Online Kerala Road Tax payment for vehicles Act 1976

Kerala Vehicle Tax

Kerala Vehicle Tax is levied as excise duty on every motor vehicle used or kept for use in Kerala at the rates specified by the State Government for each type of vehicle. The Government of Kerala has conferred the power of levying vehicle tax under Kerala Motor Vehicles Taxation Act (KMVT) 1976. According to this act, the registered owner or any person having possession control of a motor vehicle has to pay Kerala Vehicle Tax. On payment of Kerala Vehicle Tax, Motor Vehicle Department of Kerala issues a Tax License to the registered owner. In this article, we will look at Kerala Vehicle Tax in detail.

Kerala Motor Vehicles Taxation Act 1976

Kerala Motor Vehicles Taxation Act consolidates the laws relating to the levy of tax on motor vehicles and passengers and goods carried by such vehicles in Kerala. According to this KMVT act, no vehicle tax will be levied on a motor vehicle kept by a dealer or a manufacturer of the vehicle for trade and used under the authorization of a trade certificate granted by the registering authority. Know more about Input Tax Credit on Motor Vehicle

Kerala Vehicle Tax - Exemption

The following vehicle owners are exempted from the payment of Kerala Vehicle Tax:
  • Vehicles owned by disabled persons used solely for the conveyance of those persons will be exempted from payment of Kerala vehicle tax.
  • The vehicles used only for agricultural purposes can claim exempt from the payment of vehicle tax.

Period for Kerala Vehicle Tax Payment

  • One time vehicle tax will be levied on some Vehicles for fifteen years at the time of Registration of those vehicles.
  • In another kind of vehicles, Kerala vehicle tax will be paid for one year if the annual fee does not exceed Rs.1500 otherwise it will be paid for three months (quarter).
  • According to the provisions of KMVT act, Government may collect vehicle tax for a shorter period from the transport vehicles arrived in Kerala for a short visit.
Sl.No Category of Vehicle Period for Tax Payment
1 Non-transport vehicles and contract carriages ordinarily kept in Kerala    Fourteen days from the date of commencement of the quarter  
2 Transport vehicle other than contract carriage and the Stage Carriages usually held in Kerala    One month from the date of the beginning of the quarter  
Stage Carriages    Forty five days from the date of commencement of the quarter  
3 Non - transport vehicles newly purchased and registered in Kerala or brought from outside the state for permanent use in Kerala state within the quarter    Fourteen days from the date of purchase or bringing of the vehicle in the country without prejudice to the period allowed
 Transport Vehicles newly purchased and registered in Kerala or brought from outside the state for permanent use in Kerala state within the quarter Seven days from the date of endorsement of tax in the certificate of Registration without prejudice to the period allowed.  
4 Transport vehicles of other states registered,  permitted to ply in Kerala    Before the commencement of the quarter or the date of issue of the permit if the permit is issued within the quarter
5 Vehicles in respect of which tax at the reduced rate or balance tax becomes payable within the quarter consequent on the grant of exemption or any other reason.    Seven days from the date of endorsement or such reduced tax or balance tax, without prejudice to the period allowed hereinabove
Vehicles in respect of which tax at a reduced rate or balance tax payable due to the enhancement of the price of tax    Along with the payment of vehicle tax due for the subsequent period    

Kerala Vehicle Tax Schedule (Rate)

The Kerala Government will specify the rate of Kerala Vehicle Tax for each type of vehicle. The Kerala Government has powers to increase the rate of vehicle tax from time to time. You can get the Vehicle Tax rate details from the official website of Kerala Motor Vehicle Department. Click here to know the Kerala Vehicle Tax rate.

Kerala Vehicle Tax for a Temporary License

In the case of vehicles registered in any other state and entering the state of Kerala and staying therein, then, the vehicle tax payable for such vehicles will be given here:
  • If such vehicle stay does not exceed seven days, one-tenth of the quarterly tax need to be paid.
  • If such stay exceeds seven days but does not exceed 30 days, one-third of the quarterly tax will be payable

Rate of Additional Vehicle Tax

An additional vehicle tax at the rate prescribed on the date of payment will be paid along with the tax on overdue payments. Additional Tax for Motor vehicles for which tax is realized for one year or more
  • Within one month after the prescribed period - 10 % of the tax due for one year have to pay
  • Within three months after the prescribed period - 20 % of the tax due for one year need to be paid
  • Within six months after the prescribed period - 25 % of the tax due for one year
  • In other cases - 50 % of the tax due for one year
Additional Tax for motor vehicles for which tax is realised quarterly
  • Within one month after the prescribed period - 10 % of the tax due for a quarter
  • Within three months after the prescribed period - 20 % of the tax due for a quarter
  • Within six months after the prescribed - 25 % of the tax due for a quarter
  • In other cases - 50 % of the tax due for a quarter

