India is one of the major edible oil consuming and producing countries in the world. The distinct agricultural environment in India provides an opportunity to produce 9 different oilseeds such as groundnut, rapeseed, castor, niger, safflower, sesame, sunflower, soybean, mustard and linseed. National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP) was implemented during the 12th Five Year Plan, to expand the oil palm areas and increase the production of edible oils.
Objectives of NMOOP Mission
- The mission citing the importance of oil palm was launched in 12 potential states in India with the listed purpose,
- To bring 75,000 hectares area under palm cultivation and increase the production of edible oils
- To promote oil palms in all Northern-Eastern states
- To address the demand for new oil palm plantations both from native and imported sources
- To render assistance to farmers by providing planting materials, maintenance cost for palms, irrigation & bore well, and harvesting tools.
- To buy Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) from farmers through processing industries
- To provide profitable rates for FFBs when international Crude Palm Oil (CPO) price drops
- To support farmers through Market Intervention Scheme (MIS)
Further, it focuses on the Mini Mission–II for Oil Seeds and has the following vision to be fulfilled,
- To increase the Seed Replacement Ratio (SSR) with a focus on the Varietal Replacement
- To raise the area of irrigation of the Oilseeds from 26% to 36%
- To encourage the inter-cropping of oilseeds with cereals/pulses and sugarcane
- To increase the availability of quality and efficient planting materials of Oil Palm and Tree Borne Oilseeds (TBOs)
Implementing Body
- National and State level committees are established to oversee the activities of the mission.
- National Level Committee comprises of,
- An Executive Committee (EC) to guide and monitor the overall progress of the mission. It is headed by the Union Minister of Agriculture and consulted by the heads of several DACs.
- A Standing Committee (SC) to oversee the activities and approve the Annual Action Plan (AAP) of the States.
- A Mission Monitoring Committee (MMC) to review the physical and financial progress of the three Mini Missions.
State Level Committee is formed by the State Government to decide the priorities, examine the AAPs and evaluate the progress of each Mini Missions implemented in the States. It is chaired by the Chairman of Agriculture Production Commissioner/Principal Secretary/Secretary (Agriculture) of the State.
Target of NMOOP Mission
The NMOOP was launched under Mini Missions (MM) I, II & III to achieve the specific targets as briefed below:
- Under the MM–I, the mission aims to increase the production of oilseeds to 35.51 million tonnes from the current average production of 28.93 million tonnes of oilseeds.
- Under the MM–II, the mission’s target is to broaden the area for oil palm cultivation and boost the production of Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFBs) from 4927 kg/ha to 15,000 kg/ha.
MM–III envisages to strengthen the seed collection of Tree Borne Oilseeds (TBOs) such as olive, sal, mahua, kokum, wild apricot, Tung etc., from 9 lakh tonnes to 14 lakh tonnes and provide best planting materials for the expanded areas.
Funding Pattern
The fund allotted under the mission is shared between the Central and State Governments in the ratio of 75:25 and is released to the Department of Agriculture/Horticulture of the State Governments. Out of the total fund allocated under the mission,1% of it is reserved at national and state levels to use it during the crisis period and 10% of the fund is set aside as a flexi-fund in meeting the listed objectives.
- To provide versatility to States in meeting the local demands and achieving the objectives of NMOOP.
- To improve efficiency within the overall objectives of the scheme and bring in the desired results.
To carry out restoration activities during the disaster period in the oilseed sector.
Funding Pattern for the Flexi-funds
- No separate system or utilisation certificate is required to obtain the flexi-fund.
- The flexi-fund is released proportionately along with the normal NMOOP funds.
- No separate audit requirements are framed in obtaining the flexi-funds.
- The NMOOP follows the same audit structure carried out by the Comptroller & Auditor General of India (CAG).
The flexi-funds evaluation is done through the proposed evaluation process of NMOOP.
The resultant will be a part of MIS and with proper channelization, good practices, transparency and cross-learning implemented among the States for better evaluation.
