IndiaFilings / Learn / GST / Gst Receipt Voucher Format
GST Receipt Voucher & Refund Voucher Format - IndiaFilings

GST Receipt Voucher Format

GST receipt voucher is a commercial document and evidence for advance payment for the supply of goods or services. Entities registered under GST must issue a GST receipt when advance payment is received from a customer. In this article, we look at GST receipt voucher format in detail.

GST Receipt Voucher Format

Whenever a person registered under GST receives an advance payment for supply of any goods or services, a GST refund voucher has to be issued with the following details:
  • Name, address and GSTIN of the supplier.
  • Consecutive serial number not exceeding sixteen characters, in one or multiple series, containing alphabets or numerals or special characters-hyphen or dash and slash, unique for a financial year.
  • Date of its issue of receipt voucher.
  • Name, address and GSTIN of the person making an advance payment, if registered. If the person making an advance payment is not registered under GST, then name, address and state of supply.
  • Description of goods or services (deliverable)
  • Amount of advance paid.
  • Rate of tax (CGST, SGST, IGST and Cess) applicable on the transaction.
  • Amount of tax charged in respect of taxable goods or services shown under heads such as CGST, SGST, IGST and GST Compensation Cess.
  • Place of supply along with the name of the state and its code, in case of an inter-state supply.
  • If tax is payable on the reverse charge basis
  • Signature or digital signature of the supplier or his authorised representative.

Calculating GST on Advance Received

While taking an advance payment, GST rate and amount of tax chargeable must be mentioned on the receipt voucher. On payment of the advance, the concerned individual shall deposit the GST collected to the Government. However, if the rate of tax is not determinable, then the tax should be calculated and paid at the rate of 18%. Also, if the nature of supply, i.e., interstate supply or intra-state supply is not determinable, then the supply should be treated as interstate supply and IGST would be applicable.

Refund Receipt - Refund of Advance Payment

In case of a refund of the advance payment and nil supply, the taxpayer can issue a refund voucher. The taxpayer shall create the refund in the following format and must contain the following information mandatorily:
  • Name, address and GSTIN of the supplier.
  • A consecutive serial number for refund receipt not exceeding sixteen characters, in one or multiple series, containing alphabets or numerals or special characters-hyphen or dash and slash, unique for a financial year.
  • Date of its issue of refund receipt.
  • Name, address and GSTIN of the recipient, if registered under GST. In case the recipient is not registered under GST, then name, address and place of supply.
  • Number and date of receipt voucher.
  • Description of goods or services in respect of the refund
  • The amount of refund made.
  • Rate of GST tax charged on the transaction like CGST, SGST, IGST and GST Cess.
  • Amount of GST tax paid by the recipient.
  • If the reverse charge was applicable.
  • Signature or digital signature of the supplier or his authorised representative.
You can read more in the Comprehensive Guide to GST Invoices and Format and GST Bill of Supply. Author: IndiaFilings
Post By IndiaFilings.
Updated on: February 28th, 2020