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Post by: Bennisha in Personal Finance
PAN Form 61 Individuals who receive income from agriculture or who do not receive income that is not chargeable to income tax have to file PAN Form 61 for certain transactions if he/ she does not possess PAN. This document is issued…
EPFO E-Passbook EPF passbook is a document containing all the contributions that are made by an employee and the employer in EPF and EPS accounts. All contributions made each month are mentioned in the EPF passbook. The passbook contains any interest…
Post by: IndiaFilings in HR Regulations
Change UAN Details in 4 Easy Steps* KYC- Know Your Customer (KYC) is a process that has to be organized by financial institutions, where a set of institutions obtain information about the identity and address of the customers. Under EPF,…
Post by: IndiaFilings in HR Regulations
Activation of UAN - Provident Fund UAN (Universal Account Number) is allocated by the EPFO through the new Unified Portal, just as the name mentions it is a universal number which contains multiple Member Ids assigned to an individual by…
Post by: IndiaFilings in HR Regulations
PF Claim Form 11 - Advance or Withdrawal Employees Provident Fund is a social security and savings scheme for employees in India. Employers having 20 or more employee are mandatorily required to obtain PF registration and make PF contributions. EPFO…