Punjab Drug License - Application Procedure - IndiaFilings

Punjab Drug License

Drug license is a legal certificate which is required to do businesses related to the pharmaceutical industry, drugs & cosmetics. The Punjab State Pharmacy Council (licensing authority) issues drug license in the state of Punjab. This department regulates the manufacture, sale and distribution of drugs in the state of Punjab by implementing relevant central Drug and Pharmaceutical legislation in the state. In this article, we look at the detailed procedure of obtaining drug license in the state of Punjab.

Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940

Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940 governs structured rules to regulate the import/ export, manufacture and sale or distribution of drugs and cosmetics through licenses and permits. This Act ensures the manufacture, distribution and sale of drugs and cosmetics only by the qualified individuals. It prevents the sub-standard of drugs, presumably for maintaining high standards of medical treatment.

License Conditions

There are two kinds of drug license, the retail license and wholesale license of for drug distribution or sale in India. For obtaining a drug license, there are certain conditions that applicant will have to follow.

  • A license in Form 20, 20B, 21B, 20F, 20G, or 21 to sell, stock, exhibit or offer for distribution or sale drugs should not be granted or renewed to any person unless the authority empowered to issue the license.
  • A license form 20A or form 21A should not be issued to any person unless the authority authorised to grant the license.
  • A license of Form 20C or Form 20D to 4 Homoeopathic medicines should not be granted to any person unless the authority empowered to issue the license.

Documents Required

The below listed are the documents to be uploaded by the applicant while applying for the Retail, Wholesale Drug License and Manufacturer License.

  • Proof of Residence
  • Identity Proof
  • Refrigerator Receipt
  • Qualifying Exam Certificate
  • Distributor Declaration
  • Experience Certificate (If Any)
  • Khatian/ Documentary proof in support of Ownership of land
  • Specimen Signature of RP/CP
  • Tenancy/ House rent Agreement
  • Location and layout sketch map of premises
  • Character Antecedent Verification Certificate
  • Location and layout sketch map of premises
  • Declaration of RP/CP
  • Affidavit of RP/CP

Renewal of Drug License

  • Online deposition of fees via treasury portal.
  • Tenancy/house rent agreement certificate by notary or NOC for a further period of minimum five years (In case of Dealer License).
  • Self-declaration of a competent person in a prescribed format with signature and date.
  • Proof of continued legal possession
  • Declaration of the firm regarding the changes
  • Resolution of Board of Directors
  • Prescribed license renewal fee receipt

Fee Structure

The below-tabulated shows the charge/ fees for the applying of a new drug license, renewal of license and the registration of license certificate.

For New Drug License

S.No. Type of License Charge per year Form Can be submitted to Issuing and Approving Authority and Form Security Charge
1. Manufacturer Rs. 5000 Inspector/AC/ Controller Controller (LM3) -
2. Repairer Rs. 2000 Inspector/AC/ Controller Controller (LR3) Rs. 5000
3. Dealer Rs. 1000 Inspector/AC/ Controller Controller (LD3) -
4. Alteration in license Rs. 200 Inspector/AC/ Controller Controller -
5. Duplicate license Rs. 100 Inspector/AC/ Controller Controller -

For Renewal of Drug License

S. No. Type of License Charge per year Form Can be submitted to Issuing and Approving Authority and Form
1. Manufacturer Rs. 5000 Inspector Controller
2. Repairer Rs. 2000 Inspector Controller
3. Dealer Rs. 1000 Inspector Controller

Application Procedure for Drug License – Online

The applicants must follow the following steps to obtain a Drug license by submitting the application form online.

Visit the Drug Information Portal

Step 1:  Firstly, the applicants have to visit the Drug Information Portal of Punjab for obtaining drug license.

Step 1 - Punjab Drug License
Step 1 - Punjab Drug License

Login to Portal

Step 2: Now you got to log in to the portal using your user id and user password.

Step 2 - Punjab Drug License
Step 2 - Punjab Drug License

New Application Form

Step3: You have to click on the “New Application/ Renewal of License” tab that is visible on the home page of the portal.

Step 4: After clicking on the tab, the registration page will be displayed on the screen.

Step 4 - Punjab Drug License
Step 4 - Punjab Drug License

Fill in the Right Credentials

Step 5: Then you have to fill out all the following information on the registration page.

  • Name of the firm
  • License Type
  • Shop Details
  • Chemist Details
  • Pharmacist Details
  • Applicant Type- Proprietor/Partner/Pvt.Ltd/ Limited
  • Upload your photo (within 150 KB injpg/jpeg format)
  • Upload your ID proof (within 100 KB injpg/jpeg format)
  • Choose your District/ Zone and PoliceStation
  • Valid E-Mail to be provided
  • Enter security captcha

Upload Required Documents

Step 6: After that, you have to upload all the necessary documents as prescribed in the above checklist.

Step 7: After uploading all the documents, have to check the button of Declaration and have to click on the“Save” button.

Make Payment

Step 8: Now you have to pay the prescribed fee (challan) as per the fee structure tabulated above.

Submit the Application Form

Step 9: After completing the application form, you have click on the “Submit” button.

Print Acknowledgement Receipt

Step 10: You will receive a message stating “Your application has been registered”. You can also make a print of it by clicking on the ‘Print’.

Validity of License

The new drug license is issued to the manufacturer, repairer or dealer is valid for a minimum period of 1 calendar year. The same can be renewed for a period of 1 to 5 calendar years by the concerned official on the payment of a necessary fee as specified in the fee SCHEDULEDXof the Punjab Legal Metrology (Enforcement), Rules 2013.

Renewal of License

You can apply for the renewal of drug license in the concerned authority. You have to submit the renewal form along with the requested documents. Then the process of renewal will be completed upon the payment.

Post By IndiaFilings.
Updated on: December 17th, 2019