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GST Error Codes for Return Filing


GST Error Codes for Return Filing – With Solution

GST Error Codes may pop up while filing the GST returns through the GST portal. The error codes pop up for a few reasons including incorrect entries made by the taxpayer. The files filed online register in the JSON format in the GST portal. If any of these JSON files contain incorrect or irrelevant information from the taxpayers’ side, the GST portal points it out by showing the error code. For more clarity, the taxpayer can download the error code and view it offline. The taxpayer can troubleshoot these issues by following appropriate steps. This article provides a list of error codes and step-by-step instructions to correct the GST error codes.

Error Code RET191106 – Error in JSON Structure Validation

The GST portal generates the error message immediately after uploading the JSON file if the portal fails to recognize the associated GSTN or any major structural errors in the uploaded JSON file.

Solutions for Error in JSON Structure Validation

  • Ensure that the uploaded JSON file contains the GSTIN.
  • Ensure that you have uploaded the most recent and correct JSON file in the GST Portal under the correct GSTIN.
  • If the problem still persists, download the latest version of the GST Offline return tool or GST software and prepare the JSON file.
  • Contact the GST software provider for support or file the GST return manually.

Error Code RET191113 – Invalid GSTIN

The error message for RET 191113 is “The GSTIN is invalid. Please provide a valid GSTIN. At the beginning of the JSON file, the GSTIN of the taxpayer is mentioned. If the GSTIN mentioned in the JSON file does not match the GSTIN of the GST account or a customer’s GSTIN, error RET19113 is generated.

The GSTIN of the taxpayer is mentioned in the beginning of the JSON file as shown below. The GSTIN of customers would be mentioned under section B2B, beginning with the word “ctin”.


Solutions for Error Code RET191113

  1. Ensure that the JSON file is being uploaded in the correct GST account.
  2. Ensure that the correct GSTIN is mentioned in the GST tool used for preparing the JSON file.
  3. Change the GSTIN in the JSON file, save and try uploading to the GST Portal.
  4. Ensure that all customer GSTINs are valid.

Error Code RET191114 – Invalid Invoice Date

The error message for RET19114 is “Date is Invalid. Date of invoice cannot be before registration date”.

In this case, the date mentioned on an invoice is earlier than the date the customer obtained GST registration or GSTIN. Only from the date of obtaining GSTIN, a business would become eligible for claiming input tax credit. Hence, change the date of the invoice to a date that is after date of GST registration or make the invoice B2C.

Solutions for Error Code RET191114

  • Invoice the customer after date of GST registration.
  • Change the invoice type to B2C.

Error Code RET191115 – Invalid Invoice Number

The error message for RET191115 is “Invoice number does not exist. Please enter a valid invoice number”. According to the GST Rules, invoice number must be a consecutive serial number not exceeding sixteen characters, in one or multiple series, containing alphabets or numerals or special characters hyphen or dash and slash symbolised as “-” and “/” respectively, and any combination thereof, unique for a financial year.

In this case, the JSON file uploaded would not have an invoice number or an invoice number that is acceptable as per GST invoice rules.

Solutions for Error Code RET191115

  • Ensure that all invoices have a GST invoice number.
  • In case an invoice does not have an invoice number, assign one as per GST rules and re-create the JSON file.
  • If an invoice is invalid, delete the item from the JSON and re-upload.

Error Code RET191175 – Invalid GST Rate

The error message RET1191175 states that “The rate entered is not valid according to the rate list”.

The invoices uploaded may contain a wrong or invalid GST rate. IGST rates are applicable under 7 slabs namely 0%, 0.25%, 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%. CGST and SGST rates are applicable under 7 slabs namely 0%, 0.125%, 2.5%, 6%, 9% and 14%. Ensure that all invoices contain valid GST rates.

Solutions for Error RET191175

  • Correct the invoice with the wrong GST rate.
  • The GST rates should mention the ‘%’ symbol in the JSON file.
  • The file should contain simplified CGST and SGST rates and mentioned correctly in the appropriate column.

You can check GST rate for all goods on IndiaFilings.

Error Code RET191179 – Invalid Place of Supply

The error message for RET191179 is “The place of supply and state code of the supplier should be different for interstate supply”.

For all B2B invoices and B2C large invoices, the place of supply is mentioned in the JSON file next to the words “POS”. For inter-state supply, the place of supply would be a different state than that of the supplier. For intra-state supply, the place of supply would be the same state. Make sure that the JSON file has correct place of supply and the state code mentioned in the Place of Supply is correct.

Solutions for Error Code RET191179

  • Check if all the invoices have correct state code next to the word POS in the JSON file.
  • Check if POS code is different from the suppliers state when IGST is collected.
  • Ensure that the POS code is the same as the suppliers state when CGST and SGST are collected.

Error Code RET191150 – Invalid Tax Type

The error message for RET191150 is “IGST is mandatory for interstate supply and CGST & SGST should not be present.”

The GST Portal generates this message when IGST mentions wrong details on intra-state supply and CGST and SGST mentions wrong details for inter-state supply.

Solutions for Error Code RET191150

  • Use the error report on LEDGERS GST Software to fix the incorrect invoice.
  • Ensure that the invoice has a proper place of supply.
  • Change place of supply to match the type of GST charged.

Error RET191176 – Invalid Shipping Date in Export Invoice

The error message for RET 191176 is “Do enter the correct shipping bill date that is on or after Invoice Date and on or before today’s date”. The GST portal generates this error code if the taxpayer provided an older invoice date as compared to the date mentioned in the shipping bill. The invoice date must precede the shipping bill date.

Solutions for Error Code RET191176

  • Change the shipping bill date to a date after the invoice date.

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