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What is the easiest way to start a company?  - IndiaFilings

What is the easiest way to start a company?

Starting a company in India can be intimidating, with various legal and financial requirements to meet. However, if you plan and are willing to put in the effort, it is possible to start a successful company in India. This article overviews the steps to start a business in India, from obtaining the necessary licenses and permits to incorporating your business. By following these steps, ensure that your venture is set up for success.

Steps to Keep in Mind when Starting a Company

Choose Your Business Entity 

Choosing the appropriate business entity is the first step in launching a business in India. You can pick between a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability partnership or private limited company, depending on the size and nature of your firm. Prior to making a selection, it is important to be aware of the benefits and drawbacks of each type of company.

Register Your Business 

Once you have chosen the right business entity, you'll need to register the business with the appropriate government authorities. Depending on the type of corporate entity you have chosen, this procedure may differ and necessitate the submission of extra documents like a memorandum and articles of association (M&A).

Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits 

You will need to register the business and acquire the relevant licences and permits. The particular licences and permits you require will vary depending on the business type you plan to open. For instance, the local government will require a manufacturing licence if you plan to open a manufacturing business. The local health department will issue you a food licence if you plan to open a restaurant.

Open a Bank Account 

You must open a bank account after registering your firm and obtaining all required licences and permissions. Visit the neighbourhood office of a bank that provides business banking services to accomplish this. Researching banks before opening an account is crucial because some may provide better rates and services than others.

Hire Employees 

You must begin hiring staff as soon as your business bank account has been established. Employees with particular skills and qualifications may be required, which depends on your startup's business type. It's crucial to guarantee that all employees are paid fairly and are able to work lawfully in India.

Comply with Regulatory Requirements 

In addition to hiring employees, you must ensure the business complies with all applicable laws and regulations. This may include registering for applicable taxes, obtaining the necessary business permits and licenses, and filing regular returns with the government.

Promote Your Business 

Once you have set up your business and made sure it complies with all applicable laws and regulations, you will need to start promoting it. This may include developing a website, creating social media accounts, and running advertising campaigns. By following these seven steps, you can ensure that your business is set up correctly and ready to start operating in India. It is important to remember that setting up a business in India can be complex and time-consuming, so it is best to seek professional advice if you are unsure of the legal or financial requirements. IndiaFilings offers a comprehensive suite of services to help you get your company up and running. Our advisors are available to help you make the best decisions and ensure that your company is started and managed in the most efficient way.  Author: WARRIAR SANYA SUNIL SUMA
Post By IndiaFilings.
Updated on: March 20th, 2023