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Standard Unit Quantity Codes (UQCs) for Import and Export - IndiaFilings

Standard Unit Quantity Codes (UQCs) for Import and Export Authorization

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) has specified Standard Unit Quantity Codes (UQCs) for Import and Export Authorization vide Trade Notice No. 26/2020-2021 dated 14.09.2020. It has been noted that the use of Non- standard and Non-convertible UQCs lead to poor quality of data capture and related consequences. Hence, DGFT had exercised to standardize Unit Quantity Codes (UQCs) for export/import declarations filed on EDI. As per this notification, DGFT announced that new export/import authorization would be issued only based on standard Unit Quantity Codes (UQCs). Exporters/importers are advised to use the Standard Unit Quantity Codes (UQCs) while applying for Import/Export Authorization. The present article briefly explains Standard Unit Quantity Codes (UQCs) for Import and Export Authorization.

Important Announcement for Exporter & Importer

The government has issued the notice with the objective of standardization in the data collection for clean data reporting and analysis.

Conditions for applying for New Export/Import Authorizations

As per the notification, new export/import authorization will be issued based on standard Unit Quantity Codes (UPCs). Regional Authorities (RAs) will not approve Non-standard units such as BoU, packs, Boxes, cartons, and bottles. For issuing the authorization based on the standard UQC, necessary changes are being made in the DGFT Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system.

Conditions for Using the existing Export/Import Authorizations

To ensure shipment, the Customs department will allow the authorizations which already issued and carrying non-standard units such as BoU, packs, Boxes, cartons, bottles, etc., till 30.10.2020 by accepting exporter’s shipping bills in the UQCs provided in ICEGATE. Exports/imports without standard UQCs will not be permitted after 1.11.2020.

Convert Import & export quantities to Standard Quantity Units

For shipping the goods after November 2020, the authorization holders are requested to approach the concerned Regional Authority (RA) and get the non-standard units indicated in the authorizations in the import and export quantities converted to standard quantity units. If RAs face any difficulty carrying out these amendments, they will contact the concerned Norms Committee (NC).

Standard Unit Quantity Codes  in Bills of Entry and Shipping Bills

Usage of harmonized standard Unit Quantity Codes (UQC)  at the filing of Shipping Bills and Bills of Entry in ICEGATE is being mandated through various public notices issued by customs formations during August 2020. Declaration of quantities in Statistical UQCs (SQCs) as prescribed under the Tariff Act has been made mandatory in imports and exports. In addition to the amounts declared in the commercial units as per the invoice. The SQC declarations are captured in the Single Window table of the Bills of Entry and Shipping Bills.

Standard Unit Quantity Codes

To further improve the data quality, even among the commercial UQCs declared for the items as per the invoice, only codes mentioned below will be permitted in Export/Import Authorisation.






1 CBM Cubic Meter 19 MGS Milligrams
2 CCM Cubic Centimeter 20 MTR Meter
3 CMS Centimeter 21 MTS Metric ton
4 CTM Carat 22 NOS Numbers
5 DOZ Dozen 23 PCS Pieces
6 FTS Feet 24 PRS Pairs
7 GIF GRMFissile Isotope 25 QTL Quintal
8 GMS Grams 26 SET Sets
9 GRS Gross 27 SQF Square Feet
10 GYD Gross Yard 28 SQI Square Inches
11 HKS Hanks 29 SQM Square Meter
12 INC Inches 30 SQ Y Square Yards
13 KGA Kilogram Activity 31 TBS Tablets
14 KGS Kilograms 32 THD Thousands
15 KLR Kilolitre 33 TKW Thousand Kilo Watt Hour
16 KWH Kilo water hour 34 UNT Units
17 LBS Pounds 35 VLS Vials
18 LTR Liters 36 YDS Yards
  • Nonconvertible/inappropriate Unit Quantity Codes (UQCs) lead to poor quality of data captures and related implications.
  • The usage of  UQCs like BGS, BTL, BOX, CTN, GGR, HPT, KPC, ODD, and DRM by the importers and exporters is prohibited for import/export authorization.
The notification about the Standard Unit Quantity Codes (UQCs) for Import and Export Authorization is as follows:

Import Export Code

The Import Export Code is a primary document that is necessary for commencing Import-export activities. For exporting or importing any goods or services the IE code is to be obtained.IEC has numerous benefits for the growth of the business. Certainly, you cannot ignore the necessity of IE code registration as it is mandatory. You can apply for an Import Export code through IndiaFilings and obtain it within 6 to 7 days. 

About the Author

Renu Suresh is a proficient writer with a knack for turning intricate legal concepts into clear, actionable advice. Her articles empower entrepreneurs by providing the knowledge they need to navigate the complexities of business laws, ensuring they can start and manage their businesses effectively.

Updated on: December 7th, 2022