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West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Application Procedure- IndiaFilings

West Bengal Occupancy Certificate

In the state of West Bengal, an occupancy certificate is a legal document officially certifying that the construction of a building complies with the approved plans. The Department of New Town Kolkata Development Authority which is regulated under the Government of West Bengal issues occupancy certificate only if the constructed building is in an appropriate condition for residency. In this article, we view the procedure for obtaining a West Bengal occupancy certificate in detail. Know about West Bengal Fire License click here.

West Bengal Municipal (Building) Rules, 2007

As per the provisions under the West Bengal Municipal (Building) Rules, an application form has to be requested after constructing the building to grant for the occupancy certificate. The sanctioning officer after examining the premises may issue or reject the occupancy within fifteen days from the day of receiving of the application.

Importance of Occupancy Certificate

An occupancy certificate holds the following purposes:
  • Occupancy certificate serves as legal identification for utilising a property in the state.
  • Occupancy certificate helps in claiming income-tax benefits on house loans, in addition to the provision of house loan report.
  • Occupancy certificate attends to obtain a power supply connection or water connection/sanitary connection.
  • Occupancy certificate assists a person in getting a certified copy of the deed.
  • Occupancy certificate is expected at the time of purchasing or selling a property.

Occupancy Certificate and Completion Certificate

Completion Certificate:  Upon construction of the building, the developer or the landowner of the premises has to request for a completion certificate through the local municipal officials. If the building developed suits as per the stated norms, the qualified officer would grant a certified copy of the completion certificate. Occupancy Certificate: Once the person receives the Completion Certificate, you have to further request for an occupation certificate from the local municipal authority. Occupancy certificate confirms that the building has complied with all the necessary building rules and regulations. This certificate is provided by the local municipal corporation officer or by the department of urban local bodies that distribute no objection to the buildings as per the prescribed laws. An Occupancy Certificate is granted only if the construction has been completed in all phases.

Eligibility Criteria

The person applying for the occupancy certificate should have already completed the building construction under the regulations or provisions of the Development plan in the state of West Bengal.

 Fee for Building Plan

The prescribed fee for the approval of the building plan is tabulated below:
S.No Type of Building Fee
1. In the case of residential plots of total floor area covered. Rs 3.50 per sq.ft
2. In the case of commercial plots and co-operative buildings of total floor area covered. Rs 10.00 per sq.ft

Fee for Sanction of Revised Plan

The prescribed fee for the approval of a revised building plan is tabulated below:
S.No Type of Plan Fee
1. Part Plan Rs 300.00 per floor per building.
2. Revised Plan Rs. 2.00 per sq. Ft. of total floor area covered per building.
3. Renewal fee Rs.200 per floor per building.

Documents Required

The required documents are to be furnished along with the West Bengal occupancy application form.
  • Three copies of Completion plan of the building plan signed by the Applicant and the Architect or Licensed Building Surveyor.
  • Structural safety certificate duly signed by the applicant & concerned technical personnel.
  • For buildings having more than three separate and independent residential units within metropolitan areas, a certificate from technical Personnel for completion of house drainage and water supply network to the satisfaction of the Municipal Authority.
  • For buildings within Bidhannagar Corporation and NDITA, an application along with the copy of the complete plan for sewerage and water supply connection network with a certificate of the technical personnel in the body of the projects.
  • Fire safety certificate, if applicable.
  • Certificate from Electric Supply undertaking regarding the provision of transformer/ substation/ ancillary power supply as required.
  • Certificate about the lift installation.
  • Any other certificate or document or declaration is as necessary.

Online Application Process for Occupancy Certificate

To apply for occupancy certificate online, follow the steps mentioned below:

Visit the West Bengal e-District Portal

Step 1: The applicant has to visit the official portal of West Bengal e-District. Step 2: The Login page will appear on the homepage of the portal. The user can select the language (English or Bengali) from the drop-down option. [caption id="attachment_70442" align="aligncenter" width="618"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 1 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 1

Provide Login Details

Step 3: Enter the username and password. Click on Login to enter the page of the application. If it is a new user, click New User to register in the system. If the user has forgotten the username or password or both, click Forgot Password. Step 4: The applicant will log in to the system to apply for Issuance of Occupancy Certificate by New Town Kolkata Development Authority.

