiafilings Official

GSTR 9 - Latest GSTR 9 Form

All the regular taxpayer registered under GST and having an annual turnover of more than Rs.2 crore should file GSTR-9 or GST Annual Return. The only category of GST registered entities not required to file GSTR-9 filing are input service distributors, casual taxable persons and non-resident taxable persons. The due date for filing GSTR-9 for FY2017-18 is 30th November, 2019. In this article, we look at GSTR-9 filing in detail.

Due Date Extension

As per the latest notification from the Ministry of Finance, the due date of filing GSTR-9 is extended upto 31st December 2019 for the FY 2017-18 and upto 31st March 2020 for the FY 2018-19. Please find the notification below:

What is GSTR-9 Filing?

GSTR-9 or GST annual return is a type of GST return that must be filed by regular taxpayers and persons registered under GST composition scheme. GSTR-9 must be filed each year through the GST Common Portal or LEDGERS GST Sofware or at a GST Facilitation Centre.

Who should file GSTR-9A return?

Regular GST taxpayers filing GSTR-1, GSTR-2 and GSTR-3 must file GSTR-9A, consolidating information furnished during the previous financial year.

Who should file GSTR-9B return?

All the electronic commerce operators collecting tax at source shall file GSTR-9B return. n addition to GSTR-9B return, electronic commerce operators shall also file GSTR-8 return, every month.

Who should file GSTR-9C return?

Regular taxpayers having an aggregate turnover of over Rs.5 crore during a financial year and registered with GST must audit the accounts maintained by the taxpayer and file a copy of the audited annual account and reconciliation statement along with GSTR-9C return. To audit the returns, the taxpayer can approach a practising Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant.

What information should be filed in GSTR-9 return?

The taxpayer shall provide the following information while filing GSTR-9A return:
  • Total value of purchases on which ITC availed (inter-State)
  • Total value of purchases on which ITC availed (intra-State)
  • Total value of purchases on which ITC availed (Imports)
  • Other Purchases on which no ITC availed
  • Sales Returns
  • Other Expenditure (Expenditure other than purchases)
  • Total value of supplies on which GST paid (inter-State Supplies)
  • Total value of supplies on which GST Paid (intra-State Supplies)
  • Total value of supplies on which GST Paid (Exports)
  • Total value of supplies on which no GST Paid (Exports)
  • Value of Other Supplies on which no GST paid
  • Purchase Returns
  • Other Income (Income other than from supplies)
  • Return Reconciliation Statement
  • Arrears (Audit/Assessment etc.)
  • Refunds
  • Turnover Details
  • Profit as Per the Profit and Loss Statemen
  • Gross Profit
  • Profit after Tax
  • Net Profit
  • Details of Statutory Audit

Penalty for Late Filing

A per day penalty of Rs.100, up to a maximum amount of Rs.5000 would be applicable for late filing of the GSTR-9 return. Only if all the GSTR-1, GSTR-2 and GSTR-3 returns are filed, the taxpayer would be able to file GSTR-9 return on the GST Portal.

Should GSTR-9 return be audited?

Yes. Regular taxpayers having an aggregate turnover of over Rs.5 crore during a financial year and registered with GST must file GSTR-9 returns. To audit GSTR-9 return, the taxpayer can approach a practising Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant.

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Post By IndiaFilings.

Updated on: December 23rd, 2022