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“Skills Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion” (SANKALP) project directs to put “National Skills Development Mission” (NSDM) into practice and launched by the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship. The project is implemented with the support of World Bank monetarily in line with the objectives of NSDM. The project revolves around strengthening institutional mechanisms at both national and state levels, building a pool of quality trainers and assessors, creating convergence among all skill training activities at the state level, establishing robust monitoring and evaluation system for skill training programs, providing access to skill training programs, providing access to skill training programs, providing access to Skill training opportunities. Hence, the purpose of the SANKALP scheme is to strengthen the need for a nationwide planning for stimulating and regulating skill-based training, thereby complementing industry’s efforts in vocational training, as well as ensuring effective governance. The schemes shall deliver the required momentum for the National Skill Development Mission.

Components of SANKALP

SANKALP has been designed to operationalize the sub-missions under National Mission. It has been divided into three major components which are as follows:

  • Institutional Development & Strengthening
  • Entrepreneurship Development
  • Capacity Creation

Let’s discuss the above components in detail below:

Institutional Development & Strengthening

National Skill Certification & Accreditation

Development of national architecture with robust supporting, regulatory and monitoring mechanisms is the need of the hour. The entire skill ecosystem will benefit from investment in such architecture.  To put everything in place, a national skill certification body is formulated to set standards for assessments and certifications for all courses and manage a repository of skill certificates.

National Skill Research Division

It has been planned to set up a unified national accreditation board to standardize registrations and accreditations for training providers and its centers. Further, it has been planned to set up a national skill research division to establish an independent team of thinkers and researchers to analyze the trends of the Labour market and the impact of skill development programs. The framework of national skills qualifications have to be universalized. The horizontal and vertical mobility of skilled laborers must be operationalized.

The Labour Market Information System

The Labour Market Information System will be developed as a repository of all related data from skill development programs. It is a single window displaying data repositories for 4 Central ministries. The Skill development management system will be designed for managing the skill ecosystem thereby enabling the various aspects of SANKALP.

Kaushal Mart

Kaushal Mart is a skilling resource platform where the skill of various people is exchanged for each other’s benefits. This is referred to a Skilled Labourer Marketplace where the laborer could be sourced or hired by employers.

Takshila-National Portal for Trainers

This is a platform for trainers and assessors for managing there day to day work activities. It is a database that comprises of the life-cycle of a trainer or assessor.

Entrepreneurship Development

This works as an energy source for growth and employment, many programs are run by multiple ministries and departments to support entrepreneurship which fails to happen in rural and urban areas due to no access to the modules. SANKALP aims to create a mapping of informal sectors and enterprises.

Capacity Creation

This is aimed at orienting skill trained institutions, set up industry lead and job oriented skill training institutions. It will be set up as a competitive challenge fund that provides a verifiable and reliable grant for a long time. This will help career aspirants to focus on careers in vocational space. The current scenario of trainers and assessors in skilling ecosystem falls significantly short of the growing demand for skills training and assessment. The academies will be operationalized by sectors skill councils.

India International Skill Centres (IISC)

IISC’s are being established for the purpose of overseas placements. As of now, 16 IIC’s have been established, and a few candidates have been placed abroad. Under this scheme, at-least 66 IISC’s are projected to be established in identified geographies in phase 2.

Added to this, an International Awarding Body (IAB) has been created for assessment and certification of certification of candidates in accordance with international standards.

 States Component

The objective of this component is to encourage Indian states to:

  • Strengthen systems and increase capacity for skill development.
  • Align the States with the National Skill ecosystem being developed and strengthened under SANKALP.
  • Incentivize innovations to enhance access for socially excluded groups.
  • Design and implement skill development programs in accordance with the local needs.