Purpose of the Mini Mission
Mini Mission–I (Oil Seeds)
- The mission citing the importance of oil palm was launched in 12 potential states in India with the listed purpose,
- To bring 75,000 hectares area under palm cultivation and increase the production of edible oils
- To promote oil palms in all Northern-Eastern states
- To address the demand for new oil palm plantations both from native and imported sources
- To render assistance to farmers by providing planting materials, maintenance cost for palms, irrigation & bore well, and harvesting tools.
- To buy Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) from farmers through processing industries
- To provide profitable rates for FFBs when international Crude Palm Oil (CPO) price drops
To support farmers through Market Intervention Scheme (MIS)
Pattern of Assistance for Mini Mission-I
- There are three categories under which the assistance is encouraged for the enhancement of the oilseeds.
- NMOOP aids with the effective selection and processing of the seed components.
- Proper and effective selection and purchase of high breeder and quality seeds receive a 100% assistance which are classified as under,
- Production of breeder seed
- Purchase of breeder seed/parental lines (for production of hybrid seed)
- Distribution of Minikit (Varietal Diversification)
- Seed Infrastructure Development
- 75 % of assistance is extended for the following components,
- Production of foundation seed
- Production of certified seed
- Distribution of certified seed
- Maximum assistance of 75% is released by the NMOOP and 25% by the State Government, for the methodologies framed and executed for the seed production.
Assistance is extended for educating the farmers with the latest technologies.
Mini Mission–II (Oil Palm)
- Further, the focuses on the Mini Mission–II for Oil Seeds and has the following vision to be fulfilled,
- To increase the Seed Replacement Ratio (SSR) with a focus on the Varietal Replacement.
- To raise the area of irrigation of the Oilseeds from 26% to 36%.
- To encourage the inter-cropping of oilseeds with cereals/pulses and sugarcane.
To increase the availability of quality and efficient planting materials of Oil Palm and Tree Borne Oilseeds (TBOs).
Pattern of Assistance for Mini Mission-II
The following are the financial assistance covered under NMOOP for the increased cultivation of oil palm.
- 85% of the planting material which is equal to Rs.12,000 per hectare is provided to the farmers
- 50% of the maintenance cost of new plantation for four years is incurred.
- 20,000 per hectare is disbursed for inter-cropping of oilseeds during the gestation period.
- Rs 50,000 per unit of electricity is distributed for the installation of irrigation and harvesting structures.
Mini Mission–III (Tree Borne Oilseeds–TBOs)
NMOOP implements the Mini Mission–III either through the Departments of Agriculture of the State Governments or the Department of Horticulture and it focuses on,
- Expanding the plantation area.
- Providing proper maintenance of the seedings.
- Encouraging the intercropping during the gestation periods.
- Providing technical support and training with the assistance of Government institutions.
Pattern of Assistance for Mini Mission-III
- The Mini Mission-III oversees the following financial assistance for the TBO components,
- It incurs 100% cost on the integrated development of the nurseries & plantation from the existing wasteland/degraded forest land.
- It provides Rs.1000/Hectare as incentives for carrying out intercropping of TBOs.
- It distributes 100% of the total cost on the Research and Development on TBOs with the aids of the institutions like ICAR, ICFRE, CSIR and IITs.
- It assures the project cost for the distribution of pre-processing, processing and oil extraction equipment with a back-ended credit-linked subsidy of 30% complied with 50% of the loan and 20% of an individual share.
- A grand amount up to Rs.50 lakh per annum is allocated for the promotion of seed collections of TBOs and facilitating marketing of collected TBO seeds.
- The assistance of Rs.24000 per batch is provided for training 30 farmers, who are involved with the plantation of Tree Borne Oilseeds.
- It disburses Rs.36,000 per training for a batch of 20 officers on the awareness of the TBOs in AAPs.
- It extends the assistance on outsourcing technical person and encouraging them with awards for providing the needed support and awareness on the TBOs.