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National Biotechnology Park Scheme - IndiaFilings

National Biotechnology Park Scheme

The Department of Biotechnology has launched the National Biotechnology Park Scheme under the Ministry of Science and Technology. Under this programme, the government will provide financial assistance for setting up of new biotechnology parks that leads to facilitate biotech product development, entrepreneurship, research and innovation. In this article, we look at the National Biotechnology Park Scheme in detail.

Also, read about Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) 


The objectives of the National Biotechnology Park Scheme are listed below:
  • To boost up the biotechnology sector all over the country by setting up biotechnology parks.
  • To strengthen the existing infrastructure facilities to make Indian Biotech industry as a global leader.
  • To create high-quality infrastructure with the necessary support for undertaking Research and Development.
  • To foster innovation and entrepreneurship
  • To facilitate the establishment of an ecosystem for the growth of the biotech industry.
  • To enhance the biotechnology industry by providing easy access to robust infrastructure.

Eligibility Criteria

Any institution/society/legal entity incorporated by the State Government in partnership with the established research institutions is eligible to apply for the scheme.

Assistance for the Biotech Parks and Incubators

The assistance for existing and new greenfield biotech parks will be based on the following conditions:

Support to Existing Parks

Under this programme, the assistance provided will be calculated based on the number of industries in the park and the size of the park. The grant will be at the rate of 50% of the rental charges or Rs.75/- per square feet, whichever is less. The assistance to the existing parks for further upgradation will be considered based on the following conditions:
  • Number of jobs created including highly skilled, skilled and unskilled jobs.
  • Number of products developed.
  • Number of patents filed.
  • Number and Value of Investment attracted in the specified timeframe.
  • Nature of requirement
  • Mechanism of Governance
  • Business model
  • Earlier releases made
  • Self-sufficiency
  • Reduction of rental costs with proposed support

Support to New Greenfield Biotech Park

To the extent of 75% of the project cost subject to a maximum limit of Rs.30 crores will be provided for setting up of new biotechnology parks. The balance 25% has to be contributed by the partners as per mutually agreed terms and conditions between them.

Scope and Coverage of Support

The assistance under the scheme would be applicable for the following:

Space and Common Facilities

Incubators Laboratory space models for building laboratory will be provided on a rental basis to SME and industries. Common Facilities The following are some of the indicative activities covered under the common facilities:
  • Training Centre
  • Research & Development Centres
  • Effluent Treatment Plant
  • Common Logistics Centre
  • Common Testing Facilities
  • Centralised Equipment

Criteria of Selection

The selection committee will approve the project components and funding depending upon the proposal of the project. The project selection criteria will be:
  • Size of the park
  • Readily available
  • Pipeline of investments with key investment identified
  • Committed employment
  • Environment and regulatory clearance
  • Mechanism of Governance
  • Business model
  • Contribution of State Government
  • Detailed project report

Financial Assistance

The recommended proposal will be supported in terms of grants will be provided to the State Government/agency for implementation of the proposal:
  • The maximum limit for the grant under this category would be around Rs.30 crores per parks or 75% of the cost of the project (excluding the cost of land) whichever is less by the Central Government and the remaining cost including cost related to Civil Construction should be arranged by the State Government and its Private partners.
  • If Biotech Park is proposed in difficult or backward regions, the department will contribute up to 90% of the project cost.
  • The cost of the project shall include the cost of building, administrative cost, machinery & equipment, miscellaneous fixed assets and other support infrastructures such as water supply, electricity and margin money for working capital. Department of Biotechnology National Biotechnology Parks Scheme
  • Cost of the land will be borne by the State, and it will not be part of the State contribution of Project Cost.
  • Contribution by the State should be made upfront. The 1st-year grant from DBT will be released based on DPR and recommendations of Scheme Steering Committee.
  • The scheme also provides funds on account of recurring expenses and operational expenditure for 3 to 5 years initially.
  • The applicants are required to submit a concrete plan for self-sustainability beyond the support period.

Terms and Conditions

  • An agreement will be executed between the Department of Biotechnology, State Government and External agency related to the release of grant.
  • The applicant participating under this scheme is responsible for the timely completion of the project and in case of any delay that has to be intimated to the Department of Biotechnology with the proper justification.
  • The financial assistance will be provided for 3-5 years, and the grant released by DBT should be maintained separately in the savings bank account, and no current has to be kept in the current account.
  • The agency will require to submit the bank statement for the financial year to verify the interest earned.
  • All the components required to implement the project should be identified, and their details should be incorporated in the Detailed Project Report (DPR).
  • The Chairpersons and members have to be appointed to approve the detailed project report and release of grant.
  • In case of registration of any external agency can be registered with the required details provided in the DPR.
  • All the assets, including equipment obtained under the subsidy of DBT, will be the property of DBT and will not be allowed to utilise for any other purpose.
  • The project will not be extended without the recommendations of the Project Monitoring Committee (PMC).
  • The request for extension should be placed before six months from the expiry of tenure.
  • The financial year wise utilisation certificate and other relevant documents should be submitted timely by the agency to DBT.
  • The change of location in mid-way of the project will not be entertained.
  • The schedule of implementation of the project should be prepared in advance and to be followed strictly.
  • The Parks should be responsible for the generation of data for assessing the outcomes of support and should submit such data to the Department of Biotechnology time to time or at least once every year.
Post By IndiaFilings.
Updated on: August 16th, 2019