Interest for Non-Payment of Tax

Any person fails to pay the Kerala vehicle tax within six months from the date of expiry of the prescribed period for payment of the same, he/she will be liable to pay interest on such tax at the rate of 12% per annum, in addition to the additional tax payable.:

Online Kerala Vehicle Tax Calculator

The registered owner of a motor vehicle can check Kerala vehicle tax via online before making a tax payment. The owner has to access the home page of Motor Vehicle Department, Government of Kerala. Image 1 Kerala Vehicle Tax Image 1 Kerala Vehicle Tax You have to click on the Tax Calculator option from the home page. Image 2 Kerala Vehicle Tax Image 2 Kerala Vehicle Tax The link will be redirected to a new page, select the RTO office from the drop-down menu. Provide Vehicle registration number and Chassis number (enter last five digits). Image 3 Kerala Vehicle Tax Image 3 Kerala Vehicle Tax By clicking on the Get Tax button, the rate of Kerala vehicle tax to be paid will be displayed. A Tax Paid vehicle owner can submit applications online to any of the RT/Sub RT offices.

Kerala Vehicle Tax Online Payment Procedure

The procedure to pay Kerala Vehicle Tax online is explained in step by step procedure here:

Access MVD Kerala

Step 1: The applicant needs to visit the home page of the Motor Vehicle Department of Kerala. From the main page, you need to click on ‘Vehicle’ option. Image 4 Kerala Vehicle Tax Image 4 Kerala Vehicle Tax Step 2: The link will redirect to the new page. Click on e-Tax - Online Tax Payment for make Kerala vehicle tax payment. Image 5 Kerala Vehicle Tax Image 5 Kerala Vehicle Tax Step 3: In the new page, enter the Vehicle Number in the given boxes correctly and provide the last five values of Chassis Number. Click on the GO button to proceed. Image 6 Kerala Vehicle Tax Image 6 Kerala Vehicle Tax

Check Vehicle Details

Step 4: The vehicle details will be displayed. You need to add Aadhaar number, mobile number and e-mail. You can see the tax/cess details such as tax to be paid, tax paid from and to and owner details. Image 7 Kerala Vehicle Tax Image 7 Kerala Vehicle Tax Note: If any serious mistakes other than spelling mistakes are found, or you should contact the concerned RT or Sub RT Office immediately for correction. Step 5: After checking the details, click on the next button. Fill up additional requirements if any asked by the computer. Step 6: Details of tax paid, tax to be paid will be displayed on a new page. If the tax amount shown is correct, click on the confirm button. Image 8 Kerala Vehicle Tax Image 8 Kerala Vehicle Tax

Make Tax Payment

Step 7: You will be redirected to Kerala e-Treasury page. Here, select the bank and click ‘Proceed for Payment’ to continue the payment or cancel the payment by clicking ‘Cancel’ Button. Image 9 Kerala Vehicle Tax Image 9 Kerala Vehicle Tax Step 9: If you select the option Proceed for Payment the new page will appear. Please Note the GRN Number for future reference. Image 10 Kerala Vehicle Tax Image 10 Kerala Vehicle Tax Step 10: The corresponding bank webpage will be displayed. You need to Login to the portal for making payment via net banking.

Print Receipt

Step 11: After a successful payment, you will be redirected to the Kerala MVD site to print the receipt. Image 11 Kerala Vehicle Tax Image 11 Kerala Vehicle Tax Note: The validity of this notice will be seven days. You can take a printout at any time within the prescribed time. Get Electronic Tax License You have to submit the receipt to the concerned RTO office. After verifying the details, the concerned RTO will issue Electronic Tax License.

Refund of Vehicle Tax

A registered owner who has paid vehicle tax for a year or more will be entitled to refund of vehicle tax at such rates as may be prescribed on cancellation of the registration of the vehicle or removal of the vehicle to any place outside Kerala on account of the transfer of ownership or change of address. Note: No motor vehicle will be used in Kerala unless a valid tax license obtained is displayed on the vehicle in the prescribed manner. Know more about  GST Rate for Car, Bike and Vehicle Rental Services

About the Author

Renu Suresh is a proficient writer with a knack for turning intricate legal concepts into clear, actionable advice. Her articles empower entrepreneurs by providing the knowledge they need to navigate the complexities of business laws, ensuring they can start and manage their businesses effectively.

Updated on: December 28th, 2022