Correction in Kerala Birth Certificate
Correction in Kerala Birth Certificate
A birth certificate is an important legal document and any discrepancy in it should be corrected immediately. At times the hospital staffs commit errors while submitting the child’s name, parent’s names, date of birth, gender and other details to the Municipal Corporation. Sometimes these errors occur at the corporation office by staffs entering the details in their records. In this article, we look at the procedure for correction in Kerala Birth Certificate.
Know more about the procedure for obtaining the Kerala Birth Certificate.
Name Correction in Kerala Birth Certificate
If the child’s name is entered wrong in the birth certificate (like pet names or spelling mistakes), the name can be corrected as per the name entered in the admission register of the concerned school. For correcting the Birth Certificate the applicant should follow the below procedure:
- Approach the Local Birth Registrar of the concerned Local Self Government Institutions i.e. Secretaries of Gram Panchayats and Registrars of Municipalities and Corporations
- For this, the parents have to submit an affidavit stating the reasons why the wrong name was entered in the Birth Register
- In case the child is a major, he or she has to submit the application
- To remit from punishment, a payment of Rs.50 as compounding fee is necessary
- The name will be corrected as same as in the school certificate and not as entered in any other documents
The following is the Kerala Government circular for correcting child name in the birth certificate.
Kerala BC - Circular name correctionInitials Correction in Kerala Birth Certificate
For correcting the initial in the birth certificate the applicant should approach the Local Birth Registrar of the concerned Local Self Government. For correcting initials, parents (Child if minor) have to submit an affidavit stating the reasons why the wrong name was entered in the Birth Register. They have to remit Rs.50 as compounding fee. After correction, they have to apply for a new certificate.
The Kerala Government Circular for correcting Initials in birth certificate is below for ready reference.
Kerala BC - Circular Initial correctionCorrect Parents Name in Kerala Birth Certificate
Kerala Government has released a circular for correcting parents name in the birth certificate. The circular is below for ready reference:
Kerala BC - circular parent name correctionAs per the rules, the applicant will have to submit the following documents to the Registrar of birth and in the Municipality to correct parents name in Birth Certificate.
- Certificate obtained from 2 gazetted officers
- Certificate from village officers
- Marriage Certificate of parents
- Hospital documents where there is a clear mention of the name of the parents and child and the date of birth
The name of parents in birth registration will be corrected based on detail analyzing of certificates provided by 2 gazetted officers, village officers and all other related documents.
Address Correction in Kerala Birth Certificate
If Residential address entered in the birth certificate is not correct. Submit the address proof documents to the Registrar of Birth and in the Municipality. The details of an address in birth registration will be corrected based on thorough analyses of certificates provided by 2 gazetted officers, village officers and all other related documents.