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Jagriti Ambassadors for District Entrepreneurs - IndiaFilings

Jagriti Ambassadors for District Entrepreneurs

The majority of India’s population resides in Tier II and Tier III cities, the likes of which are avenues of untapped potential. The initiative of Jagriti Ambassadors for District Entrepreneurs (JADE) seeks to cater to these districts by empowering its entrepreneurs. It is established with the vision of ‘Building India through Enterprise,’ which could be accomplished through the development of an entrepreneurship ecosystem. The initiative of JADE, which is a sub-project of the Jagriti Yatra, is designed as a response to this very need.


As already observed, JADE is an initiative towards leadership development that is designed to cater to the development of an entrepreneurial ecosystem across Tier 2/3 districts of India. Its objective is to identify entrepreneurs in these districts and render them support through the ‘District Hub’ as a part of a long-term action plan.

How is it Achieved?

The above-mentioned objective would be accomplished by developing a cadre of competent and committed leaders and facilitators of primary importance. People so selected for this purpose would play the role of entrepreneurship ambassadors in their districts, in the title of JADE.

Functions of the Ambassadors

As a prerequisite, ambassadors in pursuit of this endeavour are required to have a thorough understanding of the social and economic aspects of the district. The following are their primary functions:
  • Understanding the entrepreneurship landscape of the respective district.
  • Designing partnerships with relevant local institutions and organizations so as to promote entrepreneurship.
  • Identifying local entrepreneurs and encouraging them to partake in Jagriti Yatra.
  • Supporting partners of Jagriti in their endeavours.
  • Providing feedback to Jagriti using a technology platform.

Who Qualifies?

The provision of JADE is currently extended to the alumni of the Jagriti Yatra. Candidates with the following qualities are preferred:
  • Independent, self-motivated, mature and responsible high-achievers.
  • Sound communicators.
  • Great networking abilities.
  • Resourceful and capable of persevering amidst obstacles.
  • Organized and accountable for deliverables.
  • Professionalism.
  • Committed to the vision and mission of the initiative.

Selection Process

The initiative is set to commence on the 15th of April. Interested candidates may file an online application on the website of the initiative. The single-page application form prompts for the following details:
  • Name of the applicant
  • Contact details of the applicant
  • Email Address of the applicant.
  • LinkedIn details of the applicant
  • Gender of the applicant
  • Year applied for
  • Details of the jurisdiction of the applicant
  • Professional details
  • Category of application
  • Other questions for assessment.

Merits of the Initiative

The acclaimed programme seeks to render the following benefits:
  • Holistic development through well-designed induction and training programs on entrepreneurship.
  • Public recognition through various communication channels of the initiative, which includes website and social media.
  • Personalized assistance towards the professional development of ambassadors who are giving access to the network of Jagriti.
  • Awards to well-performing entrepreneurs in the form of money and sponsored trips to the Launch Ceremony of the initiative.
  • Allotment of preference during ERC (Engine Room Club) selection for Jagriti Yatra.
  • Paid engagement for activities sponsored by the partners of the Yatra.
  • Opportunity to further engage with Jagriti for setting up ‘District Hub.’
Post By IndiaFilings.
Updated on: May 7th, 2019