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Accelerated Fodder Development Programme (AFDP)

Accelerated Fodder Development Programme

Accelerated Fodder Development Programme (AFDP)

Accelerated Fodder Development Programme (AFDP) is a central sector scheme initiated by the Department Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries to supplement the efforts of states in feed and fodder development. The programme envisages the accelerating production of fodder through the promotion of integrated technologies and processes for enhancing the availability of fodder to improve the livestock sector in the country. Let us look in detail about the Accelerated Fodder Development Programme (AFDP) in this article.

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Accelerated Fodder Development Programme is expected to enhance the availability of green and dry fodder. This programme would also support in the contingency planning to overcome the shortage of fodder that is caused by natural calamities such as droughts and floods. The interventions in the post-harvest technology will add to the availability of fodder during the lean period and also protects the environment from the pollution due to the burning of these crop residues.

Components of the Scheme

The Centrally Sponsored Accelerated Fodder Development Programme is being implemented with the following three components:

  • Production of Quality Breeder and Foundation Seeds: By supporting/strengthening the State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) for the production of the breeder and foundation seeds of the selected promising hybrids/varieties of fodder with the participation of the farmers.
  • Enhancement of Production of Fodder: The organizing fodder production programme based on cluster approach in the selected/targeted clusters preferably in dairy catchment areas of the potential States by promoting appropriate and region-specific fodder varieties.
  • Adoption of appropriate technologies for Post-Harvest Management: The technologies such as fodder block making units, chaff cutter used for the fodder processing and silage making would be promoted in the targeted/selected clusters.

Eligibility Criteria 

In general, the Farmers applicants, Dairy cooperatives, NGOs and Unemployed youths are eligible to apply for this Accelerated Fodder Development Programme (AFDP).

Features of the Scheme

  • Under the Production of Quality Seeds component, it supports the institutions for organizing the production of breeder and foundation seeds. The promotion of dual-purpose hybrids /varieties of pearl millet and sorghum would be encouraged. Besides, the Technical Collaboration with the specialized institutions and IGFRI would also be supported for the identification and multiplication of planting vegetative material such as Napier & guinea grass and cactus and seeds of fodder trees like Prosopis. The Institutions would also organize the field level demonstration of the appropriate forage equipment.
  • Under the Fodder Production component, the support would be provided to the clusters that comprise an area of 500 ha under the Fodder/Dual-purpose crops. The interventions would be in the form of distribution of the Fodder Production Kit comprising of inputs like seeds of the improved hybrids/varieties, nutrients, plant protection measures, fertilizers, fungicides etc.
  • Under the third component, there will be distribution tools with low-cost technology/products e.g. Manual Chaff Cutter, Electric Power Chaff Cutter, Fodder Block making units etc. Also establishing silage making units comprising of Silo Pit and one power-driven chaff cutter.

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Pattern of Assistance

S.No. Name of the Component Pattern of Assistance Beneficiaries
1. Production of Quality Seeds & organizing demonstration of the appropriate forage equipment through the State Agricultural Universities (SAU’s). 100% of the total project cost that is limited to INR 50 lakhs per SAU. (Only one SAU in a State will be permitted).

The beneficiaries would be the State Agricultural Universities (SAUs).


2. Production of Quality Breeder and Foundation Seeds The Fodder Production Kit will be INR 3200 per ha. The kits would be distributed at free of cost. (Supply of the material for planting the crops like Napier/guinea/cactus would also be preferred in this kit) The beneficiaries would be Farmers, Individual farmers, Federations, Associations, Cooperatives and NGOs.
3. Adoption of Appropriate technology for the Post-Harvest Management 100% of procurement cost that is subjected to a maximum ceiling of INR 4 lakhs per cluster of 500 hectares of the area under Fodder/Dual-purpose crops cultivation. The beneficiaries would be Farmers, Individual farmers, Federations, Associations, Cooperatives, Dairy Groups of ATMA and NGOs.

Allocation of Funds

The suggestive allocation of funds under this programme is as under:

  • The fund allocated for the Production of Breeder Seeds would be INR 10 Lakhs
  • The fund allocated for the Production of Foundation Seeds is INR 30 Lakhs
  • The fund allocated for the Demonstration of Technology and Practices is INR 10 Lakhs

The SAU’s would prepare the detailed project proposals. The SAU would also spell out the targets and mechanism for the sale or utilization of Breeder Seeds in the proposed projects. The SAU’s, wherever feasible, can have the Public-Private Partnership for the production of fodder seeds.

The suggestive list items for the inclusion in the Fodder Production Kit (For Fodder cultivation area of 1 ha) are as below:


Quantity (Kg/ha)

Total Cost

Seeds of hybrid/improved varieties Lump-Sum 1000
Seed treatment including bio-fertilizer Lump-Sum 500
DAP, Micro Nutrients, Urea As per the requirement 1500
Other inputs like chemicals for the Urea Ammoniation etc. As per the requirement 200
Total 3200

Implementation of the Scheme

The implementation of AFDP will be in a ‘Project Mode’. At the National Level, the Agriculture and Cooperation Department, Ministry of Agriculture will oversee the activities performed under the programme and accord approval to the State’s Proposal. The Agricultural Department in collaboration with the various State Departments will be the nodal agency at the State Level to implement this Accelerated Fodder Development Programme (AFDP). The State Governments will further select, nominate, or create eligible agencies for implementing the AFDP at the district level. Such agencies would be line departments, Zilla Panchayats, Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA), Self Help Groups (SHGs), Watershed Committee, NGO’s etc.