State Mission on Food Processing (SMFP)
The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MFPI) launched a Centrally-sponsored scheme termed State Mission on Food Processing (SMFP). The Mission was developed to increase the production of food crops and to promote the sustainable agricultural sector in the state of Himachal Pradesh. The Directorate of Industries, Himachal Pradesh acts as the nodal agency for implementing the scheme. In this article, let us know about State Mission on Food Processing (SMFP) in detail. To know about the Food Processing Fund – NABARDObjectives of SMFP
The objectives of the SMFP are given below:- To improve facilities for setting up of new food processing industries/units.
- To increase the standards of food safety and hygiene to meet the norms set up by FSSAI.
- To ensure sustainable employment opportunities among the youth through institutional training for skill development.
- To lessen the gap in requirement and availability of skilled human resources in the food processing units.
- To aid food processing industries to adopt HACCP and ISO certification norms.
- To raise farm gate infrastructure, supply chain logistics, storage and processing capacity.
- To provide a better support system to organized food processing sector.
- To undertake decentralized schemes operated by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) in order to fulfil the requirements suitable to the local needs.
- To enlarge the capacity of food processors working on upgrading their operations through capital infusion, technology transfer, skill upgradation and handholding support.
- To support established Self Help Groups (SHGs) operating in the food processing units to aid them to achieve SME status.
- Structure of State Level
Schemes implemented under the Mission
The schemes which are performed under SMFP are listed below :- Scheme for Technology up-gradation/Modernization/Establishment of Food Processing Industries.
- Scheme for cold chain, preservation infrastructure and value addition for Non-Horticultural Products.
- Scheme for Promotional Activities.
- Organizing Seminar or Workshops
- Conducting Studies or Surveys
- Support for Exhibitions or Fairs
- Advertisement & Publicity
- Scheme for Creating Primary Processing Centers/Collection centres in Rural areas
- Modernization of Meat Shops
- Reefer Vehicles
Allocation of funds
The State Level Empowered Committee (SLEC) will be the designated authority for distributing the funds among the above schemes. However, funds up to 10% will be utilized for promotional activities and human resources development schemes, respectively. Note: The SLEC may allocate resources to the other schemes as per local requirements in the state.State Level Empowered Committee (SLEC)
The State Government has already constituted to carry out the administration of the State Food Processing Mission, a State Level Empowered Committee (SLEC) under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary or Principal Secretary of Industries having representatives from other concerned Departments. The State Government has appointed the Director of Industries as Mission Director. Mission Director is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of SMFP. Note: The Department of Industries will act as Mission Directorate for State Food Processing Mission.Selection of Beneficiaries
The beneficiaries for the State Mission on Food Processing (SMFP) will be selected by the following selection committee:S.No. |
Selection Committee |
1. | Principal Secretary (Industries) | Chairman |
2. | Principal Secretary (Revenue) | Member |
3. | Principal Secretary (Horticulture) | Member |
4. | Principal Secretary (UD) | Member |
5. | Principal Secretary (Rural Development & Panchayat Raj Department) | Member |
4. | Principal Secretary (Agriculture) | Member |
5. | Principal Secretary (S&T) | Member |
6. | Member Secretary, HP Pollution Control Member | Member |
7. | Industrial Advisor, Directorate of Industries | Member |
8. | Director of Agriculture | Member |
9. | Director of Horticulture | Member |
10. | Director of Animal Husbandry | Member |
11. | Director of Health | Member |
12. | Director of Research, Dr Y.S. Parmar University | Member |
13. | Chief Engineer (I & PH) | Member |
14. | Director of Research, CSK Palampur | Member |
15. | Chief Engineer, HPSEB Ltd. | Member |
16. | Two Members to be nominated by the State | Member |
17. | One Representative of MFP GOI | Member |
18. | GOI Zonal Manager UCO Bank, Shimla | Member |
19. | Mission Director of Director Industries | Member Secretary |
Functions of Selection Committee
The Selection Committee will discharge the following functions:- To decide the allocation of the resources for the schemes to be implemented under Food Processing Mission.
- To decide the level competent to approve the specific project. To periodically monitor the process of implementation of the SMFP.
- To sanction and clear the cases/proposals received under the New Scheme on NMFP.
Funding Pattern of SMFP
The State Mission on Food Processing (SMFP) scheme will be implemented with 100% central funds sponsored throughout the State of Himachal Pradesh.Procedure for approval
The SLEC will have to select the level competent to approve the specific project under all the schemes of the committees or officers, eMission. SLEC may also decide the modalities, including the sanctioning authorities, will verify the individual proposals and release of funds. SLEC will periodically monitor, review and evaluate the implementation of SMFP in the State. The State Mission Directorate will identify the list of beneficiaries participated under various schemes of SMFP. They will also ensure the physical confirmation of the projects assigned as well as submission of monthly progress reports to the State Government, which includes both soft and hard copies in the prescribed reporting format.Recall of Grant
- In the case of misutilization of misappropriation of government funds by the applicants, the SLEC will have the authority to recall the grant as arrears of land revenue in the below following conditions.
- If the project is not performed in time even if it is approved or extended project.
- If the grant issued is utilized for the purpose other than the approved components/activities.
- If the institute/organization becomes non-functional or activity/organization is closed before three years of the release of the final instalment.
About the Author
KARTHIGA APost By IndiaFilings.
Updated on: November 15th, 2022
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