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Business or Company PAN Card - Documents Required

Documents required for Business or Company PAN card

Business entities like Partnership Firm, Private Limited Company, Limited Liability Partnership, One Person Company, etc., can obtain a PAN Card in the name of the legal entity. In this article, we look at the types of documents required for obtaining business or company PAN card in India.

Applying for PAN Card

PAN Card for business or company can be obtained by submission of PAN application form - Form49A (for Indian citizens, Indian Companies, Entities incorporated in India and unincorporated entities formed in India) and Form 49AA (for individuals not being a citizen of India, entities incorporated outside India and unincorporated entities formed outside India). There are various methods for applying for PAN card. However, the most preferred method is still through paper application that must be submitted to NSDL after signature for final processing.

Proprietorship PAN Card

Proprietorship's are not a separate legal entity. Hence, the PAN of the proprietor is the PAN of a proprietorship firm. The following documents of the proprietor can be submitted to obtain a PAN in the name of the Proprietor.

Proof of identity

  1. School leaving certificate;
  2. Matriculation certificate;
  3. Degree of a recognised educational institution
  4. Depository account
  5. Credit card
  6. Bank account
  7. Water bill
  8. Ration card
  9. Property tax assessment order
  10. Passport
  11. Voter identity card
  12. Driving licence
  13. Certificate of identity signed by a Member of Parliament or Member of Legislative Assembly or Municipal Councillor or a Gazetted Officer, as the case may be.

Proof of address

  1. Electricity bill
  2. Telephone bill
  3. Depository account
  4. Credit card
  5. Bank account
  6. Ration card
  7. Employer certificate
  8. Passport
  9. Voter identity card
  10. Property tax assessment order
  11. Driving licence
  12. Rent receipt
  13. Certificate of address signed by a Member of Parliament or Member of Legislative Assembly or Municipal Councillor or a Gazetted Officer, as the case may be.

Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) PAN Card

The following documents must be submitted with a HUF Pan card application:
  1. Affidavit by the karta of undivided the Hindu Undivided Family stating the family name, father's name and (HUF) address of all the coparceners on the date of application; and
  2. Copy of any document applicable in the case of an individual specified in serial number 1, in respect of karta of the Hindu undivided family, as proof of identity and address.

Company PAN Card

The documents required for obtaining Company PAN Card is:
  1. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation issued by the Registrar of in India Companies (ROC).

Partnership Firm or LLP PAN Card

The documents required for obtaining partnership firm or LLP PAN Card are:
  1. Copy of Partnership Deed.
  2. Certificate of Registration issued by the Registrar of Firms or ROC in case of Limited Liability Liability Partnerships.

Trust PAN Card

The documents required for obtaining Trust PAN Card are:
  1. Copy of trust deed.
  2. Certificate of registration issued by Charity Commissioner.

Association or Society PAN Card

The documents required for obtaining PAN card for an Association or Society are:
  1. Copy of Agreement.
  2. Copy of Certificate of Registration Number issued by Charity Commissioner or body of Registrar of Co-operative individuals Society or any other Competent or local Authority.
  3. any other document originating from any Central Government or State Government establishing Identity and, address registered of such person.

Download Business PAN Card Application

Author: IndiaFilings
Post By IndiaFilings.
Updated on: November 7th, 2024