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Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises (TBSE)

Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises (TBSE)

Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises (TBSE)

The Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises (TBSE) is a platform for MSMEs to tap opportunities at the global level for the acquisition of technology or establishing business collaboration. TBSE is a result of the cooperative initiative of the United Nations’ Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT) and Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI). Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises (TBSE) also receives partial funding from the Office of DC (SSI), Government of India. In this article, we review the important features of Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises (TBSE), services offered by TBSE, accessibility to TBSE and collaborative efforts taken by TBSE. 

Features of Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises (TBSE)

  • Offering a professionally managed system for the reasons of technology and collaboration exploration
  • Helping in the building up of confidence between potential partners
  • Lending a friendly hand in the complex task of negotiations and matching of perceptions
  • Providing an opportunity to global technology market through the process of networking
  • Exclusive mechanism for the arrangement of technology and finance
  • Taking up project appraisal and the preparation of a business plan

Services Offered by Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises (TBSE)

Technology Information

The Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises has a huge computerized data base related to technology options obtainable from different countries. It provides the user updated information on the sources of technologies and means of accessing them. In addition background information on technology-seeking enterprises is maintained and ready available to interested technology suppliers as well as collaborators.

Match Making

The Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises recognizes business partners who are willing to work in partnership, brings them face-to-face and offers support to tie up financial assistance and other necessities for transfer of technology and joint ventures. Collaborating partners are further helped in drafting agreements, obtaining a range of approvals and preparation of business plans.

Finance Syndication

It is dependent on the cost of project, nature and quantum of assistance necessary, the Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises undertakes financial syndication through SIDBI – covering term loans, foreign currency, venture capital, lines of credit, equity assistance and on a selective basis offering interest-free loan to meet preliminary expenditure in the pre-technology absorption stage.

Business Collaboration

The Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises also renders support to small enterprises for the reason of export of technologies and the products created by them by means of business tie-ups as a part of the package. To encourage international cooperation amid SMEs the Bureau organizes overseas visits of business delegations.

Support Services

The Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises offers consultancy services, visits of overseas experts for the purpose of in-plant counseling, organizes buyer-seller meets for precise product process technologies and represents the business interests of small enterprises in the domain of international events. As observed on March 2001 the Bureau has receives 474 Technology Requests (TR) and 1087 Technology Offers (TO).

TBSE Contact Details

Technology Bureau for small enterprises (TBSE), a joint initiative of UN-APCTT and DISBI has produced a website to aid small scale units in accessing appropriate technology information. The website has highlighted the need to make stronger the endeavors of SSI units for technology up gradation. In a brief span of six years TBSE has processed more than 4,600 enquiries in varied industrial fields.

Collaborative Efforts of Technology Bureau for small enterprises (TBSE)

In 1995, SIDBI had created a Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises (TBSE) in connection with United Nations Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology. Technology Bureau for small enterprises makes available services to make possible transfer of technology and joint -venture collaborations. The new technologies for the reason of transfer are sourced from countries namely China, Philippines, South Korea, Australia, Germany, as well as the U.S. There were mentioned plans to convert The Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises into a fully fledged Technology Bank under dynamic consideration.