Select Appropriate Service

Step 5: After logging to West Bengal e-District portal. On the next page, it shows the comprehensive list of services where the user can choose the appropriate service name (Issuance of Occupancy Certificate by NKDA) from the services. [caption id="attachment_70443" align="aligncenter" width="612"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 2 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 2 Step 6: Now, on the next screen the eligibility criteria, documents required, fee details, CSC fees requirements for issuance of occupancy certificate will open up. [caption id="attachment_70444" align="aligncenter" width="619"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 3 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 3 Step 7: The applicant will have to click on the Apply button to apply for the Issuance of the Occupancy Certificate.

Filling up the Application Form

Step 8: After the applicant selects the “Apply” button, the application form appears on the current page. The applicant must fill up the required fields before submission. Step 9: The applicant has to enter the PIN or the Approved Building Permit Number and the date of sanction. [caption id="attachment_70445" align="aligncenter" width="629"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 4 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 4 Step 10: Fill up the details with necessary information of the applicant like
  • Applicant name
  • Date of birth
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Email id
  • Mobile number
  • Aadhaar card number.
  • Country name
[caption id="attachment_70446" align="aligncenter" width="619"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 5 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 5

Address of the building

After filling the above details, click on ‘Save and next” button to proceed further with the application. [caption id="attachment_70447" align="aligncenter" width="618"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 6 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 6 Step 11: Now the applicant has to enter the details of the communication address of the applicant. [caption id="attachment_70449" align="aligncenter" width="616"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 7 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 7

Building Details (As per Sanctioned Building Plan)

Step 12: In the section of building details as per the sanctioned building plan the fields will be auto-generated. The fields are filled with the information as provided in the Sanctioned building plan. [caption id="attachment_70450" align="aligncenter" width="615"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 8 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 8

Architect Details

Step 13: In the section of architect details, the applicant has to enter the Designation, Name, and Enrolment No of the concerned architect. [caption id="attachment_70451" align="aligncenter" width="536"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 9West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 9 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 9

Civil or Structural Engineer Details

Step 14: In the section of Civil or Structural Engineer details the applicant has to enter the Designation, Name, and Enrolment Number of the concerned Civil or Structural Engineer. [caption id="attachment_70452" align="aligncenter" width="577"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 10 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 10

Geo-Technical Engineer Details.

Step 15: In the section of Geo-Technical Engineer details the applicant has to enter the Designation, Name, and Enrolment No of the concerned Geo-Technical Engineer. [caption id="attachment_70453" align="aligncenter" width="572"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 11 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 11

Urban Designer or Town Planner Details

Step 16: In the section of Urban Designer or Town Planner details the applicant has to enter the Designation, Name, and Enrolment No of the concerned Urban Designer or Town Planner. [caption id="attachment_70454" align="aligncenter" width="580"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 12 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 12

Details of Approved POC

Step 17: In the section of more information of approved POC the applicant has to enter the details of the Approved POC and then click on the Add button to add the details of POC. The Add button is used to attach the rows to the table. [caption id="attachment_70455" align="aligncenter" width="612"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 13 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 13

Building Details for Occupancy Certificate

Step 18: In the section of Building Details for Occupancy Certificate the applicant has to enter the building details for Occupancy Certificate. The applicant has to click on the Add button to add the building details for Occupancy Certificate. The applicant can also click on the Delete button to delete any particular field. [caption id="attachment_70456" align="aligncenter" width="609"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 14 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 14

Drawing Details

Step 19: In the section of drawing details the applicant has to enter the Drawing Contents, Drawing No, Date of Drawing. The applicant can then click on the add button to add the row. The applicant can click on the Delete and edit button to delete or edit the row respectively. [caption id="attachment_70457" align="aligncenter" width="615"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 15 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 15

Other details

Step 20: The applicant has to select from the dropdown provided for whether mutation did or not. Enter the case number and also the changed project number if applicable. [caption id="attachment_70458" align="aligncenter" width="616"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 16 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 16 Step 21: The user has to click on the checkbox “I Accept” to provide a declaration that the information contained in the application form is correct to the best of his or her knowledge. Step 22: If the applicant wants to save the data entered and proceeded to the next phase of the application, he or she will have to select the “Save and Next” button. Step 23: Click on “Save Draft” to save the entered details. The applicant can access the drafted application from “Draft application” section of the home page.

