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LLP Form-11 (Annual Return) Due Date Extended  - IndiaFilings Updated on: June 30th, 2022 12:35 PM

LLP Form-11 (Annual Return) Due Date Extended

Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) vide General Circular No. 07/2022 dated 29.06.2022 announced the extension in the due date for filing LLP Form 11 (Annual Return) for the Financial Year 2021-22 without paying additional fees up to 15th July 2022. LLP Form 11 must be filed every year by all Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) registered in India. The current article briefs the extension so provided.

Synopsis of Notification

Due to representations received from various stakeholders for the extensions of the due date for the LLP Annual Return without paying additional fees by LLPs on account of the transition from Version-2 of MCA -21 to Version -3 and to promote compliance on part of LLPs, the MCA has decided to allow the extension in the due date for filing Form 11 for the Financial Year 2021-22 without paying additional fees up to 15th July 2022. The official notification about the Extension of the Due date for Filing LLP Form 11 is attached here for reference:

LLP Annual Filing

Every LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) needs to prepare and submit its Annual ROC Forms with the Registrar of Companies. Every Year, an LLP is required to file two ROC Forms namely:
  • Form LLP 11: Form LLP 11 is an Annual Return of an LLP that needs to be filed within 60 days from the end of a Financial Year.
  • Form LLP 8: LLP Form 8 is a Statement of Account & Solvency within the 30 days counting from the end of six months of the closing of a financial year.

Sl. No.



1. Statement of Account & Solvency Form 8
2. Annual Return Form 11
For every Limited Liability Partnership, it is essential to comply with the statutory requirements such as Annual Return, Income Tax Return, Profit and Loss Account, and Balance Sheet, every year, even if it does not do any business. Just like Companies, Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) are required to maintain their financial year, from 1st April to 31st March.

LLP Form 11 due date for FY 2021-22 (LLP Annual Return Filing)

As mentioned above, the Limited Liability Partnerships i.e. LLPs registered in India have to file an Annual Return with the Registrar of Companies every year. This Annual Return of an LLP needs to be filed in LLP Form 11 within 60 days from the closure of the financial year.
  • That means the Due Date for LLP Annual Return Filing in LLP Form 11 for the FY 2021-22 shall be 30th May 2021.
  • Even if the LLP does not have any business, every LLP needs to submit its Annual Returns and Financial Statements with the MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs).
  • LLP Form 11 i.e. LLP Annual Return is nothing but a summary of all the changes made in the Management (Designated Partners) of an LLP during a financial year if any.
  • It is a must requirement of the Limited Liability Partnership Act hence, even if there are no changes or no business done by an LLP, a NIL return must be filed.
Earlier MCA  extended the due date for filing E-Form LLP 11 i.e. Annual Return of Limited Liability Partnership for the Financial Year 2021-22 without paying any additional fees from 30th May 2022 to 30th June 2022. Now, MCA has further extended the Due date to 15th July 2022. Click here to Know more about the Documents Required and Application procedure for filing LLP Annual Return