Digital Signature - DGFT Version

We offer Class III DGFT Digital signature certificates with 2-year validity and a secure USB token. Our DGFT Digital Signature Certificate is mainly used for the DGFT website for various licenses and filing of returns. Whether it is a branch addition, IEC renewal, or license application, our DGFT Digital Signature Certificate provides a secure and efficient way to authenticate your online transactions.

At IndiaFilings, we understand the importance of security and trust in online transactions related to foreign trade. Our DGFT Digital Signature Certificate provides the highest level of security and authentication, ensuring a hassle-free and efficient way to file licenses and returns on the DGFT website. Contact us today to obtain your DGFT Digital Signature Certificate and experience the convenience and security of our services.

Digital Signature

A Digital Signature is a secure way to authenticate electronic documents, messages, and transactions. It is a unique electronic code that identifies the sender and verifies the authenticity and integrity of the message or document. Digital signatures are widely used in e-commerce, banking, and government services to ensure security and trust in online transactions.

DGFT Digital Signature Certificate

A DGFT Digital Signature Certificate is a specialized digital signature issued by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) in India. It is used for authenticating online transactions related to foreign trade, including filing various licenses and returns on the DGFT website. DGFT Digital Signature Certificates are classified as Class III certificates, providing the highest security and trust level.

Importance of DGFT Digital Signature Certificate

A DGFT (Directorate General of Foreign Trade) Digital Signature Certificate holds significant importance in the digital age as it is used for various purposes related to the DGFT website, such as filing returns and applying for various licenses. Here are some of the key reasons why a DGFT Digital Signature Certificate is essential:

  • Legal Compliance:With the Indian Government's focus on e-governance, digital signatures have become mandatory for online transactions. A DGFT DSC ensures legal compliance when conducting online transactions on the DGFT website.
  • Data Security:DSC ensures data security by encrypting and authenticating data, ensuring its confidentiality and integrity. This certificate eliminates the risk of tampering or alteration of data during transmission.
  • Time-Saving:DSC eliminates the need for physical signatures and paperwork. It streamlines the process and makes it more efficient, allowing for faster processing of applications and returns.
  • Cost-Effective:DSC is a cost-effective solution for individuals and companies, as it eliminates the need for physical signatures and reduces the cost of paperwork.

Benefits of DGFT DSC

Overall, a DGFT Digital Signature Certificate is essential for conducting online transactions related to DGFT, and it ensures legal compliance, data security, time-saving, and cost-effectiveness.

Obtaining a DGFT (Directorate General of Foreign Trade) Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) offers numerous benefits to individuals and companies conducting transactions on the DGFT website. Some of the key benefits of obtaining a DGFT DSC include the following:

  • Legally Compliant:A DGFT DSC ensures legal compliance when conducting online transactions on the DGFT website. As per Indian government regulations, digital signatures are mandatory for online transactions.
  • Saves Time:A DGFT DSC eliminates the need for physical signatures and paperwork. It streamlines the process and makes it more efficient, allowing for faster processing of applications and returns.
  • Data Security:A DGFT DSC ensures data security by encrypting and authenticating data, ensuring its confidentiality and integrity. It eliminates the risk of tampering or alteration of data during transmission.
  • Cost-Effective:?A DGFT DSC is a cost-effective solution for individuals and companies, as it eliminates the need for physical signatures and reduces the cost of paperwork.
  • Long-Term Validity:A DGFT DSC has a validity period of two years, which ensures that individuals and companies do not need to renew their certificates frequently.
  • Versatile:A DGFT DSC can be used for various purposes on the DGFT website, including applying for licenses, filing returns, and adding new branches.

A DGFT DSC offers numerous benefits, including legal compliance, time-saving, data security, cost-effectiveness, long-term validity, and versatility. It is an essential requirement for conducting online transactions on the DGFT website.

Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate

IndiaFilings can assist you in obtaining a highly secure Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate with a signature and encryption certificate, along with a USB token. The signature certificate can be used for signing documents, while the encryption certificate is utilized for data encryption. This certificate is issued to both individuals and companies/organizations.

A Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate can be used for a variety of purposes such as MCA e-filing, Income Tax e-filing, e-Tendering, LLP registration, GST application, IE code registration, Form 16, Patent and trademark e-filing, Customs e-filing, e-Procurement, e-Biding, e-Auction, and many more.

Class 3 DSC for Individual

IndiaFilings assists individuals seeking to obtain a Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate with an ePass Token. This certificate guarantees the confidentiality and validity of electronically submitted records.

Class 3 DSC for Company/Organization

Companies, NGOs, trusts, government departments, and organizations can obtain a valid Class 3 DSC through IndiaFilings. This certificate comes with two-year validity and a secure USB token. It is issued in the company's name and contains personal and company details, providing proof of the user's rights on behalf of the company. The Class 3 DSC for Company is issued to authorize the signatory of any company.

