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GST Facilitation Centre - IndiaFilings

GST Facilitation Centre

To help taxpayer with GST compliance including GST registration and GST return filing, the Government has introduced GST Facilitation Centres across the Country. Taxpayers requiring any assistance with GST can approach the nearest GST Facilitation Centre for free assistance.


In normal circumstances, GST registration can easily be obtained only through the GST portal. However, the Government of India (GoI) structured GST Centre for marginalized people and for people with less knowledge of technology. They assist the taxpayer by digitization/uploading of documents, along with the summary sheet, duly signed by the authorized signatory, whose information will be provided by the assessee. After uploading the documents on a common portal using the ID and Password of the facilitation centre, a print-out of acknowledgement will be provided to the tax-payer for his records. The Facilitation Centre will then go on to scan and upload the summary sheet duly signed by the authorized signatory. Click here to read on GST Registration – Documents Requested or Application Rejected

E-Filing of Returns

A taxpayer can also file his/her GST returns with the help of a GST Facilitation Centre. Similar to the documentation process, the taxpayer will provide all the necessary documents to the Facilitation Centre. The Facilitation Centre will be here on authorized to file the necessary returns of the taxpayer by uploading the documents. The ID and Password will be that of the Facilitation Centre.


All eligible taxpayer can avail the refund for GST through the GST portal or the taxpayer can also approach the GST Facilitation Centre to file an appeal for a refund on behalf of the tax-payer.

Who runs a Facilitation Centre?

GST Facilitation Centre's are operated by The Central Board of Excise and Customs. Hence the Central Board of Excise and Customs provides complete training to the Officers to operate and enhance the GST Facilitation Centres across India. Any taxpayer can approach a GST Centre with or without an appointment to obtain any assistance with respect to GST, free of cost. Click here for Temporary GST Registration, GST for Non-Resident Taxable Persons Author: SREERAM VISWANATH K
Post By IndiaFilings.
Updated on: March 21st, 2020