Death Certificate in Kerala
Death Certificate in Kerala
As per the Registration of Birth & Deaths Act, 1969 every death has to be registered with the concerned State Government. Death Certificate is an important document issued by the Government to the nearest relatives of the deceased. In Kerala, the death certificate is issued by the Civil Registration Department stating the date, fact and cause of death. In this article, we look at the procedure for obtaining a death certificate in Kerala.
Registration of Birth & Deaths Act, 1969
Registration of Birth & Deaths Act, 1969 is an act that provides the regulation for registration of births and deaths in India. As per this death certificate in Kerala, every death should be registered with the concerned State or UT Government within 21 days of occurrence.
Purpose of Obtaining Death Certificate
Reasons to obtain a death certificate:
- The death certificate is proof for the date of death of a person
- Death certificate gives details about time of death, place of death and cause of death
- This certificate is used to relieve the individual from social, legal and official commitments
- To settle property inheritance death certificate is an important document
- The death certificate is enabling the family to collect insurance and other benefits
Who can register a Death?
A person’s death in Kerala needs to be registered in the Concern Registrar Office to get Death Certificate. The below-mentioned person can report or register a person’s death:
- In case the death occurs in a house, the head of the family can register
- The medical in-charge, if the death occurs in a hospital
- Jailer in-charge needs to register a death if it occurs in a jail
- If a new-born child or body is founded deserted in an area, headman of that village, area or Local police station in-charge can register the death
- In respect of births and deaths in a choultry, chattram, hostel, dharmasala, boarding-house, lodging house, tavern, barrack, toddy shop or place of public resort, the in-charge person of that place has to register
- In case of death in a plantation, the superintendent of the plantation can register
Documents Required for Death Registration
Documents necessary for death registration in Kerala are:
- Proof of birth of the deceased – Birth certificate or SSLC certificate
- An affidavit specifying the date and time of death
- Copy of the ration card
- Application form for registration
- Medical Certification of causes of death, if required
Fee for Death Certificate
The fee structure for registration of death in Registrar is below for reference:
Transaction |
Fee |
Registration of death reported to the Registrar within 21 days |
Nil |
Registration of 21 to 30 days from date of death |
Rs.2 |
Registration of 31 days to 1 year from date of death |
Rs.5 |
Registration after 1 year from date of death |
Rs.10 |
For granting non-availability certificate of death |
Rs.5 |
For granting extract relating to each birth or death under Section 17 of the RBD Act,1969 |
Rs.2 |
Registration of Death
To register a death dully-filled application form should be submitted to concern Registrar by hospitals, medical or other institutions or by an individual informant. In case of late registration (After 21 days from its occurrence) an affidavit stating the reason for the delay in registration along with fees to be submitted to Registrar or Area Magistrate.
KL Death Report Application - From 2
Certain Medical institutions must submit a form on Medical Certification of causes of death to Registrar.
KL Death Medical Certificate - From 4
For domiciliary deaths, it requires the Form 4A along with death registration form.
KL Death certificate - Form 4A
Registration of Deaths of Missing Persons
Registration of death of a person missing for more than 7 years will be based on the information furnished by the court. The court will determine the date and place of death in a declaratory suit, and it will be filled for registration purpose.
Download Kerala Death Certificate
Once the offline procedures are completed, the death certificate can be downloaded from the Kerala Government Civil Services online portal. Step by step guidelines to download death certificate is given here:
Step 1: Visit the Sevana website (Online site for civil registrations in Kerala).
Step 2: Select “Registration of Births and Deaths” option from home page.
Step 3: Click on “Certificate Search” option from the menu.
Step 4: Select your district, Local body type and Local body from the drop-down menu. Click on submit.
Step 5: Status of available record will be displayed. Select year of death.
Step 6: Fill below-mentioned details.
- Name of Deceased
- Date of Death
- Gender
- Name of Mother or Wife
- Name of Father or Husband
- Registration Number
- Key Number
Step 7: After entering the capture details, click on the search result. You will get the Death certificate in the next screen.
If the Death certificate data in the year you have selected is not available online, you need to report to the Panchayat, Municipality or Corporation and apply in person.