View Application Details

Step 1: After the applicant fills up the application form and clicks Save and Next button, application details become visible. The applicant can either proceed further by attaching supporting documents, or can cancel it, or can take a print out of this page. [caption id="attachment_70459" align="aligncenter" width="618"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 17 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 17

Attach Supporting Document

Step 2: The applicant can attach the required documents by clicking on attach supporting document button. [caption id="attachment_70460" align="aligncenter" width="626"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 18 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 18 Step 3: The applicant has to select the document name from the drop-down list for each supporting document. The applicant can upload the supporting documents by clicking the Upload button. Step 4: After uploading all the necessary supporting documents, the applicant should click on Save and Next button to proceed further. The 'Modify' option is used to change any report if the applicant has accidentally uploaded the wrong document.

Application Submission

Step 1: The applicant can view the application details and supporting document list before the submission of the application form for Issuance of Occupancy Certificate by New Town Kolkata Development Authority. [caption id="attachment_70461" align="aligncenter" width="616"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 19 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 19 Step 2: Click on “Submit” button for applying.

Application Acknowledgement

Step 3: When the application is successfully submitted, the applicant receives an acknowledgement. This contains the application summary and the contact details of the person to be contacted with for further queries. [caption id="attachment_70462" align="aligncenter" width="617"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 20 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 20 Step 4: The applicant can either take a print out of the application acknowledgement by clicking ‘Print’ button or can click on ‘Finish’ button to complete the process.

Payment by Applicant

Step 5: When an application is accepted for payment, the applicant is automatically notified. In this case, the applicant will have to log in to the system again by typing in the address bar of an internet browser and entering correct user id and password. The Home Page appears as shown below. To complete the payment procedure, the applicant will have to click on “Payment Pending Application” tab. [caption id="attachment_70464" align="aligncenter" width="621"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 21 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 21 Step 6: Now the “List of Payment-Pending Application” page opens as below. The user will have to click the proper service from the drop-down list of “Please Select Service Name” list-field. After the user has selected “Issuance of Occupancy Certificate by New Town Kolkata Development Authority” service, he or she will have to click on “Search” button to view the list of payment pending application for that service. Step 7: The user will have to select the proper application from the list of payment pending applications for Issuance of Occupancy Certificate by New Town Kolkata Development Authority and click on the icon under 'Action' column. Step 8: On clicking ‘Action’ for a specific application, “Payment Page” appears. This page contains AIN of the application, Applicant’s Name and Remarks. The applicant can pay the amount in two modes- online payment and offline payment. The applicant has to select the appropriate radio button to choose the correct method of payment.

Offline Payment

Step 9: If the applicant selects the “offline payment” mode then he needs to make payment by cash. The applicant must upload the scanned receipt to get approval for the registration. The applicant will have to Choose File and click “Upload’ button to upload the receipt for offline payment. Step 10: The message “Payment Receipt uploaded successfully” will be displayed on the screen. The applicant will have to click on ‘Submit’ button to submit the offline payment. [caption id="attachment_70465" align="aligncenter" width="619"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 22 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 22

Getting the Issuance of Occupancy Certificate by NKDA Certificate

Step 11: To get the Issuance of Occupancy Certificate by NKDA Certificate the applicant will have to log in to the system again by visiting the West Bengal portal and entering correct user id and password. The Home Page appears as below. To get the certificate, the applicant will have to click on “Approved Application” tab. [caption id="attachment_70466" align="aligncenter" width="624"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 23 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 23 Step 12: The List of Approved Applications’ page open up, where the applicant will have to select the service name from “Please Select Service Name” list field. Step 13: After the applicant selects Issuance of Occupancy Certificate by NKDA as service name and clicks on “Search” button, the list of approved applications for the service will be displayed. [caption id="attachment_70467" align="aligncenter" width="607"]West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 24 West Bengal Occupancy Certificate- Image 24 Step 14: The applicant will have to click on the “Certificate” button for a particular application to get the certificate for Issuance of Occupancy Certificate by NKDA.

Refusal of Occupancy Certificate

In a case where the occupancy certificate is refused, the Board of Councilors will communicate the applicant with reasons in the form of notice will be forwarded within thirty days from the date of receipt of the application received. Then the applicant can request the chairman regarding the refusal, the chairman after verification if satisfied by him then issues the occupancy certificate within thirty days from the date of the request made. Author: KARTHIGA A
Post By IndiaFilings.
Updated on: December 20th, 2018