Renewal of Class 3 DSC

As per the guidelines set by the Controller of Certification Agencies (CCA), the renewal of Digital Signatures mandates fresh identity verification. To renew your Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate, you must follow the same process as purchasing a new Digital Signature Certificate from the IndiaFilings website.

If your Class 3 DSC has expired or is nearing its expiry date, you can easily apply for its renewal through our website.

The pricing for renewal remains the same as purchasing a new DSC through our website.

At IndiaFilings, we provide a hassle-free and efficient way to obtain your DGFT Digital Signature Certificate. Our certificates are issued by authorized Certification Authorities (CAs) and come with a secure USB token that ensures the highest level of security and confidentiality. With our DGFT Digital Signature Certificate, you can be assured of timely and error-free online transactions on the DGFT website.

Class 3 DGFT Digital Signature with ePass Token FAQ's

What is a DGFT digital signature certificate (DSC)?

A DGFT digital signature certificate is an electronic document containing a persons digital signature, which is used to verify the signers identity and authenticate electronic documents. This certificate is used to electronically sign documents related to foreign trade, such as import/export licenses, customs declarations, and other related documents.

What is the purpose of a DGFT DSC?

A DGFT DSC is primarily used for the online filing of applications, documents, and returns with the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) in India. The purpose of a DGFT DSC is to provide a secure and legally recognized method for electronically signing documents related to foreign trade in India.

Who can apply for a DGFT DSC?

A DGFT DSC can be applied by any individual or organization that intends to conduct online transactions with the DGFT website.
This includes importers, exporters, customs brokers, authorized persons, and other stakeholders who wish to apply for licenses, file applications, and obtain certificates or authorizations from the DGFT.

How to apply for a DGFT DSC?

You can apply for a DGFT DSC online by visiting the DGFT website and following the application process. IndiaFilings can help you obtain a DGFT DSC.

What are the types of DGFT DSC?

Two types of DGFT DSC can be obtained:
Class 2 DGFT DSC: This type of DSC is used for signing and encrypting documents and transactions related to foreign trade
Class 3 DGFT DSC: This type of DSC offers higher security and is used for online transactions involving high-risk or sensitive information.

What is the validity period of a DGFT DSC?

The validity period of a DGFT DSC is one or two years, depending on your DSC type. For Class 3 DGFT DSCs, the validity period is two years.

What is the cost of a DGFT DSC?

The cost of a DGFT DSC depends on the certification agency that issues the DSC. IndiaFilings offers Class III DGFT Digital signature with two years validity and secure USB token at Rs.1899.

What are the documents required for applying for a DGFT DSC?

The documents required for applying for a DGFT DSC include a valid IEC certificate, address proof, identity proof, and a signed application form.

How long does it take to issue a DGFT DSC?

The time to issue a DGFT DSC varies depending on the certification agency. Generally, it can take a few hours to a few days to issue a DGFT DSC.

How to renew a DGFT DSC?

You can renew a DGFT DSC by applying for a new DSC before the expiry of the old DSC. If your Class 3 DSC has expired or is nearing its expiry date, you can easily apply for its renewal through our website.

Can a DGFT DSC be used for purposes other than filing applications with DGFT?

A DGFT DSC can be used for other purposes, such as filing income tax returns, signing PDF documents, and participating in e-tendering processes.

Can multiple people use a DGFT DSC?

No, multiple people cannot use a DGFT Digital Signature Certificate. A DGFT DSC is issued to an individual or an organization for exclusive use.

Can a DGFT DSC be revoked?

Yes, a DGFT (Directorate General of Foreign Trade) DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) can be revoked in certain situations, such as:
If the DSC has been misused or compromised
If the information provided by the applicant at the time of issuance is found to be false or inaccurate
If the applicant no longer requires the DSC

What is the process for updating the details on a DGFT DSC?

You can update the details on a DGFT DSC by submitting a request to the certification agency along with the necessary documents.

What is the difference between a Class 2 and a Class 3 DGFT DSC?

A Class 2 DGFT DSC is used for low-level security purposes, such as signing documents and emails, while a Class 3 DGFT DSC is used for high-level security purposes, such as participating in e-tendering processes and online auctions.

What is the difference between a physical and a cloud-based DGFT DSC?

A physical DGFT DSC is stored on a physical device, such as a USB token or a smart card, while a cloud-based DGFT DSC is stored on a cloud server.

What is the process for revoking a DGFT DSC?

To revoke a DGFT DSC, you must submit a revocation request to the certification agency and the necessary documents.

Can a DGFT DSC be used on multiple devices?

A DGFT (Directorate General of Foreign Trade) DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) can be used on multiple devices. The DSC is installed on each device, and the password or cryptographic token is kept secure.

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